Thanos4Lyf's Profile

Joined: Nov 10, 2016

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Thanos4Lyf reviewed The Unworthy Thor #1 Nov 10, 2016

Finally coming back full circle on Jason Aaron's run of Thor. Can't wait to read on and find out what was whispered to Odinson that made him Unworthy. Well paced, great story and good artwork open the series strong

The Unworthy Thor #1

By: Jason Aaron, Olivier Coipel
Released: Nov 2, 2016

    Odinson's desperate search to regain his worthiness has taken him out into the cosmos, where he's learned of the existence of a mysterious other Mjolnir. This weapon of unimaginable power, a relic from a dead universe, is the key to Odinson's redemption - but some of the greatest villains of the Marvel Universe are now anxio...

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