kfc902's Profile

Joined: May 30, 2016

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kfc902 rated Superman #34 Nov 7, 2017

Superman #34

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Ed Benes
Released: Nov 1, 2017

"IMPERIUS REX" part two! As the conflict continues, Superman teams with Lex Luthor to bring peace to a leaderless and warring Apokolips as a new warrior enters the battlefield: Lois Lane, female fury. May Granny Goodness have mercy on all their souls...

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kfc902 rated Captain America #695 Nov 7, 2017

Captain America #695

By: Mark Waid, Chris Samnee
Released: Nov 1, 2017

HOME OF THE BRAVE begins - and Steve Rogers is back in action in the red-white-and-blue! Steve begins a journey across America to restore his tarnished reputation - and the dangers he encounters along the way are unlike any he's faced before! PLUS: Includes 3 bonus MARVEL PRIMER PAGES!
Rated T+

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kfc902 rated Justice League #32 Nov 7, 2017

Justice League #32

By: Robert Venditti, Liam Sharp
Released: Nov 1, 2017

A METAL tie-in! "BATS OUT OF HELL" part two! The Justice League have been separated by the dreaded Dark Knights and are forced into twisted Bat-Caves designed to kill them! The Batman Who Laughs and the Murder Machine experiment on Cyborg, seeing how he reacts to the horrors of the Dark Multiverse! Can the Justice League survive their worst nightma...

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kfc902 reviewed Batman #34 Nov 6, 2017

I do not like the direction Batman is going. Batman the husband is still weird to me. Dialog with Damian, Superman and Richard is good, we'll see where the story goes

Batman #34

By: Tom King, Joelle Jones
Released: Nov 1, 2017

"Rules Of Engagement" part two! Batman is on a quest in the desert, far from his Gotham City home. His friends and allies think he's gone crazy, and his mission puts him far outside the law. Waiting for him at the center of the chaos is an old enemy... and plenty of old demons.

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kfc902 reviewed Batman: White Knight #2 Nov 6, 2017

Good writing had a bit of a jump in terms of time but gaps were filled in nicely.

Batman: White Knight #2

By: Sean Murphy
Released: Nov 1, 2017

Public support for Batman dwindles and Gotham City's 99 percent rally around ex-Joker Jack Napier's crusade to expose decades of corruption within the GCPD. A proposition inspires new revelations about Harley and The Joker's past; and as Jack transforms into a hero of the middle class and takes extreme measures to mobilize a revolutionary army of s...

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kfc902 reviewed Batman: The Devastator #1 Nov 6, 2017

Great story good action, not much left to say really.

Batman: The Devastator #1

By: Frank Tieri, Tony Daniel
Released: Nov 1, 2017

As the events of DARK NIGHTS: METAL rock the DC Universe, the creatures of the Dark Multiverse stand ready to invade our world! How can the World's Greatest Heroes stop a horde of deadly beings that appear to be powerful nightmare versions of familiar figures? Find out in these special tie-in issues!

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kfc902 reviewed Action Comics #990 Oct 27, 2017

Good issue it continues to move story along nicely. Im on board for what comes next.

Action Comics #990

By: Dan Jurgens, Viktor Bogdanovic
Released: Oct 25, 2017

"THE OZ EFFECT" part four! If Superman refuses to join Mr. Oz's cause, maybe Superboy will! The mysterious villain hits Superman where it hurts when Oz and Jon join forces. But the stakes are raised when the Last Son of Krypton is forced to choose between his son and saving his adopted home planet.

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kfc902 reviewed Detective Comics #967 Oct 27, 2017

My only complaint is this issue finished too soon. This arc is great.

Detective Comics #967

By: James Tynion IV, Eddy Barrows
Released: Oct 25, 2017

"A LONELY PLACE OF LIVING" part three! It's a race to save the future of Tim and his team as Red Robin tries to escape his prison outside of time and find his way back to Earth.

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kfc902 reviewed The Mighty Thor #700 Oct 21, 2017

Nice setup to what should be a great arc. Great art and action, every one got time to shine in this issue.

The Mighty Thor #700

By: Jason Aaron, Russell Dauterman
Released: Oct 18, 2017

The final judgement comes as the Mangog arrives! The War Thor will meet the beast head on. But even the bloodthirst of this Ultimate Thor may pale in comparison to the might of the Mangog! The battle rages as Jane's cancer takes a turn for the worse, and she might not have to wait for the final judgment at all. T...

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kfc902 reviewed Justice League #31 Oct 21, 2017

The top reviewers are hating on this arc, but I think its Hitch best arc so far. Loved the art, it was packed with action and all in all a fun read.

Justice League #31

By: Bryan Hitch, Fernando Pasarin
Released: Oct 18, 2017

"LEGACY" finale! The truth about Sovereign is revealed-and her identity will shake the Justice League to its core! The Darkness is out of control and if the Justice League and their future children don't triumph over its evil, it will mean the end of everything, everywhere, forever.  

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kfc902 reviewed Superman #33 Oct 21, 2017

Superman and Lex buddy cop moment felt weird lol. I had to remind myself of the stuff they went through (Superman prventing Lex execution and Lex helping Superman fight against Zod etc). But the comic surely picked up and I cant wait to see what happens next. Could we see Lex finally turn into the arch nemesis for Superman we have known him to be?

Superman #33

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Doug Mahnke
Released: Oct 18, 2017

""IMPERIUS LEX!" Part One It's a game of thrones on Apokolips as the lords of the dreaded world battle each other to claim its rule. Lex Luthor is summoned back to the warring planet, and he will need Superman to help him reclaim a crown he did not ask for. Meanwhile, Lois is confronted by the Female Furies and Jon faces the Children of the Firepit...

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kfc902 reviewed Batman #33 Oct 21, 2017

I seem to be in the minority here but since the I am Bane arc (Which I enjoyed), Batman is making decisions more and more out of character. At the end of this read I had no desire to find out what will happen next. Its Batman main comic so obviously I'm going to read the next issue but this issue was just meh to me.

Batman #33

By: Tom King, Joelle Jones
Released: Oct 18, 2017

"A DREAM OF ME" part 1! Following his marriage proposal to Catwoman, Batman leaves Gotham City on a quest of renewal and redemption. As he travels and fights, he encounters members of his family-each disturbed by Batman's journey, each ready to stand in his way, each ready to push back against Batman's stubborn determination to evolve into somethin...

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kfc902 added Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (2016) to their pull list Oct 18, 2017

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (2016)

What's to Love: Dive headfirst into an original, modern ongoing series that will appeal to both nostalgic fans and new readers who enjoy epic, action-adventure fantasy stories.

What It Is: This is Green Ranger Year One! The Green Ranger's addition to the team has brought new instability and uncertainty to the Rangers. With remnants of Rit...

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kfc902 reviewed Dark Nights: Metal #2 Sep 14, 2017

Well rounded issue, good action fast paced while still building story. What can I say Synder can write.

Dark Nights: Metal #2

By: Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo
Released: Sep 13, 2017

As Superman and Wonder Woman hunt for a missing ally, Batman investigates a mystery spanning centuries. When the World's Greatest Detective discovers a foe even greater than the Justice League could possibly imagine, will Earth's heroes be ready?

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kfc902 reviewed Spider-Man #20 Sep 12, 2017

This was very meh, art is still great, but I got nothing to pique my interest in what comes next.

Spider-Man #20

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Nico Leon
Released: Sep 6, 2017

• Miles Morales, you're under arrest!
•  If Miles' parents weren't already freaking out about their son, they are now!
Rated T

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kfc902 reviewed Justice League #28 Sep 12, 2017

Like where the story is going. We are getting some bread crumbs on what the future children are after but still alot of questions, this may be Hitch's best arch.

Justice League #28

By: Bryan Hitch, Fernando Pasarin
Released: Sep 6, 2017

"LEGACY" part three! An outside threat has followed the League's children back from the future in order to destroy them. His name is Arthur Curry, and he will not stop until they are all dead!

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kfc902 reviewed Green Arrow #30 Sep 12, 2017

This was the worst team up in Arrow's road trip arch. Still fun but not believable that they took down Green Lantern.

Green Arrow #30

By: Ben Percy, Otto Schmidt
Released: Sep 6, 2017

"HARD TRAVELING HERO" part five! The day Oliver Queen has dreaded for years has finally arrived: Green Arrow, DC's most stubborn, most hotheaded hero, needs help from the last person he ever wanted to ask: Hal Jordan, who'll give the Emerald Archer a lift to the stars in this stunning reunion that readers have demanded since REBIRTH began!

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kfc902 reviewed Batman #30 Sep 12, 2017

Ill be honest. I dont get this story arch, it is definitely not the conventional story run. But I must say it feels a bit offsetting.

Batman #30

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Sep 6, 2017

"THE BALLAD OF KITE MAN" part two! In our second "War of Jokes and Riddles" interlude, it's the making of a super-villain! He's been pushed by Batman to snitch on The Joker, and cajoled by The Joker to betray Batman-now, the flunky who would be Kite Man finally snaps. He's lost everything, and a life of crime is the only way to go.

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kfc902 rated Nightwing #28 Sep 12, 2017

Nightwing #28

By: Tim Seeley, Javi Fernandez
Released: Sep 6, 2017

"SPYRAL" finale! Mr. Minos has returned to hijack Nightwing's brain and steal all his superhero secrets! Will Huntress and Nightwing be able to save every superhero in the world-or will Mr. Minos' scheme shatter Nightwing's mind beyond repair? who seems both foreign and familiar...

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kfc902 reviewed Superman #30 Sep 12, 2017

Good story nice action.

Superman #30

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Doug Mahnke
Released: Sep 6, 2017

"FEAR ITSELF" part two! This looks like a job for...Sinestro?! Thrust into the anti-matter universe of Qward, Superman's only hope is the former greatest of the Green Lanterns!
"Imperius lex!" It's a game of thrones on Apokolips as the lords of the dreaded world battle each other to claim its rule. Lex Luthor is summoned back to the warring pl...

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kfc902 reviewed Green Lanterns #30 Sep 12, 2017

Well Im still interested but this issue the story felt a bit rushed.

Green Lanterns #30

By: Sam Humphries, Carlo Barberi
Released: Sep 6, 2017

"OUT OF TIME" part five! Jessica, Simon and the first seven bearers of green rings face Volthoom in the past as he holds the Guardians of the Universe hostage. As Lantern after Lanten falls, is there any chance of stopping the First Lantern from rewriting reality?

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kfc902 reviewed All-Star Batman #13 Aug 31, 2017

The Batman and Alfred dynamic in this arc is great. Nice read good art looking forward to what I believe is the final issue.

All-Star Batman #13

By: Scott Snyder, Rafael Albuquerque
Released: Aug 30, 2017

"THE FIRST ALLY" part four! As painful secrets from the past are revealed, Batman must face down a nemesis unlike any he's seen before-or risk the horrific consequences of the Genesis Engine falling into the wrong hands!

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kfc902 reviewed Secret Empire #10 Aug 30, 2017

Can't say the ending was a surprise in fact it felt a bit underwhelming. My opinion might change depending on how good Omega is. All in all it was a typical finish to a superhero arch, the one thing that stood out is how Hydra Cap was able to lift the hammer which I liked. It was a good read but it felt a bit rushed.

Secret Empire #10

By: Nick Spencer, Steve McNiven
Released: Aug 30, 2017

Can there be any redemption for Captain America as the SECRET EMPIRE starts to crumble?
Rated T+

kfc902 reviewed Ultimates 2 #100 Aug 29, 2017

Good run by AL Ewing nice end to series.

Ultimates 2 #100

By: Al Ewing, Travel Foreman
Released: Aug 16, 2017

A double-sized issue celebrating ULTIMATES #100!
•  Eternity is free - but can even he stand against the might of the First Firmament?
•  Or does the embodiment of everything need help...from Outside?
•  Featuring the Ultimates and...the Ultimates?
Rated T+

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kfc902 reviewed The Mighty Thor #22 Aug 29, 2017

War Thor was on a rampage this issue next issue should be epic. Im inboard.

The Mighty Thor #22

By: Jason Aaron, Russell Dauterman
Released: Aug 16, 2017

•  Thor and the Ultimate Thor go face-to-flame with the Queen of Cinders!
•  But even the fire of Muspelheim pales beside the fury of the Ultimate Thor... And with his thunder comes his vengeance.
Rated T+

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Good story and Hal in his never back down moments is always a joy.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #27

By: Robert Venditti, Rafael Sandoval
Released: Aug 23, 2017

"FALL OF THE GODS" part two! Hal Jordan and Kyle Rayner face off against God Killers as they try to protect an injured Orion from certain death. As the battle turns against the Corps, will they have to sacrifice a New God to save an entire sector of space?

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kfc902 reviewed Injustice 2 #20 Aug 29, 2017

Nice action but the story doesn't feel as epic as first injustice yet.

Injustice 2 #20

By: Tom Taylor, Daniel Sampere
Released: Aug 23, 2017

Harley’s close to freeing the kidnapped children, but can she do so before the other Batman detonates the bomb inside of her head? Meanwhile, the kids may not be without resources of their own. And Wildcat faces off against the fake Batman.

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kfc902 reviewed Doctor Strange #24 Aug 29, 2017

Nice action and humor Hopeless isn't doing a bad job thus far.

Doctor Strange #24

By: Dennis Hopeless, Niko Henrichon
Released: Aug 23, 2017

•  Doctor Strange and his strange crew of allies make their final push on Baron Mordo, and it doesn't look good for them.
•  But even if they win, are they ready for the Hydra-occupied America waiting outside of the dark-domed Manhattan?
Rated T+

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kfc902 reviewed Secret Empire #9 Aug 29, 2017

Well its all coming to an end this series had a lot of action and showed us our heroes still have one major obstacle to overcome. Captain Hydra himself.

Secret Empire #9

By: Nick Spencer, Leinil Francis Yu
Released: Aug 23, 2017

Rated T+

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kfc902 reviewed Detective Comics #963 Aug 29, 2017

Not sure where this story is going art wasn't the series best either. But I have enjoyed the past couple arcs so far so here is hoping things pick up.

Detective Comics #963

By: James Tynion IV, Carmen Nunez Carnero
Released: Aug 23, 2017

"UTOPIA" part one! Having exiled herself from Batman's world, Spoiler has nearly destroyed herself trying to expose the corruption of Gotham City's vigilantes. Fortunately for her, help has arrived...but unfortunately for the city, it's in the form of the mysterious Anarky! Is he truly on the side of the people, or is he a dangerous lunatic?

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