Batman Jones's Profile

Joined: Jun 07, 2018

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Batman Jones reviewed Wonder Woman #2 Nov 9, 2023

I really didn't want to give #1 and #2 a 10. I hold those back for something incredible. To me, this is that. Getting me to care about a WW monthly is a true feat, since there have been so few decent ones. Loved Perez, loved Rucka, liked Azzarello a lot and there's a lot of room for this to change but, so far, this is far and away my favorite WW title ever. Ever.

Wonder Woman #2

By: Tom King, Daniel Sampere
Released: Oct 25, 2023

AN ARMY OF ONE! Now a wanted fugitive, Wonder Woman readies herself for battle against Commander Steel and his soldiers, her former love Steve Trevor being one of them! What could this face-off mean for her position in the world of heroes? Will it further her quest for the truth about the rogue Amazon or end in bloodshed? Find out as this demigodde...

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Batman Jones reviewed Wonder Woman #1 Nov 9, 2023

I can't remember the last time I gave a 10 but what a perfect first issue, especially on WW, whom nobody seems to know what to do with. Apart from the Perez and Azzarello runs I've never been able to get into her monthly title. I am freaking hooked now. This is probably my favorite thing DC is publishing right now.

Wonder Woman #1

By: Tom King, Daniel Sampere
Released: Sep 20, 2023

THE AMAZON WARRIOR IS NOW A WANTED OUTLAW! A NEW ERA FOR THE AMAZON WARRIOR BEGINS, FROM THE SUPERSTAR TEAM OF TOM KING AND DANIEL SAMPERE! After a mysterious Amazonian is accused of mass murder, Congress passes the Amazon Safety Act, barring all Amazons from U.S. soil. To carry out their plans, the government starts a task force, the Amazon Extrad...

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Batman Jones commented on this:

This issue makes up for the entire event in my opinion. I thought this event will be mediocre. But the action art from Howard porter and ending make up for it. It's a bit biased since Joshua williamson is one of my fav writers.

However. As an entire event? It can be skipped. It can be passable. It's fun, it's entertaining and I am happy Deadman shines in this event. But u don't need to more

Knight Terrors: Night's End #1

By: Joshua Williamson, Howard Porter
Released: Aug 30, 2023

KNIGHT TERRORS FINALE! SPECIAL OVERSIZE ISSUE! Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman, along with the DCU’s other heroes, have escaped the Nightmare Realm only to find the Nightmare League has followed them home! The entire world has become engulfed in horror, and the last person standing to take down Insomnia is Deadman. But does he want to? And don...

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Batman Jones - Aug 29, 2023

“At least Joshua Williamson was excited about this event” is a great way to describe each event he’s written for DC

Batman Jones commented on this:
uktsr reviewed DC Pride: 2022 #1 Jun 7, 2022

Corporate cringe

DC Pride: 2022 #1

Released: Jun 8, 2022

DC's 2022 celebration kicks off with more stories, more characters, and more pride than ever before! This anthology features 13 all-new stories spotlighting LGBTQIA+ fan-favorites new and old including Superman (Jon Kent), Nubia, Tim Drake, Kid Quick, Aquaman (Jackson Hyde), Green Lantern (Jo Mullein), Alysia Yeoh, the Ray, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy...

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The Brave and the Bald - Jun 10, 2022

Looks like the Matt Gaetz account got banned

davepete - Jun 12, 2022

The guy who gave DC's summer event comic a 9.0 says this book about gay superheroes is corporate cringe.


That was a bad, boring, uninspired comic book just like every comic leading up to this event. I don’t have any problem with Josh Williamson but he should not be writing comics as major as this event is meant to be and he certainly shouldn’t be some sort of architect of the DC universe. It’s not his fault, it’s just beyond him. I really don’t understand what DC is thinking. This is textbo more

Justice League: Road to Dark Crisis #1

By: Joshua Williamson, Dan Jurgens
Released: Jun 1, 2022

Written by Joshua Williamson, Jeremy Adams, Brandon Thomas, Chuck Brown, Stephanie Phillips and Phillip Kennedy Johnson Art by Clayton Henry, Fico Ossio, Emanuela Lupacchino, Leila Del Duca and more The Justice League has tragically fallen in battle, and now we see the aftermath. How does the world react to the Justice League being gone? Which hero...

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Batman Jones reviewed Justice League #75 Apr 27, 2022

This book had no redeeming qualities. It could have been a panel long. It didn't even need that. It could have been the press release from January. Nothing happened, including even a single interesting character moment, that wasn't in that headline.

Williamson is not a bad writer, per se. He's just a very pedestrian, very unremarkable one. That he's now DC's "superstar" writer (their wo more

Justice League #75

By: Joshua Williamson, Rafael Sandoval
Released: Apr 27, 2022

Oversize special issue! Superstar writer Joshua Williamson pens the beginning of the next big DCU event! It all starts here! A new Dark Army made up of the DCU's greatest villains has formed on the edges of the Multiverse! The DCU's best and most powerful heroes are pulled together in an epic war to push the darkness back! But in the end, they are ...

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Dave reviewed Justice League #75 Apr 25, 2022

This book is well a comic book , I read a preview three weeks a go and remember nothing about it , not so bad that it deserves hate, not good enough that you can rave about it. Just kind of there in it’s own mediocre glory

Justice League #75

By: Joshua Williamson, Rafael Sandoval
Released: Apr 27, 2022

Oversize special issue! Superstar writer Joshua Williamson pens the beginning of the next big DCU event! It all starts here! A new Dark Army made up of the DCU's greatest villains has formed on the edges of the Multiverse! The DCU's best and most powerful heroes are pulled together in an epic war to push the darkness back! But in the end, they are ...

Batman Jones commented on this:
Nihilist reviewed Flashpoint: Beyond #0 Apr 12, 2022

Truth is, hardly anything matters in comics. Every now and then publishers reset continuities either because they became convoluted, messy and often self contradictory, or sales dropped alongside readers' interest. DC'a last big official reboot was Flashpoint, which sadly opened a new universe of grimness, boredom, poor writing, edginess and straight up butchery of beloved characters (Lobo, Harley more

Flashpoint: Beyond #0

By: Geoff Johns, Eduardo Risso
Released: Apr 13, 2022

The world of Flashpoint returns! After sacrificing everything to help the Flash put the universe back together and save Bruce Wayne's life, Thomas Wayne wakes up in a world he thought was no more. Forced to don the cowl once again, Batman prowls the streets of Gotham searching for answers to how this world still exists, but what he starts to uncove...

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SenpaifenixJäger - Apr 20, 2022

Dark Crisis is completely 5G, they insist something is not working, but for the first time I think there is a little bit of light at the end of some series like Detective Comics, White Knight, and I just got Batman/Superman this issue was nice. I don't trust in Chip either, he's not a bad writer but I'm very disappointed in BUL, so I don't expect much from him.

myconius - May 12, 2022

@Nihilist - it's refreshing to read your take on this comic. and i agree with you on so many points that you've made! ... i feel that liking your review is not nearly enough!! this review deserves a damn award!!!

Batman Jones reviewed One-Star Squadron #4 Mar 5, 2022

Mark Russell has found a perfect way to do what he does so well but with superheroes.

Wonder Twins was almost it but, as a fan of his social satire and of C-list characters, each of which features in both, I find this book more satisfying. And the art is perfect.

I would be so happy for this to become an ongoing title. Since that probably won’t happen I’ll just hope Russ more

One-Star Squadron #4

By: Mark Russell, Steve Lieber
Released: Mar 2, 2022

Everyone must go! Under pressure from the board, Red Tornado is forced to fire some of his hero colleagues so the company can stay afloat. First on the chopping block...Power Girl! Will her self-help bible by Maxwell Lord assure her survival? Or is she as doomed as Krypton once was?

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Batman Jones reviewed Batman #121 Mar 3, 2022

Great art but for a fine-but-mediocre writer Williamson is spread too thin. I'd be totally cool with reading two monthlies from him and I'm sure I'd like them fine as I did his Flash but I'm also sure that, like his Flash, they wouldn't be anything special. I don't think he's bad, I just don't think he's particularly interesting.

His enthusiasm for DC Comics and its characters goes a lo more

Batman #121

By: Joshua Williamson, Jorge Molina
Released: Mar 2, 2022

The deadly conclusion to the “Abyss” arc as Lex Luthor’s dangerous master plan for Batman Inc. is revealed. And an old ally returns to pull the lost Batman out of Abyss’s darkness and a new member of Batman Inc. rises! In the final chapter of “They Make Great Pets,” Maps finds the missing piece to the shocking and deadly mystery...with ...

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cumgurglinrhino reviewed Human Target #5 Feb 22, 2022

This book has been great, but for some reason, people just don’t seem to realize it’s a Black Label book, which means this shit just isn’t in continuity. This has loose connections to JLI, but that’s it, and it’s not like you have to even read JLI to enjoy this. And no, King did not "ruin" Martian Manhunter this issue. Human Target is an-out-of continuity Noir detective story. Characters more

Human Target #5

By: Tom King, Greg Smallwood
Released: Feb 23, 2022

Christopher Chance, a.k.a. the Human Target, will be dead in a few days, but nothing will stop him from solving his own murder. His investigation into the JLI intensifies, and he sets his sights on the Martian Manhunter…but what piece does J’onn J’onzz add to the puzzle?

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Toonstrack - Feb 24, 2022

Correct. And even beyond that, these are dynamic characters you can do many things with. Continuity gets rebooted every once in a while anyway. These characters can fit this role beautifully. I dont even feel MM was ruined here or disrespected. They just added a wrinkle in his narrative is all.

Batman Jones reviewed Human Target #5 Feb 25, 2022

Just fantastic. Bummed about the long delay at the halfway mark but in a way it reminds me of having to wait for a second season of a TV show I love to air.

I find this series so satisfying in so many ways.

Like masterworks Mister Miracle and The Vision before it, this series represents everything I want out of comics.

Human Target #5

By: Tom King, Greg Smallwood
Released: Feb 23, 2022

Christopher Chance, a.k.a. the Human Target, will be dead in a few days, but nothing will stop him from solving his own murder. His investigation into the JLI intensifies, and he sets his sights on the Martian Manhunter…but what piece does J’onn J’onzz add to the puzzle?

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Perfect. Very few comics (or anything) merit a 10/10 rating. This one does.

Batman / Catwoman: Special #1

By: Tom King, Lee Bermejo
Released: Jan 26, 2022

Some great romances are destined to be. The Batman/Catwoman series shows readers the romance between Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle as it changed over their lives, but what about their connections from before they became costumed adventurers? This special one-off issue, meticulously illustrated by John Paul Leon (Batman: Creature of the Night), traces...

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Batman Jones reviewed DC vs. Vampires #4 Jan 29, 2022

Terrifically written and drawn. i fully believe is going to an evergreen story. In spite of its silly title (and premise) it’s just such a great DCU-wide Elseworlds. I hear Rosenberg’s voice in the dialogue well more than Tynion’s and I’m glad he’s getting so much work at DC lately. Nobody’s out there exactly raving about him (yet) but he gets those characters, he provides them the fre more

DC vs. Vampires #4

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Otto Schmidt
Released: Jan 26, 2022

Batman has confirmed who in the Justice League has been turned into a vampire…but can he make his move before the Justice League is turned against him? It’s hero versus hero in this blood-drenched chapter…with clues to who the new Vampire King might be!

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Batman Jones commented on this:
Merlyn reviewed Nightwing #88 Jan 18, 2022

I know a lot of people are losing their minds over the "new" suit and the Titans making an appearance but I just can't get over all the cringey dialogue. I'm sure Taylor thinks he's funny but the "jokes" just aren't landing and the "quippy" dialogue is not that quippy. Heartless is pretty annoying, I hope Blockbuster kills him because he's not a good addition to the Nightwing mythos. I also cringe more

Nightwing #88

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Jan 19, 2022

The blue stripes are back! Nightwing gets an updated suit starting this issue! Meanwhile, after the distressing events of rescuing Haley from getting dognapped by bad guys, Nightwing discovers there are way more hits on Dick Grayson than he realized, thanks to going public about his fortune, and he needs to find a clever way to be Dick Grayson and ...

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Mingthemerciless - Jan 21, 2022

I ll tell you what hes trying to do by following us Merlyn. He believes that eventually he will catch a sentence or a post that he can go to admin with and cry "phobe" or "bigot" or "insurrectionist" or whatever lefty sobriquet and then get us removed. You should see by now hes a very damaged individual and he seethes at you. His agenda is revenge driven and troll buddies he has here are part of trying to bait and insult you to get the "evidence"he thinks he will need. Hes a very ugly individual

M. eAmor - Jan 22, 2022

Chill already, all of you.

Batman Jones commented on this:
Robin reviewed Detective Comics #1048 Jan 11, 2022

it was quiet less than expected, hoping he was an honest character but nope he hated his mother. It seems if the person is not part or soon to be part of bat-family then he/she will be evil or bad in some shape or form. And I guess we are just drawing Harley as straight up Margot Robbie, not complaining just noticed.

Detective Comics #1048

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Fernando Blanco
Released: Jan 12, 2022

“The Tower” part two! The mysteries of Dr. Wear begin to unfold as a new doctor named Frow joins the staff of Arkham Tower. The Bat-Family tries to figure out the best way to infiltrate the facility, but someone may have gotten the drop on them…someone not unfamiliar with psychiatric facilities…one Dr. Harleen Quinzel, better known to you d...

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Batman Jones - Jan 12, 2022

Everyone is evil or bad in some form. Even Christians know that.

Robin - Feb 13, 2022

I agree to everyone is evil or bad in some form just like everyone is a hero in their own stories. still, Why did you add the christian part in the comment???

Batman Jones liked this:

So Great. One of best series right now.

Human Target #3

By: Tom King, Greg Smallwood
Released: Dec 29, 2021

Christopher Chance is a man on a deadline and working to solve a crime that might be unsolvable. Despite his better judgment, he’s falling for his lead suspect, and her violent ex-boyfriend isn’t happy about it. Oh, and that ex? He’s a Green Lantern.

Batman Jones reviewed Nightwing #87 Dec 22, 2021

If this comic isn’t a 10 I honestly don’t know what is.

Nightwing #87

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Dec 22, 2021

This special Nightwing issue is ONE CONTINUOUS IMAGE! That's right-if you placed every page next to each other, you'll have one poster image with this story! Now that billionaire Dick Grayson has publicly dedicated his funds to save Blüdhaven, he's a wanted man-and that's why he finds hired killers breaking in to steal his dog, Haley!

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Batman Jones - Dec 24, 2021

Most impressively, it never feels like a gimmick. Nightwing #87 will be studied for years to come to show what's truly possible in the comics medium."

Batman Jones - Dec 24, 2021

I agree, so yeah. I'm comfortable with my 10 rating.


What a paint-by-numbers nothing. Empty costumes trading tired tropes. This writer cannot be the architect of the new DCU. He’s too stuck in the past. You have to go back to the silver age to find such unsophisticated plotting and dialogue but the silver age was also whimsical and delightfully weird, This series, not unlike it’s predecessor, is not. It somehow manages to keep everything that ma more

Justice League: Incarnate #2

By: Dennis Culver, Andrei Bressan
Released: Dec 22, 2021

As Darkseid’s quest leaves a bloody trail across the MultiversE, the Justice League Incarnate ventures to the dark world of horror known as Earth-13. They must enlist the aid of Super-Demon and his League of Shadows against not only Darkseid but also the evil power couple of Asmodel and the Sheeda Queen! While on Earth-11, the Batwoman Who Laughs...

Batman Jones reviewed Teen Titans Academy #9 Dec 16, 2021

Okay, that was freaking awful. For one thing it was just poorly written and boring. But that happens all the time and is relatively inoffensive.

I don't agree with those that complain of a character being 'mistreated.' They're characters(!). But turning Garth into an annoying afterthought tagalong is just gross, especially after so many years of essentially disregarding the fact that h more

Teen Titans Academy #9

By: Tim Sheridan, Mike Norton
Released: Dec 15, 2021

Homecoming continues! Homecoming is a time for reunion and reflection, and the shocking news that Roy is alive has left the Titans-and the Flash-with plenty to reflect upon. As old wounds are ripped open, the Academy’s very existence is called into question, leaving the futures of its vulnerable young students up in the air and exposing them to t...

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Batman Jones reviewed Checkmate #6 Nov 23, 2021

Just stop it, DC. Will enough never be enough? The rest of the line is great lately. One of these things is not like the others. Send help.

Checkmate #6

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev
Released: Nov 24, 2021

The shocking finale to the DC spy event of the year. Everything is revealed…and only one will survive the showdown between Checkmate and Leviathan. Also, who is the Daemon Rose, and why does he have a gun pointed at Superman’s face? Plus: Mr. King’s identity revealed, as well as the reason he has sacrificed everything to bring Checkmate back!

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Batman Jones commented on this:
UxasIs reviewed Justice League #69 Nov 20, 2021

Justice League - 1/10, I think i've got brain damage after reading this

Justice League Dark - 9.5/10

Justice League #69

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Scott Godlewski
Released: Nov 17, 2021

The superspies of Checkmate poke their sneaky noses where they do not belong, and the Justice League are NOT happy about it. In fact, most of the League isn't even happy Checkmate exists, setting up Checkmate versus the Justice League! The superspies versus the super…guys. In Justice League Dark, Zatanna is locked in a battle with the greatest s...

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Batman Jones - Nov 21, 2021

I know I’m missing out and I will go back and read JLD when there have been several installments to binge but so far my ‘brain damage’ from the lead story has made me so disappointed I’ve just put it down as quickly as I could. Looking forward to reading all the 10-page JLD backups at once.

UxasIs - Nov 22, 2021

Yeah thats a good idea, a lot of these books are much better binge read and I defo think thats one of them. As for Justice League I can't say im disappointed at all as I had zero expectations when I saw Bendis was writing the title Putting the book down was definitely the wise decision

Batman Jones reviewed Nightwing #86 Nov 18, 2021

Pretty sure this will be the lowest score I’ll give Taylor’s Nightwing. It was terrific before Tyrion’s nothing-event infected the whole Bat-line. He’s not a bad writer, just a bad Batman writer. I wish him the best but as a DC fan I won’t miss him. It will be great to have Taylor writing the book he wants to be writing again because that book has been dynamite.

Nightwing #86

By: Tom Taylor, Robbi Rodriguez
Released: Nov 17, 2021

Nightwing and Babs have fought through the fear-stricken Gotham streets, but now their fight takes them to the skies above Gotham, with the Batgirls and Tim Drake (Robin) in tow! Now aboard the Magistrate’s Skybase-01, they have made it their mission to bring the airborne leviathan down, prevent Seer’s disinformation from being broadcast, and s...

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Batman Jones reviewed Justice League #69 Nov 16, 2021

I don't give 1 star reviews. Or it's exceedingly rare. I can't remember the last time I did it or really if I ever did it at all, though I'm sure I'm just forgetting something. But this comic...

Wow. Just wow. How does this series keep getting worse? DC, whatever you owe him, pay him off to leave. Justice League has had some pretty poor runs but none of them, whether in continuity or no more

Justice League #69

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Scott Godlewski
Released: Nov 17, 2021

The superspies of Checkmate poke their sneaky noses where they do not belong, and the Justice League are NOT happy about it. In fact, most of the League isn't even happy Checkmate exists, setting up Checkmate versus the Justice League! The superspies versus the super…guys. In Justice League Dark, Zatanna is locked in a battle with the greatest s...

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JBL Reviews - Nov 17, 2021

I love these comments. I am convinced that some of the people who instantly give their least favorite writer a "1" nearly every issue are just trying to prove a point. If they aren't trying to prove a point, I can't fathom why they keep reading books from authors that they despise. And yes, sometimes a book is a 1.

Batman Jones liked this:
daspidaboy reviewed Batman: The Imposter #2 Nov 9, 2021

A very solid series so far that I'm really enjoying thanks to the creative art, the visuals, and the fight scenes.

Batman: The Imposter #2

By: Mattson Tomlin, Andrea Sorrentino
Released: Nov 10, 2021

Detective Blair Wong set her sights on Bruce Wayne as a source of information about the Batman-but neither of them was ready for the sparks that flew when they met. Unfortunately for their relationship, the imposter Batman has killed again, and the pressure is mounting to close the case…immediately!

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Batman Jones liked this:
motorik reviewed Batman: The Imposter #2 Nov 9, 2021

Stunning artwork from the always brilliant Andrea Sorrentino.
Mattson Tomlin is quite the story teller. The real world vibes have been done in Batman before but not as well as this.

Batman: The Imposter #2

By: Mattson Tomlin, Andrea Sorrentino
Released: Nov 10, 2021

Detective Blair Wong set her sights on Bruce Wayne as a source of information about the Batman-but neither of them was ready for the sparks that flew when they met. Unfortunately for their relationship, the imposter Batman has killed again, and the pressure is mounting to close the case…immediately!

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WhistleBlower reviewed Batman: The Imposter #2 Nov 9, 2021

A smart and realistic Batman book that actually explores the details of its world. It's what Batman Earth One would be if it were written by someone competent.

Batman: The Imposter #2

By: Mattson Tomlin, Andrea Sorrentino
Released: Nov 10, 2021

Detective Blair Wong set her sights on Bruce Wayne as a source of information about the Batman-but neither of them was ready for the sparks that flew when they met. Unfortunately for their relationship, the imposter Batman has killed again, and the pressure is mounting to close the case…immediately!

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Afre reviewed Batman: The Imposter #2 Nov 10, 2021

When I first heard about this, I thought it would me another run-on-the-mill origin story that did nothing new with the idea. It angered me, as I thought DC should do something else than "Year two of Batman".

My grodd was I wrong. So wrong.

This is amazing. I love this.

Batman: The Imposter #2

By: Mattson Tomlin, Andrea Sorrentino
Released: Nov 10, 2021

Detective Blair Wong set her sights on Bruce Wayne as a source of information about the Batman-but neither of them was ready for the sparks that flew when they met. Unfortunately for their relationship, the imposter Batman has killed again, and the pressure is mounting to close the case…immediately!

Batman Jones liked this:
Asger reviewed Batman: The Imposter #2 Nov 9, 2021

The only critique I have is that the super stylised panel layout can be a little difficult to follow occasionally, especially when the panels are small.

Other than that everything good about the last issue is once again present here and much more this time, absolutely brilliant. The last issue was amazing but this one just goes above and beyond, the few issues I had with the last issue more

Batman: The Imposter #2

By: Mattson Tomlin, Andrea Sorrentino
Released: Nov 10, 2021

Detective Blair Wong set her sights on Bruce Wayne as a source of information about the Batman-but neither of them was ready for the sparks that flew when they met. Unfortunately for their relationship, the imposter Batman has killed again, and the pressure is mounting to close the case…immediately!

Batman Jones reviewed Batman: The Imposter #2 Nov 13, 2021

I have loved every single thing about this series so far. I hope the writer follows it up with something more for DC. And the art is incredible as Sorrentino's always is.

Though this has been so good in every way so far, the panel that really got me in the feels was Bruce Wayne's childlike signature in #1. It's emblematic of this not being just one more alt-Batman story. There are a lot more

Batman: The Imposter #2

By: Mattson Tomlin, Andrea Sorrentino
Released: Nov 10, 2021

Detective Blair Wong set her sights on Bruce Wayne as a source of information about the Batman-but neither of them was ready for the sparks that flew when they met. Unfortunately for their relationship, the imposter Batman has killed again, and the pressure is mounting to close the case…immediately!

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