Fulcrum's Profile

Joined: Nov 15, 2018

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Fulcrum reviewed The Walking Dead #50 Apr 16, 2019

In this emotionally poignant issue, it is clear that there was yet another casualty in the prison assault. Carl Grimes’ childhood died as well. Children in the zombie apocalypse must either grow up and adapt at a rapid (and decidedly cruel) rate, or they simply will not last very long. Thankfully, Carl seems to have adapted exponentially since the zombie outbreak began. While he is quite handy w more

The Walking Dead #50

By: Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard
Released: Jul 2, 2008

All alone now.

For this landmark 50th issue we present a special stand-alone tale that will both warm your heart and chill you to the bone.

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Fulcrum reviewed The Walking Dead #49 Apr 14, 2019

There are slower moments in episodic storytelling that seem like fillers designed purely to build anticipation for the next big action sequence. This slower issue could not be further from that category. This pause from the jarring action and bitter losses of the preceding chapter showcases a drained father and son who must literally find a way to start over (again) after the loss of their whole w more

The Walking Dead #49

By: Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard
Released: May 14, 2008

Everything is different now.

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Fulcrum reviewed The Walking Dead #48 Apr 9, 2019

Few issues succeed like this one in truly leaving one speechless at the end of it. And a little sick to the stomach if I’m being honest. I have a pretty high tolerance for gore, but that sequence with Lori and Judith pushed me to my limits. It is quite truthfully the most brutal issue up to this point as we are forced to endure a bloodbath as ceaseless as it is senseless. I don’t even know whe more

The Walking Dead #48

By: Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard
Released: Apr 2, 2008

Dead and buried.

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Fulcrum reviewed The Walking Dead #47 Apr 1, 2019

The absolutely crushing, game-changing moment in this whole Governor arc came to its malevolent fulfillment when the Governor psychotically drove that tank through the fences. In that grim instance, the value of the prison as a safe haven from the horrors of the outside world was brutally stripped away. Without those fences, neither Rick’s group or the Governor’s can derive anything of signifi more

The Walking Dead #47

By: Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard
Released: Mar 12, 2008

Mother and Child. No one is safe

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Fulcrum reviewed The Walking Dead #46 Mar 30, 2019

RIP Tyreese

There are moments in life when death becomes an inevitable consequence of choices rendered. Once an often indefinite threshold is crossed, there is no going back from the grim reality of Death’s imminent arrival. That threshold was crossed when Michonne and Tyreese set out on their doomed mission. Driven more by vengeance and rage rather than by any degree of strategic rel more

The Walking Dead #46

By: Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard
Released: Feb 13, 2008

The bloodbath continues. No one is safe.

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Fulcrum commented on this:
comicgeniuz reviewed The Walking Dead #46 Dec 20, 2016

Am I a bad person for thinking that he deserved this for leaving and therefore death-sentencing Carol?

The Walking Dead #46

By: Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard
Released: Feb 13, 2008

The bloodbath continues. No one is safe.

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Fulcrum - Mar 27, 2019

You’re not a bad person, no, but the person responsible for Carol dying is Carol. She made the ultimate choice to opt out, and I feel bad for her. But it is unfair to place the blame anywhere else other than at her feet.

Fulcrum reviewed The Walking Dead #45 Mar 27, 2019

Besides featuring the most epic urination fail in the history of the written word, this issue allows our beleaguered prison group a moment to catch their collective breath after their unexpected victory over the Governor’s forces. Alice plays an integral role in stabilizing Rick’s critical condition with a crucial assist from Patricia. Patricia, Patricia . . . Crazy, crazy Patricia. In the gra more

The Walking Dead #45

By: Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard
Released: Dec 12, 2007

It's all been leading up to this. No one is safe. Not even our hero, Rick Grimes.

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Fulcrum reviewed The Walking Dead #44 Mar 18, 2019

Team Prison: 1

Team Woodbury: Zilch!

After a very intense and action-packed showdown, Rick’s group not only comes out on top, but they do not lose a single casualty! So how did this miraculous deliverance from the Governor’s forces come about? On paper it should not have worked. The Governor had a TANK! He had a makeshift army comprised of much greater numbers. He had the more

The Walking Dead #44

By: Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard
Released: Nov 21, 2007

Everything is changing ? starting now! It's all been leading up to this, folks! Nobody is safe. Nothing will ever be the same. The biggest, most explosive story-arc in the history of this series starts right here, in this issue.

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Fulcrum reviewed The Walking Dead #43 Mar 16, 2019

After enduring several issues wondering whatever happened to that Governor bloke, the curtain to that mystery is finally pulled all the way back in this jarringly dark installment.

“There is evil in this world—and not all of it is in the form of those undead monsters clawing at our fences.”

The Governor’s words ring undeniably true, but little do the deceived citize more

The Walking Dead #43

By: Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard
Released: Oct 24, 2007

Living safely among the dead for so long can make you let your guard down. You forget how dangerous they truly are. Mistakes are made... lives are lost.

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Fulcrum reviewed The Walking Dead #42 Mar 15, 2019

This is really all Tyreese’s fault. “We’re safe. That’s it.” And then he repeated that naive mantra just a few panels later. [Enter Sean Bean] “One does not simply say they are safe in The Walking Dead and actually stay safe.” [Exit Sean Bean]. Such optimism is as alluring as it is dangerous, as Tyreese likely learns all too well as the Governor’s forces (tank and all) stampede tow more

The Walking Dead #42

By: Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard
Released: Sep 12, 2007

The time has come.

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Fulcrum reviewed The Walking Dead #41 Mar 9, 2019

There are many deaths in fiction that catch us truly off guard. And The Walking Dead particularly is adept at surprising its readers in the most shocking and devastating of ways when it comes to character deaths. But let us be honest here. We knew this was coming. Carol was simply too unstable to last much longer, and it really is sad. One might also be tempted to condemn her for choosing to opt o more

The Walking Dead #41

By: Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard
Released: Aug 29, 2007

Death surrounds them.

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Fulcrum reviewed The Walking Dead #40 Mar 2, 2019

Aw! Good for Rick! How many dads can say that they got to cut an old dude’s leg off the same day their daughter was born? Just another day in the zombie apocalypse! But seriously, everything seems to be going very swimmingly for our favorite group of post-Apocalyptic survivors. They even have a brand new member among their previously thinning ranks in the form of Judith “someone-forgot-to-remi more

The Walking Dead #40

By: Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard
Released: Aug 22, 2007

The BEGINNING is near!

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Fulcrum reviewed The Walking Dead #39 Feb 26, 2019

This issue felt very cinematic in that it had a little bit of everything. It had a shootout at the Wal-Mart where Andrea is forced to face the fact that maybe she has become a little too effective of a killing machine. Sharpshooter though she may be, Andrea is beginning to understand that there is a big difference between sniping zombies from a distance and gunning down actual human beings. Tyrees more

The Walking Dead #39

By: Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard
Released: Jul 25, 2007

Lori finally gives birth!

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Fulcrum reviewed The Walking Dead #38 Feb 24, 2019

There is a pervasive sense in this issue that something really bad is lurking just around the corner (or Wal-Mart aisle). The looming threat of the Governor (in whatever state he may be in after Michonne’s brutal retribution) is all the more menacing due to his absence. Waiting on the brink of an impending war is always more psychologically draining than the actual fighting itself. While life go more

The Walking Dead #38

By: Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard
Released: Jun 27, 2007

Preparation for WAR.

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Fulcrum reviewed The Walking Dead #37 Feb 15, 2019

A lot has been said about how dark and edgy The Walking Dead can be, and at times that darkness can appear to choke out all traces of light. Yet some of the most standout moments in my mind are not when hordes of zombies are trying to devour our heroes. Not one zombie graced the pages of this issue, and yet it resonated so powerfully with me nonetheless. It has been said that the stars shine all t more

The Walking Dead #37

By: Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard
Released: Apr 25, 2007

The ninth month begins.

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Fulcrum reviewed The Walking Dead #36 Feb 7, 2019

Detachment seems to be the theme of the hour in this morally vexing installment. In a world where the people you love could be snatched away from you at any moment and in the most horrific of ways, detachment is not without its curb appeal. Lori admits to Tyreese that she simply does not worry about Rick anymore whenever he heads outside the prison walls. He always comes back after all, so why put more

The Walking Dead #36

By: Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard
Released: Mar 21, 2007

Marriage proposal.

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Fulcrum reviewed The Walking Dead #35 Feb 2, 2019

This issue offered a mixed bag of goodies and one big stinker as well. As I generally prefer to end on a more positive note, I’ll get the negative out of the way first. The previous issue ended with a phenomenal and completely unexpected cliffhanger when Rick and company finally made it back to their prison home only to find it utterly overrun with walkers. The situation looked bleak indeed, and more

The Walking Dead #35

By: Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard
Released: Feb 28, 2007

The threat level rises.

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Fulcrum reviewed The Walking Dead #34 Feb 1, 2019

After plunging us into the most utter depths of darkness in the last issue, this most recent Walking Dead installment brings a little much needed light into the mix. Seeing Morgan again was a nice surprise, and there was something very touching about his interaction with his son Duane. In a world where all the civilized trappings of society have been callously ripped away, there is a certain charm more

The Walking Dead #34

By: Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard
Released: Feb 28, 2007

Safe for now... but for HOW LONG... and at what cost?

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Fulcrum reviewed The Walking Dead #33 Jan 10, 2019

The Walking Dead is generally a very entertaining series. It’s quite heavy and dark at times (in fact, 90% of the time), but the entertainment value is always present. This groundbreaking issue, however, is not one that should entertain the reader. Unless said reader happens to be Ramsay Bolton from Game of Thrones. Rather this issue is saturated like no other issue to date in an almost noxious more

The Walking Dead #33

By: Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard
Released: Dec 6, 2006

Revenge should be sweet, but Michonne has just completely redefine the expression. And maybe the Governor deserves it.

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Fulcrum reviewed The Walking Dead #32 Dec 28, 2018

I really liked Dr. Stevens, but I knew his time was short when he started talking about how relieved he was to be out of Woodbury. Whenever someone gets too optimistic in this series, their doom is nigh. On one level a big part of that is the undeniable reality that Robert Kirkman has a propensity for killing off characters the moment something good happens to them. It continually drives home the more

The Walking Dead #32

By: Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard
Released: Nov 22, 2006

Maybe there was a light at the end of the tunnel after all, but before returning to the prison they call home, Michonne needs to settle the score with the Governor.

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Fulcrum reviewed The Walking Dead #31 Dec 19, 2018

Gratuitous violence is an interesting issue to explore in this next chapter. It’s easy to condemn the Governor for offering his Woodbury followers some entertainment in the form of violent fights between two willing (or in some cases not so willing) participants. However, staged violence as a form of entertainment has been a mainstay of our society for centuries. Yes, we can certainly go way bac more

The Walking Dead #31

By: Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard
Released: Sep 20, 2006

Another chapter closes as a new one begins. Michonne has had trouble adjusting to her new surroundings. Starting this issue, things get even more difficult.

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Fulcrum reviewed The Walking Dead #30 Dec 18, 2018

This issue felt a bit like a filler after the incredibly rich string of issues that preceded it. Kirkman had a bit of fun toying with the readers by revealing Tyreese in the armor instead of Glenn. While the twist was well executed (I definitely didn’t see it coming), I wonder if the whole episode was altogether necessary. It was a fun reveal, but it did not really add much content to the story more

The Walking Dead #30

By: Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard

Near death.

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Fulcrum reviewed The Walking Dead #29 Dec 16, 2018

This issue offers us a compelling look into the operation at Woodbury that the Governor has established. This is a man who cut a limb off Rick and raped Michonne all while making a traumatized Glenn listen. He seems an utterly irredeemable monster, and yet he appears on some level to care for some people in his orbit. However, I would posit that the word APPEARS is the operative one here. Just as more

The Walking Dead #29

By: Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard
Released: Jul 12, 2006

Zombie attack!

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Fulcrum reviewed The Walking Dead #28 Dec 13, 2018

There are lots of very good issues of The Walking Dead. Compelling plot twists, unexpected character developments, and just general zombie badassery all contribute to an issue falling into that very good category. Sometimes they’re even truly great. This issue was one of those even rarer issues, however, that makes you feel something on a visceral level. Even after having read this issue previou more

The Walking Dead #28

By: Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard

Things get worse.

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Fulcrum added The Walking Dead to their pull list Dec 11, 2018

The Walking Dead

Rick Grimes, Sheriff of a small town in Kentucky awakes in a hospital. Comatose after being shot while on duty, Rick finds the world abandoned of all things living and is faced with walking undead, who attack him on sight. He returns home to find his family, son Carl and wife Lori, gone. He meets his new neighbor, who points him towards Atlanta. Af...

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Fulcrum reviewed The Walking Dead #27 Dec 11, 2018

Enter the Governor. I was introduced to The Walking Dead television show first before I even knew about the comic. When the Governor debuted in Season 3 of the show, I knew something special was happening. He felt like the kind of genuine, over the top villain that one might find in a Marvel comic. David Morrissey’s portrayal of the Governor was spot on, and he still remains my favorite villain more

The Walking Dead #27

By: Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard

Life goes on as the bold new direction for THE WALKING DEAD continues.

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Fulcrum reviewed The Walking Dead #26 Dec 6, 2018

The tone of mystery saturating our heroes’ quest for the crashed helicopter becomes more and palpable with every turn of the page. There is a sense of something big looming just around a corner that never really comes. But it’s definitely there, and one can practically feel the sadistic glee radiating off Kirkman as he keeps his readers guessing for another issue. That being said, while the my more

The Walking Dead #26

By: Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard

A groundbreaking moment, an astonishing sight! A helicopter soars over the world of the dead! The biggest event in the history of the series starts right here!

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Fulcrum reviewed The Walking Dead #25 Dec 4, 2018

If it’s possible given the usually rather grim tone of the series, this issue was actually somewhat lighthearted verging on downright fun. There were even a few jokes that were cracked, and most of them landed. Rick’s joke about how his right hand is of little use except for wailing on people was pretty hilarious. Also the fact that he is able to make jokes about that shows a degree of healing more

The Walking Dead #25

By: Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard

As their sweep of the prison for zombies continues, Glenn and Maggie stumble upon a stash of riot gear. Elsewhere, Lori and Carol have a conversation that leaves Lori a bit scared. The newly discovered gear allows Rick and Glenn outside the fences to siphon gas as the others run interference. But it's what they see while out there that is the bigge...

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Fulcrum reviewed The Walking Dead #24 Dec 3, 2018


If a Walking Dead fan was tasked with choosing only one issue to give to an outsider in order to give them a thorough understanding of what the series was all about, this issue (and possibly the first issue) would be an excellent candidate. Whether you support all of Rick’s decisions or think he’s lost his marbles, the undeniable truth is that Rick’s more

The Walking Dead #24

By: Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard

Something has happened to drive Rick over the edge. There's no turning back now as we reach the two-year mark on the zombie movie that never ends. Join the thousands of readers already enjoying this book as we ask, "Where do we go from here?" And trust us - this is only the beginning.

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Fulcrum reviewed The Walking Dead #23 Dec 1, 2018

It speaks to Kirkman’s phenomenal storytelling ability that he is able to make a heated fist fight between two friends a highly compelling and nuanced spectacle. What is so poignant about Rick and Tyreese’s blowout is that neither of the two alpha males are actually fighting one another. Sure, they may be clobbering the bloody hell out of each other, but make no mistake. Rick is fighting Rick. more

The Walking Dead #23

By: Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard

Fist fight! Everything is starting to fall apart.

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