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Joined: Oct 14, 2016

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Nightmare of Solomon reviewed Green Arrow #14 Jan 7, 2017

For all the decent things this issue accomplish -- they get tarnished by a really bad action scene in the climax, where Ollie somehow has to run faster than an arrow so he can jump in front of it and take a hit meant for a high-ranking police officer.

I know Ollie is athletic, and I know this is a comic, but even then it broke my suspension of disbelief.

Green Arrow #14

By: Ben Percy, Peter Nguyen
Released: Jan 4, 2017

"EMERALD OUTLAW" part three! Tension in Seattle reaches fever pitch when the media begins to question Green Arrow's involvement in a series of murders committed by an archer with unmatched skills. If the police can't catch this mysterious archer, can Green Arrow and Black Canary? Plus, the rogue police officer Ollie humiliated in a viral video retu...

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Wcharrison355 - Mar 18, 2017

Thank you! That whole scene ruined it for me. Only Flash could have done such a thing, not a "normal" human. The arrow was already on its way, yet somehow he outraced it and got in front of it. Give me a break. The writer blew it.

Wcharrison355 reviewed Flash #9 Nov 30, 2016

Art is so terrible it nearly runs the book. Isn't there someone else to put in this historic book? Ugh.

Flash #9

By: Joshua Williamson, Neil Googe
Released: Oct 26, 2016

"KID FLASH OF TWO WORLDS!" In this single-issue tale, Wally West meets Wally West! The original Kid Flash meets his cousin for the very first time in this special issue, which continues The Flashes' investigation into the events that began in DC UNIVERSE: REBIRTH #1.

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Wcharrison355 rated Blue Beetle #2 Nov 1, 2016

Blue Beetle #2

By: Keith Giffen, Scott Kolins
Released: Oct 26, 2016

As the mysterious underground force begins to gain in power, its minions gain in power as well, which means nothing but trouble for Jaime Reyes, who seems to be losing control of his Blue Beetle costume! It's all happening right as Jaime was beginning to master it thanks to the help of his self-proclaimed "mentor," billionaire industrialist Ted Kor...

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Wcharrison355 reviewed Batgirl #3 Nov 1, 2016

The art is a joke; it's absolutely terrible.dropping this title

Batgirl #3

By: Hope Larson, Rafael Albuquerque
Released: Sep 28, 2016

"Beyond Burnside" part 3! After Batgirl faces off against a second villain with the mark of "The Student," she must set off to Korea to get to the bottom of the mysterious attacks before someone close to her gets caught in the crossfire!

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Wcharrison355 reviewed Blue Beetle #1 Oct 24, 2016

Dialogue all gets a little too cute at times. Giffen even used the same " no moss growing on that one" phrase twice.

Blue Beetle #1

By: Keith Giffen, Scott Kolins
Released: Sep 28, 2016

Jaime Reyes is back home, but just when he thought he had a grasp on this alter-ego, the Blue Beetle, he discovers everything he believed about his scarab is a lie according to the mysterious Doctor Fate. With dire warnings about the symbiote that is fused to Reyes' spine, Kent Nelson, the original wielder of Doctor Fate's power, seemingly on verge...

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Detective Comics #941

By: James Tynion IV, Andy MacDonald
Released: Sep 28, 2016

"Night Of The Monster Men" part 3! Batman and Batwoman take to the streets in a motorcycle death race against a monster that transforms faster than they can keep up! And at Blackgate, something truly terrifying is growing in the prison's darkest depths...and its eggs are hatching!  

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Wcharrison355 rated Action Comics #964 Oct 23, 2016

Action Comics #964

By: Dan Jurgens, Patrick Zircher
Released: Sep 28, 2016

"WHO IS CLARK KENT?" part 2! Superman comes face to face with Clark Kent, and he wants answers! But first the Man of Steel must protect his former alter ego. Clark Kent tells all in this shocking issue! And don't miss the return of a ghost from Smallville past...

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Teen Titans: Rebirth #1

By: Ben Percy, Jonboy Meyers
Released: Sep 28, 2016

The Teen Titans are farther apart than ever before...until Damian Wayne recruits Starfire, Raven, Beast Boy and the new Kid Flash to join him in a fight against his own grandfather, Ra's al Ghul! But true leadership is more than just calling the shots-is Robin really up to the task? Or will the Teen Titans dismiss this diminutive dictator?

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Wcharrison355 rated Hellblazer #2 Oct 22, 2016

Hellblazer #2

By: Simon Oliver, Moritat
Released: Sep 28, 2016

"THE POISON TRUTH" part 2! No one likes rejection-least of all John Constantine. But even if three's a crowd, he's going to find a way to get involved in Swamp Thing's hunt for Abigail Arcane!

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Wcharrison355 dropped Cyborg: Rebirth from their pull list Oct 21, 2016

Cyborg: Rebirth

Victor Stone was once a star athlete and brilliant student with a bright future. But after a tragic accident destroyed over half of his body, Victor was kept alive by merging flesh with advanced technology. Today he is the Justice League co-founder called Cyborg. But is the young hero a man...or a machine that merely believes it's a man?Victor Ston...

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Detective Comics #940

By: James Tynion IV, Eddy Barrows
Released: Sep 14, 2016

"Rise Of The Batmen" part 7! This epic concludes with a battle against the Colony that will change Batman's world forever-and in a way you'd never expect! Whether they win or lose, they've already lost...

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Wcharrison355 rated Action Comics #963 Oct 21, 2016

Action Comics #963

By: Dan Jurgens, Patrick Zircher
Released: Sep 14, 2016

"WHO IS CLARK KENT?" part 1! Look-down there on the ground! It's a guy, he's kinda ordinary...it's-Clark Kent?! As Metropolis recovers from the devastating attack of Doomsday, the mysterious figure claiming to be Clark Kent takes the spotlight to clear his name and prove once and for all that Clark Kent is not Superman!

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Wcharrison355 rated Nightwing #4 Oct 21, 2016

Nightwing #4

By: Tim Seeley, Javi Fernandez
Released: Sep 7, 2016

"BETTER THAN BATMAN" part 4! At last, Nightwing and Raptor enact their endgame to shut down the Parliament of Owls permanently! But the Parliament has one last card up its sleeves: The Moloch, a giant owl monster whose mission is simple: eviscerate Nightwing and Raptor.

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Wcharrison355 rated Harley Quinn #3 Oct 21, 2016

Harley Quinn #3

By: Amanda Conner, Chad Hardin
Released: Sep 7, 2016

"DIE LAUGHING" part 3! In this concluding chapter, Coney Island threatens to collapse completely under a tidal wave of zombies! Harley's got a lead on a cure-but what's it going to take to administer it to a thousand flesh-hungry fiends? Here's hoping Poison Ivy has an idea...

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Wcharrison355 rated Cyborg: Rebirth #1 Oct 21, 2016

Cyborg: Rebirth #1

By: John Semper Jr., Paul Pelletier
Released: Sep 7, 2016

Victor Stone was once a star athlete and brilliant student with a bright future. But after a tragic accident destroyed over half of his body, Victor was kept alive by merging flesh with advanced technology. Today he is the Justice League co-founder called Cyborg. But is the young hero a man...or a machine that merely believes it's a man?Victor Ston...

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Wcharrison355 added Cyborg: Rebirth to their pull list Oct 21, 2016

Cyborg: Rebirth

Victor Stone was once a star athlete and brilliant student with a bright future. But after a tragic accident destroyed over half of his body, Victor was kept alive by merging flesh with advanced technology. Today he is the Justice League co-founder called Cyborg. But is the young hero a man...or a machine that merely believes it's a man?Victor Ston...

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Wcharrison355 rated Supergirl #1 Oct 21, 2016

Supergirl #1

By: Steve Orlando, Brian Ching
Released: Sep 7, 2016

"REIGN OF THE CYBORG SUPERMAN" part one! Supergirl is back and working for the DEO to defend National City! As Kara Danvers, average American teenager and high school student, Supergirl must balance her life as a superhero with her new life on Earth. But some demons from her Kryptonian past are coming back to haunt her, and Kara will find herself f...

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Wcharrison355 rated Aquaman #6 Oct 21, 2016

Aquaman #6

By: Dan Abnett, Brad Walker
Released: Sep 7, 2016

"THE DROWNING" conclusion! As this first epic concludes, Aquaman and Mera are on the run for a crime they didn't commit. They've fought through every kind of firepower the U.S. military has thrown. Now all that's left between them and Atlantis is the Man of Steel...

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Wcharrison355 rated Batman #6 Oct 21, 2016

Batman #6

By: Tom King, Ivan Reis
Released: Sep 7, 2016

"I AM GOTHAM" epilogue. In this stand-alone tale, Batman seeks redemption as he tries to keep Gotham Girl from going down a dangerous path. But can the Dark Knight save someone who doesn't want to be saved?

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Wcharrison355 rated Batman #7 Oct 21, 2016

Batman #7

By: Tom King, Riley Rossmo
Released: Sep 21, 2016

"NIGHT OF THE MONSTER MEN" part 1! The first crossover of the "Rebirth" era is here! As a huge storm approaches, Batman, Batwoman, and Nightwing try and prepare Gotham City for the worst, but nothing can prepare them for enormous tall monsters rampaging through the streets! Batman will need all of his allies to unite in order to stop these mad scie...

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Wcharrison355 rated Teen Titans #24 Oct 21, 2016

Teen Titans #24

By: Antony Bedard, Ian Churchill
Released: Sep 14, 2016

In this climactic issue, the team is forced to make a decision: continue fighting crime as the Teen Titans...or go their separate ways.

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Wcharrison355 rated Justice League #5 Oct 21, 2016

Justice League #5

By: Bryan Hitch, Sandu Florea
Released: Sep 21, 2016

"THE EXTINCTION MACHINE" part 5! In this concluding chapter, the race to the corners of the Earth is on for Aquaman as he holds the key to saving our planet from destruction-if he can make it in time before the last doomsday machine powers up! Can Superman survive his trip to the Earth¹s core? Is this the final battle between the Justice League an...

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Wcharrison355 rated Justice League #4 Oct 21, 2016

Justice League #4

By: Bryan Hitch, Jesus Merino
Released: Sep 7, 2016

"THE EXTINCTION MACHINE" part 4! In the center of the Earth, Superman faces three doomsday machines set to tear the world apart, while Earth's two Green Lanterns discover just what a purged planet is truly like. The Kindred are awake and hold the truth about the beginnings of humanity.

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Wcharrison355 rated Superman #7 Oct 21, 2016

Superman #7

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Sep 21, 2016

"SON OF SUPERMAN" part 7! In this epilogue issue, Superman considers the toll his battles with the Eradicator and Doomsday have taken on his family and the need for a normal life. But can the Man of Steel ever take a day off?

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Wcharrison355 rated Superman #6 Oct 21, 2016

Superman #6

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Patrick Gleason
Released: Sep 7, 2016

"SON OF SUPERMAN" part 6! The evil Eradicator faces off against Superman and son in a battle that may save the day but destroy the moon.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #4

By: Robert Venditti, Ethan Van Sciver
Released: Sep 14, 2016

"Sinestro's Law" part 4! Sinestro's grip on the universe tightens with Hal Jordan captured, as the two former partners edge closer to a final confrontation for control of the cosmos!

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Wcharrison355 rated Green Lanterns #7 Oct 19, 2016

Green Lanterns #7

By: Sam Humphries, Jackson Herbert
Released: Sep 21, 2016

 "THE GUN"! How can Jessica Cruz trust Simon Baz, when he doesn't even trust the Green Lantern ring they both wear? The partners finally discuss the gun Simon carries and why!

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Wcharrison355 rated Green Lanterns #6 Oct 19, 2016

Green Lanterns #6

By: Sam Humphries, Jackson Herbert
Released: Sep 14, 2016

"FAMILY DINNER"! The rookie Green Lanterns try to reconcile some of their differences, when Simon Baz makes a terrifying offer to Jessica by inviting her over for dinner with his family. Can the two survive this with the mysterious Guardian tracking the duo?

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Wcharrison355 rated Wonder Woman #6 Oct 18, 2016

Wonder Woman #6

By: Greg Rucka, Nicola Scott
Released: Sep 14, 2016

"WONDER WOMAN YEAR ONE" part 3! Diana brings Steve back home, but the reception is not what either of them expected. Amid suspicion and a looming threat, the Patrons pay a visit, and new friendships are forged.

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Wcharrison355 reviewed New Superman #3 Oct 18, 2016

Isn't it sort of insulting to assume China can't come up with its own heroes instead of "made in China" cheap knockoffs of the big three?

New Superman #3

By: Gene Luen Yang, Richard Friend
Released: Sep 14, 2016

"MADE IN CHINA" part 3! When Kenan Kong decided to out the Justice League of China to the world, he was just trying to impress people, not start a revolution! But the damage is done, and the fallout turns deadly as these heroes come face to face with Flying Dragon General and the Freedom Fighters of China!

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