blkson's Profile

Joined: Jun 05, 2013

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Batgirl (2011) #21

Jun 13, 2013

I haven't been reading GAIL SIMONE's latest run on BATGIRL but I think I just might begin. I got a chance to read this issue by swapping books with a friend, and man am I glad I did. This is a really good issue. SIMONE delivers some really good "horror" (for a lack of better terms) dialogue. I could really visualize this VENTRILOQUIST character vividly as I read his lines. FERNANDO PASARIN does a OK job at capturing the extremely dark tone that this issue has. My only gripe with art, is that it isn't consistent from start to finish.GOOD issue overall though. This book has my attention and I just might pick up the next issue.

JACKHAWKSMOOR is a troll. He is literally SABOTAGING a lot of comic books reviews by PURPOSELY giving each and every book that he does not like (and possibly haven't even read) a 1.5 out of 10 This site doesn't have a way to flag abusers, which is a shame...

Batwing #21

Jun 5, 2013

This is our second full issue of BATWING with LUCAS FOX as the titular character and man is it a roller coaster. Inconsistencies on the art and some weird dialogue between the characters prevented this issue from being great. What starts out as a really fun and action packed book, becomes dull and kinda boring by its end. Palmoitti and Gray deliver some fun banter and character development but overall, the book feels rushed. The book ends with several cliffhangers, so hopefully, Palmoitti and Gray take their time with the upcoming issues to tie those up. What we ultimately get here, is some OK writing and nice action.

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Batwing #22

Jul 3, 2013

Things are heating up! GRAY & PALMIOTTII deliver some great action and PANSICA & FERREIRA did a good job with the art and colors. Everything flows really nice in this issue and things are nicely paced. However, BATMAN is present in yet annother BATWING issue and that really annoys me.

BATMAN has appeared in 14 out of 22 issues of the BATWING series since the book’s publication. While only appearing no more than 6 times in other bat-related books such as NIGHTWING, BATGIRL, RED HOOD, etc. Why does BATMAN show up so much in this series? Is it a gimmick done to draw in readers?

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Green Lantern Corps (2011) #21

Jun 13, 2013

This is a nice start by VAN JENSEN. The lantern Corps are in the midst of rebuilding and JOHN STEWART becomes the titular Earth Lantern of the book. This is a team book, so the spotlight wasn't/isn't going to be specifically on STEWART every single issue, and that's OK. However, fans of JOHN STEWART will definitely enjoy this issue. BERNARD CHANG's designs of the new recruits looked really sci-fi, which is something that I haven't been able to say about other alien designs in the Green Lantern comics. On the downside, the new recruits were extremely stereotypical; there's the strong guy/tank, the woman, the smart guy, and the wise one. All of whom, were nothing that comic readers haven't seen before. They seemed to be rehashed character archetypes. SOLID issue overall and I'm pumped to see whats next.

The Movement #2

Jun 14, 2013

You either like this book or you don't. There is no in between. You either like the WRITING or you don't--you like the ART or you don't. I personally, like it.

The Good: the reason I like this book is because, it features young heroes with an edge. SIMONE isn't giving use the extremely jaded rehashing of the teenager filled with hormones. NO teenage love drama. It's completely different than Teen Titans & Young Avengers.

The Bad: This book seems to not have a clear direction. These are all new characters so it's not like we can deduce what type of purpose that they have for doing the things they're doing. Their purpose is really misty.

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