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Joined: Mar 21, 2019

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GammaBurst reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #70 Jul 8, 2021

Now Spencer got my attention. I hope He leaves the book with a bang!

Amazing Spider-Man #70

By: Nick Spencer, Federico Vicentini
Released: Jul 7, 2021

The Sinister War turns Spidey's life upside-down, but the fact that KING'S RANSOM and CHAMELEON CONSPIRACY already did that, might give you an idea of how hard this is going to be for Peter Parker.
Rated T+

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GammaBurst reviewed Immortal Hulk #48 Jul 8, 2021

I can't praise this team and this book enough.

Immortal Hulk #48

By: Al Ewing, Joe Bennett
Released: Jul 7, 2021

•  Questioning himself after his recent confrontations, the Hulk turns to the one person who always understood him - only too well.
•  It's time for truths to be told. But will it be Betty Banner who tells them...
•  ...or will the Hulk face the gaze of the RED HARPY?<...

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GammaBurst reviewed Daredevil #31 Jun 29, 2021

Good issue. Not one of the best from this run so far.

Daredevil #31

By: Chip Zdarsky, Mike Hawthorne
Released: Jun 30, 2021

•  Chip Zdarsky, Marco Checchetto and all their collaborators have redefined the life of the Man Without Fear. IN THIS ISSUE, they do it all over again and, what's more, they go a step further and UP THE ANTE!
•  WILSON FISK's gambit from the past few months risks upending his life and tenure as...

+ LikeComments (4)
MasterComics - Jun 29, 2021

How could you read it if it is not available yet?

fearUhavemeisenough - Jun 30, 2021

Right now, July 30, not yesterday, the 29th at 23:00 hr when this pair of clowns made the rating AND I KNOW IT BECAUSE I LOOK AT MY PURCHASE.

GammaBurst reviewed Action Comics #1032 Jun 22, 2021

Simply one of the best books in the stands from the big two. The creative is on fire.

Action Comics #1032

By: Becky Cloonan, Michael Avon Oeming
Released: Jun 23, 2021

“Warworld Rising,” part three! As the Superman family fights to keep the mysterious refugees alive, they find shocking answers about their lost colony. Meanwhile, Atlantis faces destruction by a host of supernaturally powerful sea kaiju, apparently created by the newfound “Warworld fragment”! As other world governments come to understand th...

GammaBurst reviewed Superman #32 Jun 22, 2021

Very good issue, even though it's not quite at Action Comics level.

Superman #32

By: Phillip K. Johnson, Sami Basri
Released: Jun 23, 2021

The end of “The One Who Fell”! Superman and Superboy were duped by the old divide-and-conquer routine, which is especially dangerous on a faraway planet where you can’t tell who your enemy is. As the Shadowbreed makes their big move, Superman discovers what happened to the friend who originally sent the distress beacon that lured him and his ...

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It's Tom King, so I didn't expect more than mediocre...

Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #1

By: Tom King, Bilquis Evely
Released: Jun 16, 2021

Kara Zor-El has seen some epic adventures over the years, but finds her life without meaning or purpose. Here she is, a young woman who saw her planet destroyed and was sent to Earth to protect a baby cousin who ended up not needing her. What was it all for? Wherever she goes, people only see her through the lens of Superman’s fame. Just when Sup...

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Crimson Knight - Jun 15, 2021

You didn't like Mr.Miracle? If not then i understand just, I'm just curious.

daspidaboy - Jun 15, 2021

I think Mr. Miracle is good, I'm just not a fan of the 9 panel lay out and how Tom King drew nine pictures of Granny Goodness reacted to anything. Plus, I was more interested in how Mister Miracle dealt with being a dad instead of thinking whether Mr. Miracle was hallucinating or not. What makes you like Mr. Miracle @Crimson Knight?

GammaBurst reviewed Justice League #62 Jun 1, 2021

It can't get any worse than this.

Justice League #62

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Xermanico
Released: Jun 2, 2021

The Justice League! The biggest heroes! The biggest threats! With their powers out of control and trapped on a world they do not understand, the League must band together like never before. Queen Hippolyta is forced to confront her new destiny. All this and a last page so shocking that it will have fans of Naomi screaming!
Meanwhile, in our...

GammaBurst reviewed Action Comics #1031 May 25, 2021

Johnson's writing is epic; He's making an incredible worldbuilding. I can't stress enough how perfect Sampere's art is for this book.

This is becoming one of my favorite books being published today. This is gonna be a run to remember.

Action Comics #1031

By: Becky Cloonan, Michael Avon Oeming
Released: May 26, 2021

“Warworld Rising” part two! After a war-torn battleship escapes Warworld and makes the perilous journey to Earth, Superman searches for answers about the identities of its mysterious refugees and their apparent link to the planet Krypton. Could there be other Kryptonians in the universe? Meanwhile, Atlantean scientists study the wreckage of the...

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GammaBurst reviewed Captain America #29 May 22, 2021

Coates' wariting is mediocre at best.

Captain America #29

By: Ta-Nehisi Coates, Leonard Kirk
Released: May 19, 2021

As ALL DIE YOUNG races to its climax, Cap faces overwhelming odds as he battles to vanquish the Red Skull and the Power Elite!

Rated T+

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GammaBurst reviewed Flash #770 May 19, 2021

The Flash hassn't been this good in years!

Flash #770

By: Jeremy Adams, Jack Herbert
Released: May 19, 2021

Dropped into the battlefields of World War II, Wally West continues his search for a way home. As the Fastest Man Alive comes face to face with the Führer himself, Wally’s friends in the present day search for a way to bring him back and an answer to why he’s stuck leaping from speedster to speedster throughout time.

+ LikeComments (1)
TJMB3891 - Jul 15, 2021

Right?!? This book has been kicking ass.


Paknadel, Ewing and Ferreyra. What a team.

Immortal Hulk: Time of Monsters #1

By: Al Ewing, Juan Ferreyra
Released: May 19, 2021

•  Ten thousand years ago, something green and glowing comes to poison the ancient ground of the Fertile Crescent - and the hearts of its people.
•  One boy is left to bear the consequences - and, for the first open THE GREEN DOOR.

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GammaBurst reviewed Immortal Hulk #46 May 6, 2021

Great, as usual!

Immortal Hulk #46

By: Al Ewing, Joe Bennett
Released: May 5, 2021

• We thought they were dead. We thought they'd been banished, controlled, made harmless. We were wrong.
•  The gamma monsters are coming back - converging, one by one, on New York City. And who can stop them now?
•  Who can save us...from the IMMORTAL HULK?
Rated T+

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GammaBurst reviewed Green Lantern #2 May 5, 2021

I was excited about this new run at first. But after these 2 issues, I'm really not feeling it; and I say it as being not a fan of Hal Jordan at all.

Green Lantern #2

By: Geoffrey Thorne, Marco Santucci
Released: May 5, 2021

A Guardian of the Universe lies dead, and the universe teeters on the brink of war. As the summit of the United Planets and the Green Lantern Corps falls into chaos, an even bigger threat looms. With John Stewart reassigned to the role of an ambassador, a surprise appearance by one of the newest Green Lanterns may be all that stands between the Cor...

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GammaBurst reviewed Action Comics #1030 Apr 28, 2021

What a great issue by such a talented creative team. The seeds were planted to a big, cosmic Superman story. Action Comics is the DC book I want read.

Action Comics #1030

By: Becky Cloonan, Michael Avon Oeming
Released: Apr 28, 2021

“Warworld Rising” starts here! A new chapter in Superman’s life begins as the challenges of Dark Nights: Death Metal are causing Clark Kent to feel...a change in his powers. Is it possible the Metropolis Marvel could be losing a step? His struggles in taking down the creatures from the Breach would suggest as much! If he’s going to continue...

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GammaBurst reviewed Thor #14 Apr 15, 2021

Fantastic ending from a good story arc. I'm definitely onboard for what comes next.

Thor #14

By: Donny Cates, Nic Klein
Released: Apr 14, 2021

All-Father Thor breaks out of his prison! But Donald Blake has amassed more power than the King of Asgard can know. One thing is certain: When the hammer comes down, only one man will remain standing. Big action and big stakes are the Donny Cates and Nic Klein special - but you've never seen ...

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GammaBurst reviewed Immortal Hulk #45 Apr 7, 2021

Ewing and Bennett deliver one of the best comics I've read in a long time. A highlight among a book full of highlights. Perfect 10!

Immortal Hulk #45

By: Al Ewing, Joe Bennett
Released: Apr 7, 2021

• The Hulk is at his lowest point.
•  His strength is gone. His friends cannot reach him. Gamma itself has turned against him. What hope is there now?
•  What hope is left... for THE WEAKEST THERE IS?

Rated T+

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GammaBurst reviewed Immortal Hulk #44 Mar 10, 2021

Almost perfect.

Immortal Hulk #44

By: Al Ewing, Joe Bennett
Released: Mar 10, 2021

• In New York, the U-Foes are hunting a weakened Hulk - with the one thing that can kill him for good.
•  In New Mexico, the new Sasquatch faces something even weirder than he is.
•  Something very strange is happening to Jacqueline McGee.
•  And far above the world, HENRY PETER GYR...

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GammaBurst reviewed Batman #106 Mar 2, 2021

Outstanding beginning for the Dark Knight's new journey. Great writing art!

Batman #106

By: James Tynion IV, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Mar 3, 2021

Following the tragic events of Infinite Frontier #1, Batman and his new ally, Ghost-Maker, must reckon with a new gang operating in Gotham City-but are they connected to the reemergence of the Scarecrow? Meanwhile, shadowy billionaire Simon Saint pitches an advanced law-enforcement system to the new mayor! The creative team behind the epic “The J...

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Wonderful! Superman is in great hands.

Future State: Superman: House of El #1

By: Phillip K. Johnson, Scott Godlewski
Released: Feb 24, 2021

Centuries into the future, the bloodline of Kal-El, the hero we know as Clark Kent, continues. Meet a new generation of Kryptonian heroes as they stand against one of the greatest threats they’ve ever faced: a diabolical foe called the Red King. Get ready for the unexpected debuts of the twins known as Rowan and Ronan Kent, descendants of Jonatha...

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GammaBurst reviewed King In Black #2 Dec 23, 2020

A big downgrade from the first issue.

King In Black #2

By: Donny Cates, Ryan Stegman
Released: Dec 23, 2020

Rated T+

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GammaBurst rated Superman #28 Dec 22, 2020

Superman #28

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Ivan Reis
Released: Dec 16, 2020

It’s the Man of Steel’s last stand in this final Superman tale by the superstar team of Brian Michael Bendis, Ivan Reis, and Joe Prado! Superman comes face to face with an alien race that he desperately wants to help before it is too late. As the cosmically powered race known as the Synmar aim their deadly power at the Man of Steel’s adopted ...

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GammaBurst reviewed Action Comics #1028 Dec 22, 2020

Kind of hard to expect more than mediocrity from this run...

Action Comics #1028

By: Brian Michael Bendis, John Romita Jr.
Released: Dec 23, 2020

The powerhouse creative team of Brian Michael Bendis, John Romita Jr., and Klaus Janson wrap up their run on Action Comics with “House of Kent: Epilogue”! With the final fate of Metropolis’s underworld revealed at last, it’s time for each member of the House of Kent to face their unknown futures head on, including Lois, Conner, Jon, Kara, J...

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GammaBurst reviewed Iron Man #4 Dec 16, 2020

This book has been, at best, enjoyable, but not much more than that.

Iron Man #4

By: Christopher Cantwell, Cafu
Released: Dec 16, 2020

KORVAC is on the loose and Tony Stark is on the hook for it. Iron Man and Hellcat were lucky to survive their first encounter with Korvac and his new disciples, but finding him and stopping him is proving an even greater challenge. Tony is reticent to let other hero allies in on the fact that he opened up a giant can of worms all on his own, but it...

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The beautiful, gorgeous art is what saves this book.

Green Lantern: Season Two #10

By: Grant Morrison, Liam Sharp
Released: Dec 16, 2020

Meet Hal Jordan’s Earth-11 counterpart in the first skirmish of the Ultrawar! Against a backdrop of cosmic conspiracy and shady interstellar politics, two Green Lanterns and two Star Sapphires enact a four-way battle of the sexes. As the cracks of division spread from world to world, can love prevail?

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Not many writers/artists can tell a story that good like this one, with not a single word!

King In Black: Immortal Hulk #1

By: Al Ewing, Aaron Kuder
Released: Dec 16, 2020

The Hulk is in a bad place. Half of his alters are dead or missing - including Bruce Banner - and the Leader's got the rest of him on the ropes. But never let it be said that Joe Fixit doesn't know how to have a good time - and he's out to make sure this is the best holiday the Hulk's ever had. He just has to fight his w...

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GammaBurst reviewed Immortal Hulk #41 Dec 16, 2020

An amazing change of pace here. Ewing writes a great Ben too!

Immortal Hulk #41

By: Al Ewing, Joe Bennett
Released: Dec 16, 2020

• The rematch everybody wanted - but not like this!
•  The Hulk is broken, friendless and hunted. In every way, he's a shadow of his former self...
•  ...but there's nothing like the real THING.
Rated T+

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GammaBurst reviewed Venom #31 Dec 10, 2020

Impressive how the quality of this book has dropped.

Venom #31

By: Donny Cates, Iban Coello
Released: Dec 9, 2020

•  What happens to Eddie Brock when he finally comes face to face with the lord of the abyss, the KING IN BLACK: KNULL?
Rated T+

+ LikeComment

Pure mediocrity.

Endless Winter: Justice League #1

By: Andy Lanning, Howard Porter
Released: Dec 2, 2020

“Endless Winter” chapter one! The crossover event of the season begins here! The Justice League encounters an extinction-level global storm brewing at the former site of the Fortress of Solitude. Enter the Frost King, a monster mad with power with an army at his command! What devastating mystery lies in his past? And how does he tied to Queen H...

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GammaBurst reviewed King In Black #1 Dec 3, 2020

Cates really nailed this week! Can't remember the last time I've enjoyed the first issue from a Marvel event this much, and Thor #10 was also amazing.

King In Black #1

By: Donny Cates, Ryan Stegman
Released: Dec 2, 2020

After a campaign across the galaxy, Knull's death march arrives to Earth and, worse yet, he hasn't come alone! With an army of hundreds of thousands of symbiote dragons at his command, the King in Black is a force unlike any Earth's heroes have ever faced. EDDIE BROCK, A.K.A. VENOM has seen firsthand the chaos that even one of ...

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GammaBurst reviewed Thor #10 Dec 3, 2020

Exceptional issue. My favorite from this run, by far!

Thor #10

By: Donny Cates, Nic Klein
Released: Dec 2, 2020

For years Doctor Donald Blake has wandered a land far from Midgard, the place he once thought home. Now he has returned to the Ten Realms - but it is not the place it was, nor he the man who once shared a body with a god. New terrors await in what is perhaps Donny Cates' darkest story yet!
Rated T+

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