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Joined: Aug 28, 2016 About Me: I have a blog now

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I considered issue 1 a nothing issue, since nothing of significance happened to make you excited for this new comic series, but not an completely incompetent comic. However, I don't think i can say the same about today's issue. This is straight up a bad comic.

For starters, continuity errors. The comic opens with Killer Moth getting beat up but if you played, and payed attention to, Ar more

Suicide Squad: Kill Arkham Asylum #2

By: John Layman, Jesus Hervas
Released: Mar 6, 2024

Before the Suicide Squad sets their sights on the corrupted Justice League in the upcoming video game, they have to escape Arkham Asylum, and that's going to require a lot more killin' first. Good thing Deadshot is the world's deadliest assassin. Or is that second-deadliest? Either way, he's determined to survive the riot to end all riots, in order...

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This a nothing issue. For a first issue nothing here happens to get you excited to read the next one. Yeah, arkham cells are open, so what? this is just another day there, we're talking about Arkham after all. Feels weird how Batman is portrayed here... like, now that his identity is public there is no way he would be able to operate like that, he would be enemy of the police again, Arkham Knight' more

Suicide Squad: Kill Arkham Asylum #1

By: John Layman, Jesus Hervas
Released: Feb 7, 2024

Before the Suicide Squad sets their sights on the corrupted Justice League in the upcoming videogame Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, join us for this thrilling prequel and witness them kill Arkham Asylum! Amanda Waller has taken control of the recently rebuilt Arkham, and her brutal tactics and merciless methods have led to the most secure ...

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SnakeWilson rated Punisher #10 Mar 23, 2023

Punisher #10

By: Jason Aaron, Paul Azaceta
Released: Mar 22, 2023

At last, the Fist of the Beast has fully risen, and the full power of the new Punisher is unleashed upon the world. It's a bad day to be a bad guy. Meanwhile, Frank's wife, Maria, uncovers more dark secrets from the past, including more missing pieces of the Punisher's origin.
Parental Advisory

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SnakeWilson rated Ghost Rider #11 Feb 11, 2023

Ghost Rider #11

By: Ben Percy, Dave Wachter
Released: Feb 8, 2023

The F.B.I. has cast out Johnny Blaze and Talia Warroad, maybe because they're too destructive and unmanageable?or maybe because there is some corruption present that reaches inside the very institution meant to protect us. As Johnny and Talia head down to Savannah to investigate a necropolis, there are hints of old fri...

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SnakeWilson rated Ghost Rider #10 Jan 22, 2023

Ghost Rider #10

By: Ben Percy, Cory Smith
Released: Jan 11, 2023

In the blood-soaked tunnels beneath Chicago, and upon the horned altar of Hell's Backbone, the final fights of The Shadow Country arc will come to a startling conclusion. Blackheart, Exhaust, Zeb and his magicians, Talia Warroad, and the Ghost Rider himself will all crash together -- and not everyone is making it out alive. In the aftermath of thes...

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SnakeWilson rated Punisher #9 Jan 22, 2023

Punisher #9

By: Jason Aaron, Paul Azaceta
Released: Jan 18, 2023

The epic showdown between the God of War and the Fist of the Beast. But even if the Punisher somehow survives Ares, other forces are already gathering to bring him down, once and for all.

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The conclusion to what has to be the best comic from 2022 with Deathstroke. I must admit that this issue was the weakest of all but not bad by any means. Another fun read as you can expect from this series, i guess my problem is the somewhat predictable ending. Anyway, if you fallowed the series so far you're going to read this regardless.

DC vs. Vampires: All-Out War #6

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Pasquale Qualano
Released: Dec 21, 2022

The grand finale! With the dying embers of their hope rekindled at the eleventh hour, what’s left of John Constantine’s Suicide Squad attempts to traverse the badlands with precious cargo in tow. But just as final victory over the vampires and their endless night seems all but assured, the team must contend with their most powerful and terrifyi...

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A whatever ending. I guess my problem with this series is how much it plays safe and this issue was that. The most safe ending possible. It uses the characters in whatever way fits the story instead of using the characters to move it. And i just hate how much this tries to lie to us. This series asks us to look at the past, but not the actual past we read but a different version that the writer more

Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths #7

By: Joshua Williamson, Daniel Sampere
Released: Dec 21, 2022

WITNESS THE BIRTH OF THE NEW DC MULTIVERSE! Spinning out of the pages of The Flash, the heroes have learned the secret of Pariah's new worlds-but at what cost does this knowledge come, and what can they even do with this information-or even worse, perhaps Pariah and the Great Darkness want them to know...? On Earth-Zero, Deathstroke continues to mo...

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SnakeWilson rated Ghost Rider #9 Dec 7, 2022

Ghost Rider #9

By: Ben Percy, Cory Smith
Released: Dec 7, 2022

Johnny Blaze has finally been exorcized of his demonic tumor, but it lives on as something new and sentient, a dark mirror of both him and his bike...a creature known as EXHAUST. As Johnny and Talia Warroad head toward Chicago - a city known for the blood of its slaughterhouses, a city they believe is central to t...

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SnakeWilson rated Punisher #8 Dec 7, 2022

Punisher #8

By: Jason Aaron, Paul Azaceta
Released: Dec 7, 2022

Frank Castle wants to end his war once and for all. But the God of War has other ideas. And now Ares is coming for the Punisher, with an army of heavily armed Apostles at his back, looking to turn Frank back into his old self by murdering his family all over again.
Parental Advisory

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SnakeWilson rated Batman Annual #3 Dec 4, 2022

Batman Annual #3

By: Tom Taylor, Otto Schmidt
Released: Dec 12, 2018

"THE OTHER SIDE OF THE PENNY!" Alfred Pennyworth has been Batman's most trusted ally and confidant since the Dark Knight first hit the streets of Gotham City. Now, witness Batman's battle for justice from Alfred's perspective and learn how harrowing that journey has been as Batman experiences one of the worst nights Gotham City has ever seen-a nigh...

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SnakeWilson rated Batman #60 Dec 4, 2022

Batman #60

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Dec 5, 2018

Batman takes on a new partner, and it's...the Penguin? After rejecting Bane's crime-boss co-op, Cobblepot finds himself in the crosshairs of some very teed-off villains. The feathered felon turns to his old foe to snitch on Bane's scheme, but has to prove his intentions to avoid a Bat-beatdown. Along the way, this Gotham odd couple begins to bond-c...

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SnakeWilson rated Batman #59 Dec 4, 2022

Batman #59

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Nov 21, 2018

Caught between Batman and his unseen enemy, the Penguin has to think on his feet to avoid being taken down by either side. If he chooses one way, he goes to jail; if he chooses the other, he ends up dead. Then again, the choice seems obvious. Is Batman ready for a new kind of avian sidekick?

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SnakeWilson rated Batman #58 Dec 4, 2022

Batman #58

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Nov 7, 2018

The Dark Knight waddles into a turf war with the Penguin! Still reeling from the attacks on his Bat-Family and reputation, the Caped Crusader looks to track down the mysterious operator lurking behind the scenes in Gotham City. As the hunt rages on, Batman runs "a fowl" of Oswald Cobblepot. But the Penguin is on Batman's side for once, and the crim...

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SnakeWilson rated Batman #56 Dec 3, 2022

Batman #56

By: Tom King, Tony Daniel
Released: Oct 3, 2018

The Dark Knight's looking to drop both the hammer and sickle on the KGBeast, whose rampage across Gotham City takes a toll on Nightwing when he's injured in the fray. Blaming himself for his ward's fate, Batman gets grimmer than usual-and vows to take the Russian assassin down like the Berlin Wall. Is even Gotham City ready for that much violence? ...

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SnakeWilson rated Batman #55 Dec 3, 2022

Batman #55

By: Tom King, Tony Daniel
Released: Sep 19, 2018

The KGBeast lives! The Russian super-assassin is back-but under whose orders? Does he have a specific mission, or is this simply some leftover Cold War mayhem? Nyet, comrade-it has to do with Bruce Wayne's recent court case involving Mr. Freeze. Something is rotten in Gotham, and you can still smell it, even if it's on ice!

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SnakeWilson rated Batman #54 Dec 3, 2022

Batman #54

By: Tom King, Matt Wagner
Released: Sep 5, 2018

Dick Grayson-the original Robin-gets to spend some quality time fighting crime with his mentor for the first time since Batman popped the question to Catwoman. It's a walk down memory lane as Bruce Wayne helps Dick get over the loss of his high-flying acrobat parents, which in turn led to his crime-fighting career. Guest artist Matt Wagner (Mage, T...

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SnakeWilson rated Batman #53 Dec 3, 2022

Batman #53

By: Tom King, Lee Weeks
Released: Aug 15, 2018

"Cold Days" continues! The jury in the Mr. Freeze trial is hopelessly deadlocked because one man won't vote guilty-and that man is Bruce Wayne. Freeze's defense is that Batman used excessive force, making his arrest illegal, and Bruce is the one man who actually knows for sure what went down between Batman and his ice-cold nemesis. And if Bruce is ...

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SnakeWilson rated Batman #52 Dec 3, 2022

Batman #52

By: Tom King, Lee Weeks
Released: Aug 1, 2018

"Cold Days" continues! The jury in the Mr. Freeze trial is hopelessly deadlocked because one man won't vote guilty-and that man is Bruce Wayne. Freeze's defense is that Batman used excessive force, making his arrest illegal, and Bruce is the one man who actually knows for sure what went down between Batman and his ice-cold nemesis. And if Bruce is ...

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SnakeWilson rated Batman #51 Dec 3, 2022

Batman #51

By: Tom King, Lee Weeks
Released: Jul 18, 2018

The honeymoon's over for Bruce Wayne as Gotham City's most prominent citizen gets selected for jury duty in a chilling court case involving Mr. Freeze! Freeze claims the charges should be dismissed because Batman used excessive force; cue the outrage and media circus. While doing his civic duty, Wayne's forced to take a hard look at the Dark Knight...

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SnakeWilson rated Batman #47 Dec 3, 2022

Batman #47

By: Tom King, Tony Daniel
Released: May 16, 2018

"THE TRAVELERS" part three! As Booster Gold, Batman and Catwoman zero in on the time anomaly, what they find and their actions to correct it will have ramifications on all of the DC Universe. Tom King and Master Class artist Tony S. Daniel end their first story with a bang that will tee up the next big development in the Batman/Catwoman romance.

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SnakeWilson rated Batman #46 Dec 3, 2022

Batman #46

By: Tom King, Tony Daniel
Released: May 2, 2018

"THE TRAVELERS" part two! Booster Gold's wedding present has screwed up Batman's past, and done even more damage to his present. Now, with the Caped Crusader himself refusing to cooperate, the only way for Booster to correct this runaway timeline is to get Catwoman on his side. But with her own past altered, can he make Catwoman recognize the quali...

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SnakeWilson rated Batman #45 Dec 3, 2022

Batman #45

By: Tom King, Tony Daniel
Released: Apr 18, 2018

"THE TRAVELERS" part one! Booster Gold has come to Gotham City, and he's enlisting Batman and Catwoman to go on a time-traveling mission to rescue...Booster Gold! It seems a younger Booster Gold has gone back in time to kidnap an even younger version of himself, and to rescue his own past, Booster must pursue both of his previous incarnations throu...

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SnakeWilson rated Batman #44 Dec 3, 2022

Batman #44

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Apr 4, 2018

"SOMETHING BLUE"! Follow Batman and Catwoman on two separate but parallel paths as their wedding planning kicks into high gear. Selina picks out her dress, and Bruce starts to make arrangements for their new life together-but this being Gotham City, and they being Batman and Catwoman, you can bet that nothing will go as expected!

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SnakeWilson rated Batman #43 Dec 3, 2022

Batman #43

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Mar 21, 2018

"Everyone Loves Ivy" part three! The quest to end Ivy's domination heads toward a close, but can Batman offer Ivy redemption on the other side of this crime? It's an epic showdown between the Caped Crusader and one of his most popular foes, brought to you by the creative team behind "The War of Jokes and Riddles."

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SnakeWilson rated Batman #42 Dec 3, 2022

Batman #42

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Mar 7, 2018

"Everyone Loves Ivy" part two! Poison Ivy has taken control of every man, woman and child on the planet, and only Batman and Catwoman have escaped her influence. But will the pair of them be enough to nip this in the bud?

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SnakeWilson rated Batman #41 Dec 3, 2022

Batman #41

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Feb 21, 2018

"EVERYONE LOVES IVY" part one! Mikel Janin returns to BATMAN for a brand-new epic! Pamela Isley's influence can spread as far as vegetation will allow, putting the whole world at her fingertips. Can Batman and Catwoman stand their ground against an entire planet of Poison Ivys?

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SnakeWilson rated Batman #40 Dec 3, 2022

Batman #40

By: Tom King, Joelle Jones
Released: Feb 7, 2018

"SUPERFRIENDS" part four! Since the beginning, the friendship between Batman and Wonder Woman has stood at the heart of the DC Universe. Now that friendship is coming apart, and as it does, the universe itself begins to crumble. The conclusion of Batman's team-up with Wonder Woman. (This story was previously slated to run in BATMAN #39.)

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SnakeWilson rated Batman #39 Dec 3, 2022

Batman #39

By: Tom King, Joelle Jones
Released: Jan 17, 2018

SUPERFRIENDS" part three! Batman and Wonder Woman fight together in an epic battle that will define and then redefine their relationship. What bonds these two pillars of the DCU together? What tears them apart? Find out as Batman continues on his quest for the one thing he's never had, happiness.

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SnakeWilson rated Batman #38 Dec 3, 2022

Batman #38

By: Tom King, Travis Moore
Released: Jan 3, 2018

"THE ORIGIN OF BRUCE WAYNE"! If Mattie could grow up to be anybody, he'd grow up millionaire playboy Bruce Wayne. But what would happen if he was forced to relive the worst tragedy of Bruce's life and his parents were murdered? Batman's hunt for the killer puts him face to face with a strange mirror version of his own past.

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