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Joined: Jul 14, 2014

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The post-Shattered Grid storyline was doing pretty good and the finale had me curious and excited but unfortunatelly not only does "Necessary evil" fails to live up to its name but all the various plotlines had a lackluster and unsatisfactory conclusion

Avoiding spoilers Im just going to simply mention my issues with the story:
1) the battle of the MMPR vs Dayne was resolved in a more

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers #50

By: Ryan Parrott, Daniele Di Nicuolo
Released: Jun 24, 2020

The MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS & the OMEGA RANGERS - along with surprise new allies - versus The Anointed in the conclusion to NECESSARY EVIL! ? Everything has been leading to the shocking return of a fan favorite character so big that we needed a LAST PAGE GATEFOLD to contain it! ? But what does it mean now that [SPOILER] is back?

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El Chapulin Colorado reviewed Wonder Woman #25 Jun 28, 2017

Meh. After 25 issues it doesnt feel like much has changed

Wonder Woman #25

By: Greg Rucka, Bilquis Evely
Released: Jun 28, 2017

Writer Greg Rucka weaves together the threads of "The Lies," "Year One," "The Truth," and "Godwatch"-every story in WONDER WOMAN since the start of the DC Universe Rebirth era-in this extra-sized anniversary issue!

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El Chapulin Colorado reviewed Batman #21 Jun 4, 2017

Batman vs Reverse Flash...and he gets his ass kicked

Batman #21

By: Tom King, Jason Fabok
Released: Apr 19, 2017

"THE BUTTON" part one! The cataclysmic events of DC UNIVERSE: REBIRTH #1 continue here! The Dark Knight and The Fastest Man Alive, the two greatest detectives on any world, unite to explore the mystery behind a certain blood-stained smiley button embedded in the Batcave wall. What starts as a simple investigation turns deadly when the secrets of th...

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El Chapulin Colorado reviewed Batman #22 Jun 4, 2017

Excellent heartwarming story between Batdad and Batson where you see both have so much to tell each other and unfortunatelly cant

Batman #22

By: Joshua Williamson, Jason Fabok
Released: May 3, 2017

THE BUTTON" part three! The cataclysmic events of DC UNIVERSE: REBIRTH #1 continue here! The Dark Knight and The Fastest Man Alive, the two greatest detectives on any world, unite to explore the mystery behind a certain blood-stained smiley button embedded in the Batcave wall. What starts as a simple investigation turns deadly when the secrets of t...

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El Chapulin Colorado reviewed Flash #21 Jun 4, 2017

The first part of the story was an excellent crime investigation story, the second was a good story were our heroes got glimpses of their stolen time and friendships Wally warned Barry about

Flash #21

By: Joshua Williamson, Howard Porter
Released: Apr 26, 2017

"THE BUTTON" part two! The cataclysmic events of DC UNIVERSE: REBIRTH #1 continue here! The Dark Knight and The Fastest Man Alive, the two greatest detectives on any world, unite to explore the mystery behind a certain blood-stained smiley button embedded in the Batcave wall. What starts as a simple investigation turns deadly when the secrets of th...

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El Chapulin Colorado reviewed Flash #22 Jun 4, 2017

A conclusion that doesnt gives answers and feels a little hollow; not really what one expeteced of this mini event but understandable if it is considered the continuation of the DC Universe Rebirth #1 and the 2nd chapter of the 2 year long DC vs Watchmen story. Could the objective of this travel may be to further weaken the DC heroes making Batman doubt about keep being Batman?

Flash #22

By: Joshua Williamson, Neil Googe
Released: May 17, 2017

"THE BUTTON" part four! The cataclysmic events of DC UNIVERSE: REBIRTH #1 continue here! The Dark Knight and The Fastest Man Alive, the two greatest detectives on any world, unite to explore the mystery behind a certain blood-stained smiley button embedded in the Batcave wall. What starts as a simple investigation turns deadly when the secrets of t...

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The extremists are taken down 1 by 1 but who will take on Havok? (its not Batman). Maybe the final issue doesn't have a big fight or a lot of teamwork snce most of the fights were 1 on 1 but by the end the JLA accomplished exactly what they needed and Batman and Vixen know the team is in the right path. The epilogue that takes place in the Extremist's past and old world hints to some interesting t more

Justice League of America #4

By: Steve Orlando, Ivan Reis
Released: Apr 12, 2017

"THE EXTREMIST AGENDA" finale! The new JLA's first adventure comes to a (multiple-)earth-shattering conclusion as Batman and his team takes the fight directly to Lord Havok.

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The JLA has the mission to help revolutionaries overthrow a legally elected villain in order to avoid international consequences...that is tough. I like that the way the JLA decides to act is exactly what Batman wanted this team to be; by joining the revolution it meant the people were the ones acting and not just waiting for some superheroes to save them and the JLA was there simply to level the more

Justice League of America #3

By: Steve Orlando, Diogenes Neves
Released: Mar 29, 2017

"THE EXTREMISTS" part three! The Extremists now control a nation, and within its borders, all is ordered and protected - all but free will. But how do seven people, even the JLA, fight an entire country? And even if they could, no one can truly prepare for the catastrophic design Dreamslayer has in store for reality itself.

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The story is still very good, when last issue pointed toward a big battle,the plot takes a turn as our heroes try to dialogue with the Extremists which was going good until one of the Extremists didnt like where everything was going and now the JLA has a very different battle to fight. Art is very different from the 1st issue but it's still good and by the end you get used to it

Justice League of America #2

By: Steve Orlando, Ivan Reis
Released: Mar 8, 2017

"THE EXTREMISTS" part two! Believing heroes to be threats to the survival of any world, Lord Havok and the Extremists have already murdered the mightiest heroes from their home dimension. To save our Earth they'd kill thousands more, starting with the newly formed JLA. But eye-to-eye, are Havok's and Batman's goals that different? Billions of lives...

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Very good first issue that shows the team start with small tasks before taking on their first real test

Justice League of America #1

By: Steve Orlando, Ivan Reis
Released: Feb 22, 2017

Meet the Extremists-self-proclaimed saviors from another Earth, they thirst for peace, prosperity and total submission to the will of their leader, Lord Havok! How can the newly assembled JLA stop this group of misguided maniacs before the Extremists unleash their own unique-not to mention dangerous!-brand of law and order on our chaotic world?  ...

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No surprise that Hitch brings another boring story that is unnecessarily complicated. This time Flash tries to repeatedly stop a guy from detonating some kind of bomb but each time he does it, he ends up farther into the past and the guy just appears again saying the same and doing the same. Be smart and save your money as this wont end better than previous stories

Justice League #20

By: Bryan Hitch, Daniel Henriques
Released: May 3, 2017

"ENDLESS" part one! The League find themselves trapped in a time loop after they are attacked by a man wielding a mysterious alien weapon. The result is one member dead, and many civilians obliterated!

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Another lame and confusing plot that is resolved easily; villain keeps talking about something bad is coming, to stop it she decides to kill every superhuman that ever existed or will exist on Earth, she is stopped when her self acclaimed unstoppable plan is foiled by the JL easily destroying the timeless machines and she ends running out of power..now who will stop that things that is coming of w more

Justice League #19

By: Bryan Hitch, Fernando Pasarin
Released: Apr 19, 2017

"TIMELESS" finale! In the unbelievable conclusion, the Justice League reunites to discover they've been deceived. How can Earth's greatest heroes save the world when everything they know is wrong?

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It happened just what I thought it would, the great fights we were teased last issue were totally ignored and were all resolved when Batman rescued Superman and deactivated the timeless robots and now the woman who "helped" the JL is the new villain. If I know what is going to happen you are not writing anything good, please DC get a new writer

Justice League #18

By: Bryan Hitch, Fernando Pasarin
Released: Apr 5, 2017

"TIMELESS" part four! Separated by centuries, the Justice League fights their way through the Timeless hordes towards the incredible machines that are rewriting history-except Batman, who undertakes a mission to rescue Superman from the clutches of the Timeless Mind!

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El Chapulin Colorado reviewed Trinity #7 Apr 13, 2017

Ra's and Luthor interactions and dialogue were perfect and Circe I guess it too (I've never read anythong about her) which is good because these inteactions carry the issue as the story doesnt fell it will be that good as apparently there is an ancient hidden power in these temple that has a hieroglyph showing these 3 characters ruling the world, but in order to get it they will have to prove the more

Trinity #7

By: Cullen Bunn, Clay Mann
Released: Mar 15, 2017

In this issue, which features art by Clay Mann and Miguel Mendonça and a cover by Clay Mann, darkness looms as the unholy trinity of Ra's al Ghul, Circe and Lex Luthor gather! As the deadly and mystical Pandora pits are bubbling over, Circe's dark prophecy is foretold -- but which side will Lex, the so-called "Superman of Metropolis," fall on? And...

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This issue was all setup for apparent next issue big battle and I hope the Alexis Luthor revelation at the end brings something interesting because once again, the issue was all talk (in a vague sense as always and trying not to tell anything)

Justice League #17

By: Bryan Hitch, Fernando Pasarin
Released: Mar 15, 2017

"TIMELESS" part three! The Justice League's epic war through time continues as Superman confronts the leader of the Timeless army, who gives the Man of Steel an impossible choice: save Krypton from exploding - or save his friends!

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Sciver better have a good plan for the separated rings and some great moments coming for Kyle or I'll hate him for making him just another GL again

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #17

By: Robert Venditti, Ethan Van Sciver
Released: Mar 22, 2017

"QUEST FOR THE BLUE LANTERNS" finale! As both the torchbearer of the Green Lantern Corps and the White Lantern of life, Kyle Rayner's proved he can wield the entire emotional spectrum. But when forced to choose, which ring will he don - and which Corps will he join for the oncoming threats facing all of time and space?

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Its all talk and no action in this boring and quick to read issue, but all this exposition is a waste of time because in classic Hitch fashion none of the characters know anything about whats going on and the few that know something say nothing. Its getting clear that for you to understand a little better all this crap you must have read Hitch's previous JLA series. The only thing I like are the v more

Justice League #16

By: Bryan Hitch, Fernando Pasarin
Released: Mar 1, 2017

"TIMELESS" part two! Scattered across time, the individual members of the Justice League must fight their way back to the present from the ancient past and distant future to stop the Timeless from erasing the Earth's greatest heroes from history itself.

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What happens in this issue doesn't seem important right now and looks to have the only purpose to introduce Amy and make you dislike her, but don't fool yourselves, this will have bigger ramifications down the road as this is only the first part of a bigger story you wont start to understand until the real plot develops a little more

Gotham Academy: Second Semester #1

By: Brenden Fletcher, Adam Archer
Released: Sep 14, 2016

GOTHAM ACADEMY is back with an all-new storyline for its second semester! When you're Olive Silverlock, winter holidays can be a drag. Luckily, when a new student shows up at Gotham Academy to keep her company while the other students are away, Olive finds what could be a brand new friend...or a whole lot of trouble!

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The detective club is back in business but it appears there is a shortage of mysteries to investigate,but later as Kyle finds out there are some students missing and Maps has a strange encounter with the newly assembled witch club, Kyle and Maps look to have a new case in their hands

Gotham Academy: Second Semester #2

By: Brenden Fletcher, Adam Archer
Released: Oct 12, 2016

Despite Olive's new friendship with the rebellious Amy, she, Maps, Kyle, Colton and Pomeline are back together at last. The only thing they're missing...is a mystery! Maps campaigns to recruit new cases, but stumbles on a threat that might be too big for even the Detective Club.

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This was a great 2 issue story that didn't just had a cool mystery to resolve, it also brings some changes to a member of the detective club and brings other characters like Katherine and Eric more into the spotlight. The story also brings back the mysterious symbols the team has being investigating since the last series and looks like future issues will revolve around their enigma and the map Col more

Gotham Academy: Second Semester #3

By: Brenden Fletcher, Adam Archer
Released: Nov 9, 2016

Could it be? Maps Mizoguchi has abandoned Detective Club for...Witch Club?! The gang refuses to believe that their fearless cartographer would ever betray them. A mystery must be afoot! But who is behind it and what sinister plans do they have for the Academy?

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This one-shot takes says it takes place before Second Semester and brings a suspicious circus to campus and as headmaster Hammers orders it to leave, Olive seems to be delighted by a young boy promoting the circus to the students; all this makes the rest of the team want to find the truth behind this circus only to end up fighting some supernatural creatures. The story is solid but the art and col more

Gotham Academy: Second Semester #4

By: Brenden Fletcher, Msassyk
Released: Dec 14, 2016

When a mysterious circus sets up outside Gotham Academy, Detective Club is on the case! Even Headmaster Hammer seems to be keeping secrets about the Carnival Midnight, though, and Olive, Maps and company might find more lurking under the bigtop than they bargained for!

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The big story that started in issue #1 and even before starts to takes shape and while the trial begins Pomeline brings her mother to help but at the same time decides to go on a last minute hunt for the mysterious and powerful book with Tristan, leaving Colton hurt and putting his future in jeopardy. The plot is getting very interesting with Pomeline teasing us about this book that is very import more

Gotham Academy: Second Semester #5

By: Brenden Fletcher, Adam Archer
Released: Jan 11, 2017

When a member of Detective Club is forced to stand trial for expulsion, the rest of the gang must rally for a rescue. But clues thrust them on a search for the mysterious Book of Gotham, and the gang learns there are more terrifying things at Gotham Academy than getting kicked out!

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While the trial is in recess Colton has escaped and with Pomeline in possession of a key evidence to help him the team splits again with Kyle going for Colton while Olive, Amy and Maps go to the mansion to look for Pomeline

What we have here (and last issue too) is a brilliantly written detective book, we have our heroes finding clues without feeling forced by the plot and revisiting ol more

Gotham Academy: Second Semester #6

By: Brenden Fletcher, Adam Archer
Released: Feb 8, 2017

The Book of Gotham holds a truth that Olive Silverlock may not be ready for. When devastating secrets are revealed, Olive's closest allies will be seen for what they truly are, and the fate of the Academy itself may hang in the balance.  RATED T

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A little ore interesting than any previous story but the plot just sounds ridiculous: a religious group from the future wants to erase all super powered people from history and existence so they set some kind of bombs through different time periods where superheroes appeared, still it seems that for this very important existence-threatening mission the alien girl who is the guardian of the timelin more

Justice League #15

By: Bryan Hitch, Fernando Pasarin
Released: Feb 15, 2017

"TIMELESS" part one! A new epic begins when a mysterious young woman implores the Justice League join the fight against the Timeless, a cosmic threat they've never faced before-because it exists at different points throughout Earth's history! Now, the Justice League must travel to both the past and the future in a literal race against time!  

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El Chapulin Colorado reviewed Trinity #6 Feb 15, 2017

Satisfying and enjoyable ending but with so many inconsistencies concerning the dreamworld and Mercy's character to be a good story

Trinity #6

By: Francis Manapul
Released: Feb 15, 2017

Better Together part six! The horror that kept our heroes trapped in nightmares of their own making is now loose in the world, and its taking possession of Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman! When the spawn of Mongul holds the keys to the most powerful heroes in the DC Universeno one is safe!

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The story follows Frost thru some very tortuous last days at Belle Reve thanks to Waller wanting her to crack under pressure to retain her; it is an ok story as it doesn't have much juice to it and it only reiterates what we learned from JLvsSS event where Frost said she wants to be one of the good guys; however, the ending when Batman finally shows up to welcome Caitlin to the free world shows s more

Justice League of America: Killer Frost Rebirth #1

By: Steve Orlando, Mirka Andolfo
Released: Jan 25, 2017

SPINNING OUT OF THE PAGES OF JUSTICE LEAGUE VS. SUICIDE SQUAD! What happens to a super-villain on their last day in Belle Reve Prison? Against all odds, Killer Frost is up for parole from the Suicide Squad, but you can bet Amanda Waller isn't going to make it easy for Frost to join the new JLA.
One shot

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The issue takes place before the events of the DC Rebirth one-shot and ends with what we saw on said issue; it tells us the story of misfit college student Ryan Choi and how he became the Atom's sidekick. Orlando did an extraordinary job with both characters and cant wait to see them on JLA

Justice League of America: The Atom Rebirth #1

By: Steve Orlando, Andy MacDonald
Released: Jan 4, 2017

SPINNING OUT OF THE PAGES OF JUSTICE LEAGUE VS. SUICIDE SQUAD! Meet Ryan Choi, prodigious theoretical physics student with severe allergies and crippling social anxiety. But little does young Ryan know, his first day at Ivy University marks the start of an epic journey into the very heart of the DC Universe! One shot RATED T

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A very fun scooby doo type story whit a surprising ending

Gotham Academy Annual #1

By: Becky Cloonan
Released: Aug 31, 2016

When the Gotham Academy student body comes down with a mysterious disease, Pomeline and Colton disagree on the origin of the threat, causing a fissure in Detective Club! The team fractures to get to the bottom of the case...but who will solve it first? Will Maps be able to reunite her friends? Will they ever eat pizza together again?! Join the sear...

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El Chapulin Colorado reviewed Trinity #5 Feb 6, 2017

The whole issue was plot explanation and it was confusing. Ivy explains that because of her connection to the Green, she can somewhat use the Black Mercy's abilities to consciously enter the dream world where she found, unknowingly to her, Mongul's unconscious manifestation of a daughter named White Mercy who tricked Ivy into showing her how this world worked so Mongul could, I guess, take control more

Trinity #5

By: Francis Manapul
Released: Jan 18, 2017

"BETTER TOGETHER" part five! Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman must battle for their lives against their greatest foes in an arena of their own making! And the fight won't be done until they confront each other in this deadly match. The mastermind behind this attack has revealed himself at last: Mongul is back!

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What a boring issue where our heroes spent all their time whining and blaming each other in what must be the worst team support session ever. Hitch continues to not giving us any reason to buy this book

Justice League #14

By: Bryan Hitch, Daniel Henriques
Released: Feb 1, 2017

"REGROUP"! Broken, battered and pinned down by a new alien threat, the Justice League is forced to confront long-simmering tensions between teammates before they can save the world. Grievances are aired and secrets are revealed in this special issue written and drawn by Bryan Hitch.

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