Dylan9130's Profile

Joined: Jun 03, 2015

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Dylan9130 reviewed Airboy #1 Jun 3, 2015

I couldn't stop reading it, it was hilarious, great original story idea and fantastic drawings! I can't wait for another hilarious issue. Totally recommend it, don't listen to the sexist reviews.

Airboy #1

By: James Robinson, Greg Hinkle
Released: Jun 3, 2015

Worlds and minds explode in a brand-new series!

When acclaimed comics author JAMES ROBINSON (Starman, Fantastic Four) is hired to write a reboot of the 1940s action hero Airboy, he's reluctant to do yet another Golden Age reboot. Just what the hell has happened to his career–?! His marriage?! His life?! Hey, it's nothing that a drink...

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