SuperCam081392's Profile

Joined: Dec 05, 2018

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Heroes In Crisis #4

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Jan 2, 2019

Wonder Woman versus...Booster Gold?! Diana finds out the hard way that Booster can be a formidable opponent when his back's against the wall. Of course, being the prime suspect in a superhero massacre and exposing a secret trauma hospital for metahumans will do just that. Meanwhile, Batman and the Flash combine their detective skills to investigate...

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SuperCam081392 rated Superman #6 Dec 12, 2018

Superman #6

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: Dec 12, 2018

It's the moment you never thought you'd see-Superman must team with General Zod to defeat Rogol Zaar or risk banishment for all three in the cold prison of the Phantom Zone forever. Whatever you do, do not skip to the last page-the end of this issue changes the lives of Superman and his family forever as the Unity Saga continues!

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The Batman Who Laughs #1

By: Scott Snyder, Jock
Released: Dec 12, 2018

Left rattled by the events of DARK NIGHTS: METAL, Bruce Wayne must come face to face with the nightmares spawned from the Dark Multiverse. But even though evil devoured evil in the collapse of Challengers Mountain, the Dark Knight still has his doubts. He discovers that the Batman Who Laughs not only survived the fight with The Joker at the end of ...

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All-Star Superman #12

By: Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely
Released: Sep 17, 2008

The Man of Steel has faced twelve super-challenges. Now, as Lex Luthor's brilliant, criminal machinations come together, what fate awaits the doomed Superman? This is the final, dramatic chapter of the incredible, award-winning 12-issue run of ALL STAR SUPERMAN by Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely and Jamie Grant – don't miss it!

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All-Star Superman #11

By: Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely
Released: May 28, 2008

Superman…dead? What is the secret behind the Daily Planet's ominous headline from the future? And what does Clark Kent have to say about it? All the pieces of Lex Luthor's master plan to kill Superman begin to come together, building up to the All Star big bang in story's finale!

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All-Star Superman #10

By: Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely
Released: Mar 26, 2008

Nothing can stand against the Man of Steel! The 2007 Eisner Award Winner for "Best Continuing Series" keeps getting better when the new issue of ALL STAR SUPERMAN explodes!

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All-Star Superman #9

By: Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely
Released: Nov 14, 2007

Behold the Eisner Award-winning creative powerhouse in another fantastic exhibition of All Star bravura! Perils loom as Superman faces the strangest of adversaries.

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All-Star Superman #8

By: Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely
Released: Jul 4, 2007

The Daily Planet regulars hole up as the terrifying Bizarro plague spreads across Metropolis! Superman's trapped in the reverse madness of a dying Bizarro World! It's ALL STAR thrills from every angle, delivered by Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely and Jamie Grant!

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All-Star Superman #7

By: Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely
Released: Apr 11, 2007

The best-selling, smash hit All Star Superman bursts into another issue by comics masterminds Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely! The world is flipped upside down when the Man of Steel encounters his topsy-turvy doppelganger Bizarro! Round and square Earths collide in all-out, All Star action as two mismatched Supermen go toe-to-toe.

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All-Star Superman #6

By: Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely
Released: Jan 3, 2007

The award-winning, best-selling All Star saga brings Superman back to Smallville to mourn the loss of his adoptive father. As Clark Kent returns to his hometown roots, the fifth Dimensional trickster investigates human drama from an entirely different perspective.

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All-Star Superman #5

By: Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely
Released: Aug 30, 2006

The Man of Steel is trapped behind the iron bars of a maximum-security penitentiary with Lex Luthor! Has Superman's archenemy finally succeeded in maneuvering his opponent to the wrong place at the wrong time? Find out in this thrilling installment of Grant Morrison's and Frank Quitely's All Star mega-hit!

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All-Star Superman #4

By: Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely
Released: Jun 21, 2006

Jimmy Olsen, the Daily Planet's "Mister Action," is young, brilliant, and reckless! For this week's story he must become the director-for-a-day of P.R.O.J.E.C.T. With top agents assigned to protect him, he's looking forward to an easy day of jet-setting and international liaisons all in the name of scientific discovery. Instead, P.R.O.J.E.C.T. rece...

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All-Star Superman #3

By: Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely
Released: Mar 29, 2006

The All Star adventures of the Man of Steel take another startling turn when Lois Lane transforms from Superman's girlfriend into a Kryptonian Superwoman! Meanwhile, Lex Luthor's plans simmer as the criminal mastermind exerts his charisma and intellect over the hardcore inmates who share his maximum-security prison.

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All-Star Superman #2

By: Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely
Released: Jan 18, 2006

The most recognizable icon in comics continues to get the ALL STAR treatment from creative powerhouses Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely! After the startling events of the first issue, Superman retreats with Lois Lane to his Arctic sanctuary. Find out what mystery haunts Superman's girlfriend as she spends her birthday in the strangest place on eart...

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All-Star Superman #1

By: Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely
Released: Nov 16, 2005

DC launches the newest addition to its All Star line of comics — where the industry's top creative talents refine the iconic focus of the world's greatest super-heroes. Writer Grant Morrison (JLA, SEVEN SOLDIERS) and artist Frank Quitely (THE AUTHORITY, New X-Men) — the acclaimed team behind JLA: EARTH 2 — are at it once again, this time to s...

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All-Star Superman Vol. 1

By: Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely

The complete 12-issue run of ALL-STAR SUPERMAN by Morrison and Quitely is collected in a single trade paperback!Witness the Man of Steel in exciting adventures featuring Lex Luthor, Jimmy Olsen, Lois Lane, Bizarro, and more! Plus: Superman goes toe-to-toe with Bizarro, his oddball twin, and the new character Zibarro, also from the Bizarro planet.

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Batman: The Dark Knight Returns #4

By: Frank Miller, Klaus Janson

In this final legendary issue, it's Batman vs. Superman with the fate of the Earth at their feet. Nuclear Armageddon stands just within reach as the two biggest heroes on earth battle it out and the world watches on. Can The Dark Knight possibly take down the Man of Steel?

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Batman: The Dark Knight Returns #3

By: Frank Miller, Klaus Janson

What ever happened to Batman's greatest ally and his most dangerous foe? Find out here as The Man of Steel and the Joker both make explosive returns to the life of The Dark Knight. And you won't believe the vicious final confrontation between the Clown Prince of Crime and the Caped Crusader!

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Batman: The Dark Knight Returns #2

By: Frank Miller, Klaus Janson

The iconic series continues as a new Robin debuts and a gang of violent mutants stakes a claim on the streets of Gotham City. Unfortunately for them, The Dark Knight is about to prove that these streets are his, and he has a battle tank of a Batmobile to back him up!

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Batman: The Dark Knight Returns #1

By: Frank Miller, Klaus Janson

This masterpiece of comics storytelling brings to life a dark world...and an even darker man. Frank Miller completely reinvents the legend of Batman in his saga of a near-future Gotham City gone to rot, ten years after the Dark Knight's retirement.

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Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Vol. 1

By: Frank Miller, Klaus Janson

Celebrate 30 years of one of the most influential stories ever told in the comics medium with the anniversary edition of the undisputed graphic novel masterpiece BATMAN: THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS.

Writer/artist Frank Miller completely reinvents the legend of Batman in this saga of a near-future Gotham City gone to rot, 10 years after th...

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Dark Nights: Metal Collected

By: Scott Snyder, Jonathan Glapion

The Dark Knight has uncovered one of the lost mysteries of the that could destroy the very fabric of the DC Universe! The dark corners of reality that have never been seen till now! The Dark Multiverse is revealed in all its devastating danger-and the threats it contains are coming for the DC Universe! Collects the best-selling DARK ...

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Dark Nights: Metal #6

By: Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo
Released: Mar 28, 2018

All roads darkness. In the devastating and epic conclusion to DC's cataclysmic event series, heroes from across the universe make their final charge into the unknown to battle the forces of the Dark Multiverse! Space and time, dreams and nightmares, all will collide - and what is left at the end will leave the DC Universe irrevocably chan...

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Dark Nights: Metal #5

By: Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo
Released: Jan 31, 2018

The Justice League faces the final extinguishing of our world, invaded on all sides by unimaginable nightmares, fueled on to the edge of oblivion only by the belief that there must be a light in the endless darkness-somewhere. But...what if there's not?  

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Dark Nights: Metal #4

By: Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo
Released: Dec 20, 2017

The Justice League has been broken and scattered to the far corners of the DCU, each member forced to face their worst fears alone...and the fears are winning. When an unlikely ally reveals a glimmer of hope, they must seize their chance, or risk their window of opportunity closing for good!

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Dark Nights: Metal #3

By: Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo
Released: Oct 11, 2017

Superman is pulled into the mystery of the Dark Multiverse while the Justice League follows the trail to a weapon that could keep the forces of the Dark Multiverse at bay!

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Dark Nights: Metal #2

By: Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo
Released: Sep 13, 2017

As Superman and Wonder Woman hunt for a missing ally, Batman investigates a mystery spanning centuries. When the World's Greatest Detective discovers a foe even greater than the Justice League could possibly imagine, will Earth's heroes be ready?

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Dark Nights: Metal #1

By: Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo
Released: Aug 16, 2017

The superstar BATMAN team of writer Scott Snyder and artist Greg Capullo reunite for a massive, universe-spanning event!
DARK DAYS: THE FORGE and THE CASTING hinted at dark corners of reality that have never been seen till now! Now, as DARK NIGHTS: METAL begins, the Dark Multiverse is revealed in all its devastating danger-and the threats it co...

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SuperCam081392 rated Superman #5 Dec 5, 2018

Superman #5

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: Nov 14, 2018

What could tempt Kryptonian criminal General Zod to reenter the Phantom Zone after years of imprisonment? As Superman tries to free himself from the Kryptonian jail and fight off the monster who destroyed Krypton, Zod returns to face Rogol Zaar and get vengeance for his dead world and its lost potential.

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SuperCam081392 rated Superman #4 Dec 5, 2018

Superman #4

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: Oct 10, 2018

As Superman fights to protect the world  from Rogol Zaar and the Kryptonian convicts trapped inside the Phantom Zone, the greatest minds on Earth devise a risky plan to return the planet from the deadly prison. With the Earth continuing to crack and crumble and its greatest heroes fall, can the Man of Steel hold the line and give his adop...

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