stluc's Profile

Location: Rio de Janeiro , Rio de Janeiro, Brasil Joined: Sep 19, 2021

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stluc added Scarlet Witch (2023) to their pull list Jan 4, 2023

Scarlet Witch (2023)

There is a door that appears only to those who need it most, who have no one else in the world to turn to. On the other side of this door is the witchcraft shop. Friend or foe, human or otherwise-if your need is great and your hope is gone, there you will meet the SCARLET WITCH!Wanda Maximoff is familiar with hitting ...

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stluc reviewed Wolverine #1 Jul 20, 2022

Meio morno e sem emoção, assim como tudo solo que eu já tive o desprazer de ler do personagem.

Wolverine #1

By: Ben Percy, Adam Kubert
Released: Feb 19, 2020

Wolverine been through a lot. He's been a loner. He's been a killer. He's been a hero. He's been an Avenger. He's been to hell and back. Now, as the nation of Krakoa brings together all Mutantkind, he can finally be... happy? With his family all together and safe, Wolverine has everything he ever wanted... and everything to lo...

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stluc reviewed Avengers #1 Sep 26, 2021

Parece que todo início do título principal dos vingadores são as mesmas coisas.
Sou só eu ou vocês também estão cansados desses inícios?

Avengers #1

By: Jason Aaron, Ed McGuinness
Released: May 2, 2018

courtesy of JASON AARON and ED McGUINNESS!
Thor Odinson. Steve Rogers. Tony Stark. The Big Three of the Avengers are reunited at last! And just in time to save the world from total annihilation at the hands of their most powerful enemies yet: the 2000-foot-tall space gods known as Celestials.

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stluc reviewed Savage Avengers #3 Sep 26, 2021

Uma Uncanny X-Force de baixo orçamento, mas mesmo assim, é algo super divertido de se ler.

Savage Avengers #3

By: Gerry Duggan, Mike Deodato
Released: Jul 3, 2019

Kulan Gath's return is no good for anyone who digs being alive. His trap for the deadliest warriors in the Marvel Universe is sprung, and if humanity is to survive, the Savage Avengers must slay a god. Elektra tries to corral Conan, Voodoo and Logan into an effective fighting force, and the Punisher desperately searches for his disinterred family. ...

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simplesmente divino. as cores, o desenho, a fluidez do roteiro, o gancho no final da edição… deixa tudo com um gostinho de “quero ler a continuação”.

Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme #1

By: Robbie Thompson, Javier Rodriguez
Released: Oct 26, 2016

An ancient evil threatens to unravel the fabric of reality, and one Sorcerer Supreme may not be enough. Doctor Strange must unite past, present and future Sorcerers Supremes to stem the coming darkness - Merlin, the Ancient One, Wiccan, and more! But Strange should watch his back, not all of these Sorcerers have his best interests in mind...

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stluc reviewed Scarlet Witch #9 Sep 19, 2021

arte mais bela possível, os diálogos super fluidos, mas não posso ignorar o fato da wanda estar no lado da carol.
com toda a história da personagem, de quem ela é e de tudo oque ela carrega, não faz sentido ela estar desse lado da guerra.

Scarlet Witch #9

By: James Robinson, Jo?lle Jones
Released: Aug 10, 2016

•  When Wanda's brother PIETRO comes to visit, it's not the happy family reunion they imagined.
•  Pietro recruits Wanda to help him in the Civil War...
•  ...but what happens when the SCARLET WITCH and QUICKSILVER are on opposing sides?
Rated T+

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stluc reviewed Scarlet Witch #8 Sep 19, 2021

infelizmente dando nota 7,5.
achei o começo da edição muito grandiosa, mostrando um lado mais sensível e “frágil” da personagem. mas esse desfecho, esse plot twist chato, quebrou todo o clima que o início da edição tinha criado. :/

Scarlet Witch #8

By: James Robinson, Tula Lotay
Released: Jul 6, 2016

• A day in the life of WANDA MAXIMOFF!
•  After coming face to face with her biological mother, Wanda explores her early memories and attempts to reconcile with the sins of her past.
•  But meanwhile, little does she know that a traitor lurks in her very midst...!
Rated T+

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