Samurai Jack #1
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Samurai Jack #1

Writer: Jim Zub Artist: Andy Suriano Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: October 23, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 15 User Reviews: 4
8.9Critic Rating
8.1User Rating

Cartoon Network's hit animated series is back at IDW! The legendary samurai known only as 'Jack' is stranded in a strange future ruled by the demonic wizard, Aku. His quest to return back to the past has tested him many times, but now the stakes are higher than ever. Can an ancient relic known as the Rope of Eons finally take him home? Writer Jim Zub (Skullkickers, Street Fighter) and artist Andy Suriano (Character Designer on the original Samurai Jack TV series) begin a new era of samurai adventure!

  • 10
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Oct 28, 2013

    Masters Zub, Suriano, and Lee have done great honor to this samurai on his quest to get home. They are continuing his saga with a fantastic tale and incredible art. Highest possible recommendation! Read Full Review

  • 10
    Florida Geek Scene - Raisa Oct 30, 2013

    I am so incredibly happy about this comic coming out because it would be so much fun to read them with my little brother. He's really into ninjas, samurais, and swords, so this is a good way to get him to read. Not to mention it'll give me an excuse to buy more comics. Anyway, I totally recommend Samurai Jack to all you Cartoon Network enthusiasts out there. Or if you just really miss Samurai Jack, because I know Scott (owner of Florida Geek Scene) really likes the series, this is perfect. A great family read, too. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Nerds On The Rocks - Earl Oct 22, 2013

    This comic offers everything I want in a number 1, a feel for the characters and the world, a complete story and a dangling carrot that makes me want to continue reading without feeling cheated. Samurai Jack #1 is a worthy follow-up to the animated series and can't wait to see what the future holds. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Shadowhawk's Shade - Abhinav Jain Oct 22, 2013

    The issue begins with a solemn intro of Jack and the setting, and it ends on a similar note. Jim makes it quite clear that he has a really epic story in mind for the indomitable hero that I love and remember, with Andy making it clear that he's here to stay as well. If I could fast forward time, I'd already be reading the second issue of this comic, and not wait the painful but requisite month in between. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Bastards - Jordan North Oct 23, 2013

    Overall the team of Jim Zub and Andy Suriano work on Jack. It's just familiar enough to satiate old fans and just new enough to set itself apart from its wonderful subject material Samurai Jack: the comic book shows promise and its first issue is a sterling example of an adaptation done right. Samurai Jack is just as fun here as you remember him. Bring on the next issue. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Book Therapy - Cody "The Thorverine" Ferrell Oct 23, 2013

    Samurai Jack fans rejoice, Zub and Suriano have presented an excellent first issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Geek Smash - Vince Mancuso Oct 25, 2013

    There are so many fantastic things to say about this comic, even if I wasn't fueled on pure nostalgia. Artist Andy Suriano stays true to the Samurai Jack art, save for the outlines left out in the cartoon series. For instance, only robots are allowed to show "bloody" deaths as oil drips of Jack's blade, or the alien monsters are left dripping green goo instead of oozing blood. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    IGN - Joshua Yehl Oct 23, 2013

    I will say that while this comic hits all the right notes, it also doesn't take any risks. That's a good thing if you're a purist, but the predictability might hinder someone's enjoyment if they're looking for deeper storytelling or a new twist. But honestly, if you've been dying for more Samurai Jack for almost ten years, then this comic is just what the doctor ordered. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Geeked Out Nation - Jess Camacho Oct 24, 2013

    While there is a ton of good here my only worry is that since this a 5 issue arc that the story may be rushed. I haven't heard if this will the series finale we never got or if this is going to act as another season. If it is to act as a series finale then it might end up getting squeezed together too much by the 5 issue limit. My only other complaint is that I'm not entirely sure if this is marketed right to someone who has never seen the show. I think there is a nice amount of catchup in the first couple of pages. You really just need to know what's there. Fans of the show will adore this but I think there needs to be a little something extra in the marketing or somewhere that will grab those who have never seen the show. I'm really, really, really, REALLY looking forward to the next issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon Oct 23, 2013

    On the first page, Jack slowly rises over a ridge, and it's evident that Zub and Suriano know what they are doing. By combining their reverence for the source material with a strong desire to move it forward, they've created a new beginning for a character with a considerable history and made it an excellent jumping on point for new and old fans alike. They've done a good job translating what was once animated to a static format but they've left a lot of room to grow and I suspect they'll only get better at it. Samurai Jack is more than just a trip down memory lane. Zub and Suriano may be nostalgia surfing, but they're also shredding new and exciting waves. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Crusaders - Bryan Spaulding Sep 22, 2017

    When I found out Fabian Rangel Jr was going to write a Samurai Jack series, I was over the moon excited. This first issue, while much different from I originally expected, is not a disappointment. I'm not sure why I thought Rangel Jr would write a straight Jack story, that does not seem to be his style. He took this beloved character, wrapped it up, and re-gifted it to us in a way that allows us to feel like we got something brand new. The birth of this new series is a welcome addition to the history of our favorite Samurai. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Harrison Rawdin Oct 22, 2013

    Samurai Jack #1 is a great beginning to something that's bound to be memorable. Recommended. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Oct 29, 2013

    As first issues go Samurai Jack #1 is a lot of fun. Writer Jim Zub captures the tone of the original cartoon, and I was also very impressed with the art by artist Andy Suriano and several of the panels that balance the action, tragedy, and offbeat humor of the character (although I'd love to see more of the cross-cut sequences the cartoon was known for). Fans of the character will want to track this one down. Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comicosity - Gavin Craig Oct 25, 2013

    Is the comic quite as magical as the cartoon? No. Well, not yet anyway. But its good to have Jack back again, in whatever form we can get him. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Bloody Disgusting - GreenBasterd Oct 25, 2013

    "Jack" fans have waited a long time for the return of their beloved samurai, and the creative team offers a solid start. At this point, it's hard to say if the series could sustain itself as an ongoing, but time will tell. Read Full Review

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