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Joined: Oct 12, 2014

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Comix4fever posted on Supes' soups's profile Dec 28, 2018

I’ve missed you insightful reviews.

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Supes' soups reviewed The Man of Steel #6 Jul 6, 2018

Bendis literally tore Superman down to the bare minimum, even removing Kara from the equation to top it all off. I was ok with this issue, the storytelling was coherent and consistent, although I'm still not a big fan of Rogol Zorr. He seems like another generic alien villain hellbent on destroying worlds. We have at least a dozen of those already. Jor-El's recent developments still seem out of ch more

The Man of Steel #6

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Jason Fabok
Released: Jul 4, 2018

The fate of Lois Lane and Jon Kent is revealed! Metropolis' survival hangs in the balance! And Superman must somehow put an end to Rogol Zaar's rampage! It's do-or-die time for the Man of Steel in the final chapter of this explosive miniseries!

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Supes' soups reviewed Wonder Woman Annual #2 Jun 7, 2018

I'll admit I'm a sucker for Star Sapphire Diana which is why I'm giving this a decent score. However, this story seems like a weird tangent to the Dark Gods storyline that it's messing up the pacing of the an arc that I actually thought was ok.

Wonder Woman Annual #2

By: James Robinson, Marc Laming
Released: Jun 6, 2018

"Star Light"! An enormous, divine threat has the Star Sapphires in its sights - and only Wonder Woman can protect them! She's wielded their ring before, but the Corps has changed since even their combined power enough to stop a god?

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Supes' soups reviewed Batman #48 Jun 7, 2018

I like Janin's art but King is again writing Batman as sort of an apathetic idiot. Throwing a batarang at Joker's face was supposed to do what?? Kill him? I thought he was against killing. Maim him? What's the point of that. Also I found it most shocking that Batman didn't figure out a way to save the bride in the church from getting killed. Very out of character for the world's greatest detective more

Batman #48

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Jun 6, 2018

"THE BEST MAN" part one! Batman and Catwoman decide it might be better to elope rather than go through some big, stodgy wedding ceremony, but no sooner do they put their marriage on the fast track than The Joker appears! And when The Joker kidnaps the Caped Crusader, will he give his old foe a piece of his mind or bash in his brains?

Supes' soups reviewed The Man of Steel #2 Jun 7, 2018

Wasn't a fan of the artist shuffle and they literally recycled Fabok's art for two issues straight with no real point (Why rehash something you are saving for later to go into detail with?). It was the last few panels of the last issue in a weekly series, I think we didn't forget it. It was odd. I like how Bendis is reviving the Daily Planet as something that matters because it's what grounds Clar more

The Man of Steel #2

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Evan Shaner
Released: Jun 6, 2018

With an arsonist loose in Metropolis, Superman's powers are almost useless in finding the culprit. And back at the Daily Planet, everyone wants to know what's going on with Lois Lane. How can Clark hold on to the secret of what happened to Lois and Jon much longer?

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Supes' soups reviewed Batman #47 May 16, 2018

I did a line of cocaine before reading this issue, so of course it made perfect sense and I can't wait for more of these types of stories on my most beloved comic book, Batman. I hope Batman remains likes this until the day that I die... BANG! (Ok I just arrived from the future via time-travel and shot the version of myself who snorted that line of cocaine and enjoyed this issue of Batman, the wor more

Batman #47

By: Tom King, Tony Daniel
Released: May 16, 2018

"THE TRAVELERS" part three! As Booster Gold, Batman and Catwoman zero in on the time anomaly, what they find and their actions to correct it will have ramifications on all of the DC Universe. Tom King and Master Class artist Tony S. Daniel end their first story with a bang that will tee up the next big development in the Batman/Catwoman romance.

Supes' soups reviewed Avengers #1 May 10, 2018

I'll stick with it. You need to read Legacy #1 and the recent FCBD Avengers to really have a feel of what's going on since you're kinda just thrown into the action. I have faith in Jason Aaron and I think this is a decent start for what it's worth.

Avengers #1

By: Jason Aaron, Ed McGuinness
Released: May 2, 2018

courtesy of JASON AARON and ED McGUINNESS!
Thor Odinson. Steve Rogers. Tony Stark. The Big Three of the Avengers are reunited at last! And just in time to save the world from total annihilation at the hands of their most powerful enemies yet: the 2000-foot-tall space gods known as Celestials.

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This was an awesome first issue. Honestly I re-read Metal #1 just to compare Snyder's recent epics and hands-down this hooked me in more while Metal's first issue was confusing and I kept reading it hoping to be unconfused only to be sort of let down with the whole damn thing at the end. First, no ads made the pace of this book flow well and second, the ensemble cast of characters is organized wel more

Justice League: No Justice #1

By: Scott Snyder, Francis Manapul
Released: May 9, 2018

DARK NIGHTS: METAL left the DCU transformed in ways both terrifying and wondrous-and only the Justice League is strong enough to face the threats to come...or are they? Four giant beings comprised of the universe's major energies-Mystery, Wonder, Wisdom and Entropy-who sustain their life force by devouring planets are on their way to destroy the pl...

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Supes' soups reviewed Batman: White Knight #8 May 10, 2018

The ending feels a little bit of a cop out because overall we're back at the status quo. Murphy has done a fantastic job with his self-contained story but I can't help but feel like the editorial team held this title back from its full potential. Comparing it to Nightwing, The New Order, another self-contained elseworlds story, I think White Knight is overall better written but New Order had a mor more

Batman: White Knight #8

By: Sean Murphy
Released: May 9, 2018

In the extra-sized finale of Sean Murphy's top-selling miniseries, Jack Napier's suspicious seduction of Gotham City comes to its twisted conclusion! With the city on the verge of becoming an icy tomb for the GTO, Batgirl makes a crucial assist and Gordon is forced to reevaluate his judgment of Batman to secure the greater good. As the true Joker's...

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Supes' soups reviewed DC Nation #0 May 3, 2018

Wow, Tom King can write a Joker story after all. That was creepier than Snyder's Joker. Super excited for the relaunch of Justice League and the wild looking No Justice event. Wish I could say the same about Superman but after reading the Action special and the Supes story in DC Nation #0, I'm starting to really wonder why they would end Gleason and Tomasi's run and ruin a good thing??

DC Nation #0

By: Tom King, Jorge Jimenez
Released: May 2, 2018

These stories will appear only in this comic book and will not be reprinted in another comic book before each series' collected editions. Only the first printing of this issue will have a cover price of $0.25. This issue will ship with four covers. Please see the order form for details.
Just in time for Free Comic Book Day, this special comic ...

Supes' soups reviewed Batman #46 May 2, 2018

What is this shit? I honestly don't know what I'm reading anymore. If they can take Gleason and Tomasi off of Superman (which was doing spectacular) then DC can also take Tom King off of Batman. King really needs to get off this book before he ruins his own reputation. Every issue also makes King's Catwoman fetish more ridiculous.

Batman #46

By: Tom King, Tony Daniel
Released: May 2, 2018

"THE TRAVELERS" part two! Booster Gold's wedding present has screwed up Batman's past, and done even more damage to his present. Now, with the Caped Crusader himself refusing to cooperate, the only way for Booster to correct this runaway timeline is to get Catwoman on his side. But with her own past altered, can he make Catwoman recognize the quali...

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Supes' soups reviewed Batman and the Signal #3 Apr 29, 2018

Delays killed any momentum for this THREE issue series. Seriously they couldn't get their $%&# together for three measly issues. I was laughing when I saw the Metal event logo on the cover. You're like a month late bro... Snyder needs to accept that Duke Thomas just isn't that compelling of a character. He tried to avoid turning him into another Robin but unfortunately Duke was most interesting du more

Batman and the Signal #3

By: Scott Snyder, Cully Hamner
Released: Apr 25, 2018

As the sun sets, chaos erupts and the Bat-Family jumps into action to help the Signal (a.k.a. Duke Thomas) against the mysterious Gnomon and his minions. While his allies keep the battle going on the streets, Duke must go above and beyond to track down the malicious man who has single-handedly caused the dangerous boom in meta-activity in the Narro...

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Supes' soups reviewed Superman #45 Apr 29, 2018

Excellent finale to Tomasi and Gleason's run. The Rebirth era Superman has been a consistently good read and I hope Bendis knows what he's doing now that he's taking over. (Every time I see the "Bendis is Coming" double page ad in the recent DC books, I damn near have a heart attack...) This issue hits pretty close to home when Lois starts crying mopping up the floor where you can still see Jon's more

Superman #45

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Patrick Gleason
Released: Apr 18, 2018

"BOYZARRO RE-DEATH" finale! The challenge of the Bizarroverse continues as the Super Foes battle the Legion of Fun! As Superman and Son return to Hamilton for a quick recharge, they learn what the little town truly meant to them-and what they meant to the locals of the town.

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You're essentially reading the same short story plot five times in a row except with different teams from across the generations of Power Rangers. It's a fun and relatively quick read but if $7.99 is a little steep for you, you could go ahead and skip it and not miss out on much.

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers Annual: 2018

By: Kyle Higgins, Dylan Burnett
Released: Apr 25, 2018

Featuring fan-favorite teams from across the Power Rangers universe - Dino Charge, RPM, TimeForce, Ninja Steel, Dino Thunder - the entire fabric of reality is under threat as Drakkon invades!

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Supes' soups reviewed The Silencer #4 Apr 28, 2018

Great issue, the conflict between Deathstroke and Silencer is actually more believable than his beef with Batman.

The Silencer #4

By: Dan Abnett, Viktor Bogdanovic
Released: Apr 25, 2018

"PAYBACK TIME" part one! The Silencer has been targeted by every hit man, meta-mobster and weapons-depot dropout that the Leviathan organization has to offer-now it's time for Honor Guest to take the fight back to them! Too bad Deathstroke has other plans. Silencer squares off against Slade Wilson as we kick off a brand-new epic! And this duo's dev...

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Supes' soups reviewed The Mighty Thor #706 Apr 26, 2018

Initially picked up Thor #1 back during the first Marvel NOW! out of curiosity and never once was let down by this series. Aaron is a masterful story teller and I'm sure there are more than a few haters of Jane Thor that privately now believe this comic title is worth its weight in gold. Don't want to spoil anything at all for readers. This comic is simply a fun time with a lot of heart. It's sad more

The Mighty Thor #706

By: Jason Aaron, Russell Dauterman
Released: Apr 25, 2018

•  The battle against the Mangog is finished. And the losses have been profound.
•  So what - if anything - remains of the story of Jane Foster, Goddess of Thunder?
•  And where do the other gods possibly go from here?
Rated T+

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Supes' soups reviewed Action Comics #1000 Apr 21, 2018

Some of the stories ended way abruptly but the Dan Jurgens story is definitely a standout. Tom King imagining Earth being destroyed after the Sun supernovas was an interesting take. Unlike some of you here, I'm actually kind of worried about Bendis. He's introducing a weird villain that's trying to take credit for exterminating all the Kryptonians? That wipes out a lot of the backstory of Superman more

Action Comics #1000

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Rafael Albuquerque
Released: Apr 18, 2018

Retailers: This issue will ship with ten covers. Please see the order form for details.
Celebrate 1000 issues of Action Comics with an all-star lineup of top talent as they pay tribute to the comic that started it all! From today's explosive action to a previously unpublished tale illustrated by the legendary Curt Swan to the Man ...

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Supes' soups reviewed Batman: White Knight #7 Apr 7, 2018

White Knight could be the best Batman story I've read in the better part of a decade. It's not confined to the main continuity, so Murphy has free reign to let his storytelling take center stage and it is extremely satisfying to read. Although the book started off with Batman being extreme in his methods, it's devolved back into a normal-ish Batman book and I'm ok with that. I actually don't think more

Batman: White Knight #7

By: Sean Murphy
Released: Apr 4, 2018

This issue, it's Jack versus the Joker! Napier's identity crisis spins out of control and compromises his grand plans for Gotham City - but not before he strikes a fateful bargain with Neo Joker. A browbeaten Batman accepts a peace offering from Batgirl, and some unexpected advice from Alfred sets the tone for the GTO's new mission to redeem the ci...

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Supes' soups reviewed Cyborg #21 Apr 7, 2018

Still not a compelling read, but for once, it feels like Wolfman has given Cyborg a sense of direction as a comic book. The scenario we're thrown into feels like the same but one difference is, it's more focused on Victor. No random Sarahs or Variants running around to distract from Victor Stone Marv may be able to pull this character he created out of the grave but it'll take some time. I didn't more

Cyborg #21

By: Mary Wolfman, Sam Lotfi
Released: Apr 4, 2018

In the DC Universe, Cyborg is the most technical advanced being on the planet-or so we thought. Introducing Mother Box 2.0: Robo-Dojo! Unlike Cyborg, these robots are piloted by the government's best, brightest, and most loyal soldiers. Super Heroes just got a major upgrade produced, developed and financed by S.T.A.R. Labs.

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Supes' soups reviewed Dark Nights: Metal #6 Mar 29, 2018

This event got a little too crazy for its own good and I feel like its overambitious reach didn't end up with a very coherent story. Still I admire Snyder's effort for a such a huge undertaking. Regardless of how I felt about this odd finale, it moves the DC universe forward and is forcing it to evolve for better or worse. I can tell Capullo grew tired as this event concluded as the artwork isn't more

Dark Nights: Metal #6

By: Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo
Released: Mar 28, 2018

All roads darkness. In the devastating and epic conclusion to DC's cataclysmic event series, heroes from across the universe make their final charge into the unknown to battle the forces of the Dark Multiverse! Space and time, dreams and nightmares, all will collide - and what is left at the end will leave the DC Universe irrevocably chan...

Supes' soups reviewed Justice League #41 Mar 23, 2018

I love the fact that Priest has the balls to create Red Lion. He's not even hiding the fact that it's a Black Panther swipe with the design. But given that Priest also had arguably the most successful run on Black Panther during his days at Marvel, I can't blame him.

Justice League #41

By: Christopher Priest, Philippe Briones
Released: Mar 21, 2018

"JUSTICE LOST" part three! What does justice mean in a lawless world? This is the question the team must struggle with when the League finds itself trapped between warring factions, helpless refugees and mercenaries with advanced weaponry, all manipulated by Deathstroke's frenemy the Red Lion. Meanwhile, Batman forces a showdown between himself and...

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Sharp's Batman reminds me a little of Van Sciver's Batman but this has been an interesting, fun, and weird surprise. It seems Diana is always caught in these type of sidequests be it from Celtic, Norse, or Greek mythology.

The Brave and the Bold: Batman and Wonder Woman #2

By: Liam Sharp
Released: Mar 21, 2018

Batman finds himself drawn further into a world of Celtic myth and supernatural mysteries as Wonder Woman calls on the Dark Knight Detective to investigate the murder of a once-powerful Irish god. In a world where the normal rules of investigation don't apply and any clue can be obscured by charms and magic, the two Justice Leaguers must rely on ea...

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Supes' soups reviewed Aquaman #34 Mar 21, 2018

Jones' art keeps making me think I' reading a classic Swamp Thing comic when I'm not but while this issue isn't bad, it's definitely more of a one-shot feel explaining the background of Rath. I believe Arthur Curry, the Aquaman actually does not even make a physical appearance in this issue. It is interesting enough and while not as blatant as Green Arrow, Aquaman is a comic with political comment more

Aquaman #34

By: Dan Abnett, Kelley Jones
Released: Mar 21, 2018

"King Rath: Secret Origin"! Even after a decisive victory is won by Aquaman and the resistance, King Rath tightens his grip on Atlantis by unleashing an ancient magic that has not been seen for thousands of years. But little is known about the true origin of the man who calls himself king...until now! Witness the shocking origin of the nefarious Ki...

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Supes' soups reviewed Batman #43 Mar 21, 2018

Batman is a title that continuously proves that not every single Rebirth title is better than its New 52 predecessor. I feel the same about Justice League. Tom King's storytelling is so incoherent at times, connecting the dots can be pure frustration. In this issue he reminded us of the War of Riddles and Jokes which I hated for two reasons, 1. The Joker portrayed felt off ESPECIALLY since, 2. Sup more

Batman #43

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Mar 21, 2018

"Everyone Loves Ivy" part three! The quest to end Ivy's domination heads toward a close, but can Batman offer Ivy redemption on the other side of this crime? It's an epic showdown between the Caped Crusader and one of his most popular foes, brought to you by the creative team behind "The War of Jokes and Riddles."

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Supes' soups reviewed Batman #42 Mar 7, 2018

Some parts were kind of funny. The art is great. But I nearly shat myself when about midway thru the story, there was that panel with the plot twist, it was that double splash page with Superman and "Bendis is coming"... I curled up into a fetal position and started crying. The true villain shows himself...

Batman #42

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Mar 7, 2018

"Everyone Loves Ivy" part two! Poison Ivy has taken control of every man, woman and child on the planet, and only Batman and Catwoman have escaped her influence. But will the pair of them be enough to nip this in the bud?


Mera finally gets her long deserved solo title even if it is just for six issues. That being said, this first issue was a little weak for me. You have to know what's going on currently with Aquaman to get the full gist of everything but either way, you know Mera is not her usual self and Arthur is currently leading a rebellion against Rath. Orm is throwing me off. All of sudden he's happy and sett more

Mera: Queen of Atlantis #1

By: Dan Abnett, Lan Medina
Released: Feb 28, 2018

From the pages of AQUAMAN comes a brand-new adventure starring Mera, in her own title for the first time ever! As the brutal Atlantean Civil War rages, Mera must keep the peace between the surface world and Atlantis as its newly anointed queen in exile. But when Aquaman's brother Orm, a.k.a. Ocean Master, learns of his homeland's fate, he'll stop a...

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Supes' soups reviewed Trinity #18 Feb 24, 2018

Batman riding a pink-orange maned unicorn named "Biscuits" is worth a 10 alone.

Trinity #18

By: James Robinson, Patrick Zircher
Released: Feb 21, 2018

"No Home for you Here" part two! Stranded on the lost world of Skartaris, the Trinity are alone and depowered as they face the bestial armies of Deimos! As the layers are peeled back and the mystery of Deimos' plan deepens, Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman must overcome the crippling effects of Skartaris to survive! But help is on way in the form ...

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I digs it a lot. However, this event should totally have a reformed goblin as a temporary Robin to help save Tir Na Nog. Also Joshua Davidson should be banned from reviewing anything with Batman in it, since he hates the character. It'd be like having a hardcore vegan rating steakhouses and burger joints, it just don't make no sense...

The Brave and the Bold: Batman and Wonder Woman #1

By: Liam Sharp
Released: Feb 21, 2018

Don't miss the start of a new, six-issue miniseries written and illustrated by Liam Sharp (WONDER WOMAN)! When a Celtic god's murder leads to a war between the fairy folk and a possible breach between worlds, Wonder Woman must find the murderer and keep the peace while Batman investigates strange occurrences in Gotham City. As Diana must turn to th...

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Supes' soups reviewed Justice League #39 Feb 24, 2018

Priest is trying his best to right this ship and that's about all I can say... Justice League hasn't been the same since Geoff Johns left. Although some people still think New 52 is worse than contracting gonorrhea, it did give me some of the most memorable events in Forever Evil and Darkseid Wars...

Justice League #39

By: Christopher Priest, Ian Churchill
Released: Feb 21, 2018

"JUSTICE LOST" part six! An environmental disaster unites both Justice League teams as Cyborg faces the first test of his leadership while still being overshadowed by Batman. Meanwhile, the Green Lanterns struggle with internal conflicts while being recruited by a mysterious visitor for an unspecified deep-space mission.

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Supes' soups reviewed Batman #41 Feb 22, 2018

The art is amazing especially the way Janin renders Selina and Pamela, but the story is lacking. At this point Janin might as well be drawing porn and you'd get about the same enjoyment with or without writing. In fact maybe skip the writing. It boggles my mind that the same man responsible for Vision and the current run of Mister Miracle is also writing the weakest stories for Batman...

Batman #41

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Feb 21, 2018

"EVERYONE LOVES IVY" part one! Mikel Janin returns to BATMAN for a brand-new epic! Pamela Isley's influence can spread as far as vegetation will allow, putting the whole world at her fingertips. Can Batman and Catwoman stand their ground against an entire planet of Poison Ivys?

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