Kid Flash's Profile

Joined: Aug 21, 2016

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Kid Flash added Superman (2016) to their pull list Sep 11, 2016

Superman (2016)

"THE SON OF SUPERMAN" chapter one
The Last Son of Krypton must decide whether to help his young son use his new and rapidly increasing abilities, or hide them from the world.
THE CREATORS: The team supreme that brought fans the adventures of Damian Wayne in "Batman and Robin" returns for the adventures of Superman and his offspring.

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Kid Flash added Aquaman (2016) to their pull list Sep 11, 2016

Aquaman (2016)

"THE DROWNING" chapter one
Black Manta returns, and as Aquaman attempts to broker lasting peace between Atlantis and the surface world, his greatest foe engineers a plan to destroy everything and everyone the undersea hero loves.
THEY SAID IT: "I'm excited to draw a vast undersea world with all the visual flourishes of fantasy and science f...

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Kid Flash rated DC Universe: Rebirth #1 Aug 21, 2016

DC Universe: Rebirth #1

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: May 25, 2016

It all begins here. Do not skip to the last page. Do not let a friend or message board ruin this comic for you. The future (and past) of the DC Universe starts here. Don't say we didn't warn you!
THEY SAID IT: "Rebirth is about focusing in on the core of the character and their respective universe," says writer and DC Entertainment Chief Creati...

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Kid Flash reviewed Spidey #1 Aug 21, 2016

this comic was for kid.

Spidey #1

By: Robert P. Thompson, Nick Bradshaw
Released: Dec 2, 2015

Think you know everything about Peter Parker's early days? Think again. It's action, adventure and a rip-roaring romp in classic Marvel style as SPIDEY swings onto shelves this winter! Featuring adventures from throughout the web-slinging wonder's younger years, it's a return to the days of overdue homework, not knowing how to talk to girls (or any...

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Kid Flash reviewed Green Arrow: Rebirth #1 Aug 21, 2016

this art was amazing.

Green Arrow: Rebirth #1

By: Ben Percy, Otto Schmidt
Released: Jun 1, 2016

Together again for the first time, the Emerald Archer meets Black Canary. Questioning everything Green Arrow believes in, Dinah Lance throws the hero's world upside down, forcing him to question what he cares about more: his morals or his money?
BULLSEYE: "Readers are aching for the reunion of Green Arrow and Black Canary, and we're finally goi...

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Kid Flash reviewed Green Arrow #1 Aug 21, 2016

It was best.

Green Arrow #1

By: Ben Percy, Otto Schmidt
Released: Jun 15, 2016

As Oliver struggles with how he can fight "the man" when his huge fortune makes him the man, he and Black Canary uncover a deadly new threat to Seattle that cuts the Archer to the bone.
THEY SAID IT: "My touchstones are [former GA writers] Dennis O'Neil and Mike Grell, while trying to make th...

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