Pancake French Fry's Profile

Joined: Jan 02, 2021

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Pancake French Fry added X-Terminators (2022) to their pull list Sep 24, 2022

X-Terminators (2022)

When Jubilee and Boom-Boom agree to take Dazzler out for a night on the town to console her after her nasty breakup, they have no idea they're about to be kidnapped and put into elaborate death traps for their efforts! What are three girls with the power to blow things up to do? Leah Williams and Carlos G mez put the ...

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Pancake French Fry reviewed X-Terminators #1 Sep 24, 2022

Was _X-Terminators_ (2022) #1 good? I don't know. However, the art is great, the story is pretty zany and it's fun (despite of or due to all the blood, I'm not sure).

Some of the interactions between the characters were a bit odd (Dazzler and Jubilee on the phone, for example) and Dazzler, Jubilee and Boom-Boom all act pretty bratty/immature (honestly, I'm probably too old for comics in more

X-Terminators #1

By: Leah Williams, Carlos E. Gomez
Released: Sep 21, 2022

When Jubilee and Boom-Boom agree to take Dazzler out for a night on the town to console her after her nasty breakup, they have no idea they're about to be kidnapped and put into elaborate death traps for their efforts! What are three girls with the power to blow things up to do? Leah Williams and Carlos G mez put the ...

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Pancake French Fry reviewed Midnight Suns #1 Sep 24, 2022

_Midnight Suns_ (2022) #1 was ok/good. While it definitely looks fun (the cover is "hot") and I enjoyed the first couple of pages, it became a bit average when the group vision occurred. Maybe it's my lack of familiarity with _Strange Academy_ and some of these characters, maybe it was simply the (fast) pacing and the lack of characterization, but things felt a bit rushed as we jumped right into t more

Midnight Suns #1

By: Ethan Sacks, Luigi Zagaria
Released: Sep 14, 2022

A dark prophesy and apocalyptic new villains with horrifying powers the likes of which Earth has never faced before ordains a team of MIDNIGHT SUNS to rise and tear @#$% up: MAGIK, WOLVERINE, BLADE, SPIRIT RIDER & NICO MINORU. But what does this new threat have to do with the Sorcerer Supreme's past? And why is STRANG...

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fzanca reviewed Midnight Suns #1 Sep 15, 2022

I'm not familiar with Strange Academy or this different version of Ghost Rider. But the premise is interesting, yet familiar. The end of the world is coming. There's been a premonition and now we have to stop it. Welcome to season 2 of the Umbrella Academy. However, I am a fan of Wolverine, Blade, and Magik and to see these three team up - I'm in. Let's hope gets better from here and not worse.

Midnight Suns #1

By: Ethan Sacks, Luigi Zagaria
Released: Sep 14, 2022

A dark prophesy and apocalyptic new villains with horrifying powers the likes of which Earth has never faced before ordains a team of MIDNIGHT SUNS to rise and tear @#$% up: MAGIK, WOLVERINE, BLADE, SPIRIT RIDER & NICO MINORU. But what does this new threat have to do with the Sorcerer Supreme's past? And why is STRANG...

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Pancake French Fry added Midnight Suns (2022) to their pull list Sep 24, 2022

Midnight Suns (2022)

A dark prophesy and apocalyptic new villains with horrifying powers the likes of which Earth has never faced before ordains a team of MIDNIGHT SUNS to rise and tear @#$% up: MAGIK, WOLVERINE, BLADE, SPIRIT RIDER & NICO MINORU. But what does this new threat have to do with the Sorcerer Supreme's past? And why is STRANG...

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Should this comic be rated higher? Quite possibly. I like this comic; it's different and the recipes certainly look appetizing. Unfortunately, they are beyond my meager skill to prepare (otherwise, this might be a 10!).

My son (7) likes this comic as well, despite the fact it doesn't have much traditional action.

In this issue, Chef Anna Ameyama looks prepared to become Tony more

T.E.S.T. Kitchen Infinity Comic #2

By: Paul Eschbach, E.J. Su
Released: Sep 14, 2022

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Beyond_Batman reviewed Hulk #2 Dec 18, 2021

What is this? This wouldn't even be a good what if storyline. The whole idea of the starship and fueling and piloting is not clever or fun. Bruce Banner's character is unlikable and and a bad cliche of a mad scientist. I just don't like it. I'll give it a chance for an issue or two more just because its donny Cates.

Hulk #2

By: Donny Cates, Ryan Ottley
Released: Dec 15, 2021

“MAD SCIENTIST” Part 2 of 6 Bruce Banner finally has total control with the Hulk locked away. But with a tight grip on his plans, Bruce forgot one thing…variables can happen at any time…and this one? Even Bruce couldn’t have imagined. The craziness continues, as the Hulk hurdles farther into space, but he is not alone out there!

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Merlyn reviewed Hulk #2 Dec 15, 2021

Yeah, this is garbage. Not even the fun type of garbage, it's just... dull. Ottley's art is decent, but the story is pure nonsense and Banner continues to act like a douchebag, killing people with absolutely no qualms whatsoever. I don't know what happened to Donny Cates but lately he's been in a downward spiral, the Thor book is bad, King in Black was mediocre at best and this was very bad. Long more

Hulk #2

By: Donny Cates, Ryan Ottley
Released: Dec 15, 2021

“MAD SCIENTIST” Part 2 of 6 Bruce Banner finally has total control with the Hulk locked away. But with a tight grip on his plans, Bruce forgot one thing…variables can happen at any time…and this one? Even Bruce couldn’t have imagined. The craziness continues, as the Hulk hurdles farther into space, but he is not alone out there!

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Merlyn - Dec 21, 2021

Isn't it kind of early for that kind of thing for him? Yeah, happens to everyone but that usually happens after a writer's getting old and his better days are behind him. Donny is still young and hasn't left a huge mark yet on the industry. Neah, I think this is pure Cates, he likes to hype stuff up and go for the shock, sometimes it works... here it really doesn't. Welcome to the website, btw, hope you enjoy it here!

maljoss - Mar 10, 2022

It's purely a function of how quickly they start believing their own hype. Ol' Donny's been snorting the pixie dust. I appreciate the welcome. Thank you very much, I'm having a good time here.


This continues to be a fun and funny read.

Deadpool: Invisible Touch Infinity Comic #4

By: Gerry Duggan, G Geoffo
Released: Oct 20, 2021

Sandwiches at the Baxter Building! Deadpool goes with Sue to the Baxter Building for another much needed break and hangs out with the Fantastic Four.

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This is too good to simply be a Marvel Unlimited exclusive; this series deserves to be in print.

Deadpool: Invisible Touch Infinity Comic #3

By: Gerry Duggan, G Geoffo
Released: Oct 13, 2021

Super spy-like hand-off at the park! With a lawyer in-tow, Sue Storm and Deadpool schedule a meet-up with the Spot to negotiate for the missing hard drive.

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Finger guns ftw! Who knew that Invisible Woman and Deadpool was the team-up we needed!?!

Deadpool: Invisible Touch Infinity Comic #2

By: Gerry Duggan, G Geoffo
Released: Oct 6, 2021

Time for a drink break! Sue Storm and Deadpool arrive at the Bar With No Name to conduct some reconnaissance in their search for the missing hard drive.

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I went in not expecting much (I never go into an infinity comic expecting much, *sighs*) and was pleasantly surprised. I hadn't read the solicit synopsis and didn't realize this was going to be an Invisible Woman and Deadpool team-up; I also didn't realize it was written by Gerry Duggan. Both funny and fun, this works surprisingly well!

Deadpool: Invisible Touch Infinity Comic #1

By: Gerry Duggan, Lucas Werneck
Released: Sep 29, 2021

There's no reserve at his auction! Tony Stark and Reed Richard's inventions are up for grabs at a villain-only auction and... there's a lot of grabbing. When the hard drive with all the goodies gets spirited away, Sue Storm must (very very reluctantly) team-up with Deadpool to get it back.

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Spider-Punk #2

By: Cody Ziglar, Justin Mason
Released: May 18, 2022

•  TASKMASTER crashes the party to stomp out SPIDER-PUNK!
•  What secrets lie under the community center that Spidey and his crew call home base?
•  And how does it all tie back to NORMAN OSBORN?

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Spider-Punk #1

By: Cody Ziglar, Justin Mason
Released: Apr 6, 2022

•  HOBIE BROWN is THE ANARCHIC SPIDER-PUNK - set to protect EARTH-138 with his ax in hand and his chaotic band of punk rockin' heroes backing him!
•  NORMAN OSBORN is dead, but will the chaos he's created be too much for Spider-Punk and gang to handle?
•  Feel...

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Hex reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #5 Jul 6, 2022

This was a good arc. Nice and simple all things considered. Dealing with characters and villains we really don't see and it once again takes me back to JMS's run. Stories about a few characters at a time and their back and forth. Diving into who they are, not so much the simple conflicts that the antagonist is presenting to Peter. Tombstone was for me an odd choice but a welcome one that I am very more

Amazing Spider-Man #5

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: Jul 6, 2022

• The end of the first arc of this historic new volume is here, and you won't believe what we're putting the Web-Slinger through!
•  Spider-Man and Tombstone have their most brutal battle ever, but I fear the worst damage to Peter isn't going to be physical.
•  Also, did you notice that this was ASM LGY #899?! That means next iss...

Pancake French Fry liked this:
daspidaboy reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #5 Jul 6, 2022

this was actually a really good and interesting issue. John Romita Jr's art is very good and I am very invested and interested in this series. Glad I was being fair for the first few issues and not outright hating this issue. People who trash on this series before the first arc even finished are being REAL quiet today. It's okay to make mistakes, just admit them and promise to be better.

Amazing Spider-Man #5

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: Jul 6, 2022

• The end of the first arc of this historic new volume is here, and you won't believe what we're putting the Web-Slinger through!
•  Spider-Man and Tombstone have their most brutal battle ever, but I fear the worst damage to Peter isn't going to be physical.
•  Also, did you notice that this was ASM LGY #899?! That means next iss...

Pancake French Fry liked this:
justonemore reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #5 Jul 6, 2022

what a clever way to end this arc. Like I said in other reviews, I'm loving this run. The conversations about how's Peter in this issue are so good, that moment with Felicia and May. The Tombstone thing? Well, a perfect final for a great first arc. If Wells continue like this, it's gonna be a great run for spiderman.

Amazing Spider-Man #5

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: Jul 6, 2022

• The end of the first arc of this historic new volume is here, and you won't believe what we're putting the Web-Slinger through!
•  Spider-Man and Tombstone have their most brutal battle ever, but I fear the worst damage to Peter isn't going to be physical.
•  Also, did you notice that this was ASM LGY #899?! That means next iss...


Amazing Spider-Man #5

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: Jul 6, 2022

• The end of the first arc of this historic new volume is here, and you won't believe what we're putting the Web-Slinger through!
•  Spider-Man and Tombstone have their most brutal battle ever, but I fear the worst damage to Peter isn't going to be physical.
•  Also, did you notice that this was ASM LGY #899?! That means next iss...

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While I enjoyed this, I can't rate it higher than an 8, given that it's "disposable" (a continuity/timeline insert for a (meta) joke team that probably should never have been revisited). Having said that, I enjoyed all these characters at the time and bought FF #347-349 on the stand, so there is some nostalgia factored in for me.

New Fantastic Four #1

By: Peter David, Alan Robinson
Released: Jun 22, 2022

When these unlikely heroes first banded together to become the NEW FANTASTIC FOUR, they made Marvel history. Now this fan-favorite team returns in an all-new adventure written by Peter David! Set shortly after the events of the group's first appearance, brace yourself for a wild ride and gue...

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The "New Fantastic Four" arc by Walt Simonson and Art Adams is well-written, well-drawn and a lot of fun, both literal and meta (as it pokes fun of the crass commercialization Marvel was facing in the early 90s). This arc not only works well, it probably works better than it should at being both a rousing adventure romp with ties to Marvel history (Skrulls! Monsters! (FF (1961) #2 and #1, respecti more

Fantastic Four #349

By: Walt Simonson, Arthur Adams
Released: Apr 10, 1991

A Skrull stands revealed underneath Monster Island! But what has roped the new Fantastic Four and the entire Skrull army into a confrontation within the Mole Man's secret lair?

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The "New Fantastic Four" arc by Walt Simonson and Art Adams is well-written, well-drawn and a lot of fun, both literal and meta (as it pokes fun of the crass commercialization Marvel was facing in the early 90s). This arc not only works well, it probably works better than it should at being both a rousing adventure romp with ties to Marvel history (Skrulls! Monsters! (FF (1961) #2 and #1, respecti more

Fantastic Four #348

By: Walt Simonson, Arthur Adams
Released: Mar 6, 1991

The new Fantastic Four's investigation has taken them all the way to Monster Island, home of the dreaded Mole Man. Will they find out the truth about the slain FF...or another set of secrets entirely?

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The "New Fantastic Four" arc by Walt Simonson and Art Adams is well-written, well-drawn and a lot of fun, both literal and meta (as it pokes fun of the crass commercialization Marvel was facing in the early 90s). This arc not only works well, it probably works better than it should at being both a rousing adventure romp with ties to Marvel history (Skrulls! Monsters! (FF (1961) #2 and #1, respecti more

Fantastic Four #347

By: Walt Simonson, Arthur Adams
Released: Feb 6, 1991

The Fantastic Four are dead! Long live the new Fantastic Four - Spider-Man, Wolverine, Hulk, and Ghost Rider!? Can they get to the bottom of the FF's demise? And just what do the Skrulls want with this new team?

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I so want to like these "mech" limited series (I love the concept), but something always seems to not click with me when I read them. I'm not sure if it's the execution or simply the fact that the idea of super-powered heroes donning mech suits that mimic their own super powers just can't work (I find myself incapable of suspending disbelief and just going with it; I'm constantly asking "Why?" "Wh more

Mech Strike: Monster Hunters #1

By: Christos Gage, Paco Diaz
Released: Jun 29, 2022

In AVENGERS: MECH STRIKE, the Avengers donned new mech armor to battle an unprecedented threat. Now a trio of the world's most notorious super villains, assembled by Doctor Doom, have used the Eye of the Kraken to give themselves a mystical - and monstrous! - upgrade. In order to defeat their foes, the Avengers must undergo a similar transformation...

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_Thor: Lightning and Lament_ is fine, which is fine. I'm not sure how anyone could expect it to be more for the same reason I"m unsure why it was made. (I mean, I know why it was made. If there was no Thor movie releasing this month, I"m certain this book also wouldn't exist).

This one-shot is written by a "classic" Marvel writer, Ralph Macchio, and is set in the "classic" Thor era (the more

Thor: Lightning and Lament #1

By: Ralph Macchio, Todd Nauck
Released: Jun 29, 2022

The Mighty Thor has abandoned Asgard in her greatest hour of need, leaving the Realm Eternal in the hands of his half brother Loki, in the absence of its rightful ruler, Odin. With Asgard under assault by legions of trolls, and the Lady Sif hovering near death due to a possibly fatal wound suffered in battle, can anyone save the Golden City from an...

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Pancake French Fry rated Ms. Marvel #5 Jun 11, 2022

Ms. Marvel #5

By: G. Willow Wilson, Adrian Alphona
Released: Jun 25, 2014

• How does a young girl from Jersey City become the next biggest super hero?
•  Kamala has no idea either. But she's comin' for you, New York.

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Pancake French Fry rated Ms. Marvel #4 Jun 11, 2022

Ms. Marvel #4

By: G. Willow Wilson, Adrian Alphona
Released: May 28, 2014

• Marvel's breakout hit, Ms. Marvel, continues as Kamala Khan discovers the dangers of her newfound powers.
•  And unlocks a secret behind them as well.
•  Don't miss the boldest (and adorable-est!) hero to make her Marvel debut!

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Pancake French Fry rated Ms. Marvel #3 Jun 11, 2022

Ms. Marvel #3

By: G. Willow Wilson, Adrian Alphona
Released: Apr 16, 2014

• The All-New Ms. Marvel has already gained international fame.
•  But in Kamala's case, star-power comes with a whole lot of... awkwardness.
•  Find out why the most exciting new Marvel hero is also the most loveable!

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Pancake French Fry rated Ms. Marvel #2 Jun 11, 2022

Ms. Marvel #2

By: G. Willow Wilson, Adrian Alphona
Released: Mar 19, 2014

As seen in the New York Times, CNN and other media outlets the world-over, the all-new Ms. Marvel has made her thunderous debut!Kamala Khan's very ordinary life has suddenly become extraordinary. Is she ready to wield these strange and immense new gifts? Or will the weight of the legacy before her be too much to handle?Critically acclaimed writer G...

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Pancake French Fry rated Ms. Marvel #1 Jun 11, 2022

Ms. Marvel #1

By: G. Willow Wilson, Adrian Alphona
Released: Feb 5, 2014

The legend has returned!
Marvel Comics presents the all-new MS. MARVEL, the ground breaking heroine that has become an international sensation! Kamala Khan is just an ordinary girl from Jersey City--until she is suddenly empowered with extraordinary gifts. But who truly is the all-new Ms. Marvel? Teenager? Muslim? Inhuman? Find out as she tak...

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