Deckard's Profile

Joined: Jun 08, 2013

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Overall Rating
Black Science #5

May 1, 2014

Black Science #6

Apr 30, 2014

This issue moved quickly with some very interesting develops at the end of the book. Great art and quality writing is propelling this series right along. One of the better Image titles out right now.

Caliban #1

May 14, 2014

Very good first issue. Good characters and art, and introduces a world and problems that make me want to read more. There were a few clumsy dialogue transitions between panels, but nothing too major. Definitely looking forward to the next few issues and what comes of the events in this first issue.

Caliban #2

May 17, 2014

Caliban #3

Jun 6, 2014

Dead Letters #1

May 1, 2014

Really enjoyed this first issue and the twists and turns. The art is also very well done. I'm looking forward to the story that develops in the next few issues.

Dead Letters #2

May 7, 2014

This is an exciting read with fantastic art. I love the way panels flow into each other and how the action is depicted. One of those books that really needs to be read in hand to appreciate the art and printing.

Deadly Class #4

May 1, 2014

The art takes center stage in this issue as there are some wonderful spreads when the group first heads to the Greatful Dead concert and after Marcus begins to feel the full effects of the drugs. We also get to see some interaction and development between characters and their own desires and motives behind their actions. Great art and an intriguing storyline has this comic rocketing up my list of favorites.

Deadly Class #5

Jun 1, 2014

This series just keeps getting better and better. The art is fantastic, especially when portraying Marcus' visual perceptions while on his trip. I'm almost a bit surprised with how excellent the story is as well. The first few issues were very good, but these past two have really raised the bar.

East of West #3

Jun 8, 2013

East of West #4

Jul 11, 2013

East of West #5

Aug 18, 2013

East of West #7

Nov 21, 2013

I really like this series because it's raw, fantastic, and not afraid to take risks, but I'm a little concerned that it's starting to get away from the creative team. They've given the reader a whole lot to think about, but nothing really tangible to pull us in. A little too much mystery on top of confusion right now. Definitely worth sticking with this series right now, I just hope things begin to appear and clarify.

East of West #11

Apr 21, 2014

A very strong series that has slowed down a little bit. Art and design is still great, but the writing and pace needs to pick it up a little bit.

East of West #14

Sep 10, 2014

Five Ghosts #3

Jun 8, 2013

Five Ghosts #6

Nov 21, 2013

I think this was a good first issue for the on going series. Not quite up to the level of the first five, but that's to be expected. This is a comic that has a lot of potential, is fun and exciting, and gives you a lot of bang for your buck.

Five Ghosts #11

May 1, 2014

I dropped this title for the last few issues because I felt the story had gotten a bit stale and wasn't going anywhere. I picked this issue up because I really liked the cover and I did not regret it. I was a bit lost obviously because I hadn't read #9 or 10, but other than one or two pages, everything fit together quite well. The art and pulp style is better than ever in this issue and there's a good amount of action and development, which is what this kind of story needs. I'm looking forward to what this title has to bring in the future because I'm back on board after this issue.

Five Ghosts #12

Jun 4, 2014

Another excellent issue in this story. Amazing art and action sequences as well as a foreboding epilogue make this another great read.

Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #8

Nov 21, 2013

Love Francavilla, but otherwise this comic continues to underwhelm. Mediocre writing and no significant plot. I still have hope that it will gradually climb back to the level of the 2008 series, but right now it seems to be something thrown together to back the movie with no real thought or direction.

Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #10

Apr 21, 2014

Good art, disappointed in the story and development of the characters though. I was really hoping that GOTG would come back strong after a lull, but I've dropped it until I hear of some promise in the next few issues.

Guardians of the Galaxy: Tomorrow's Avengers #1

Aug 18, 2013

I can see where someone might be disappointed in the depth of the characters in this issue, but since it was a grouping of 3+ short stories tied together, I wasn't bothered by it. I loved the art and differing styles for each story, and I thought the stories themselves were a lot of fun and honestly enjoyed them a lot more than some of the current Guardians issues that are being jammed into a bigger story to suit Marvel's needs.

Hellboy in Hell #1

May 1, 2014

Hellboy in Hell #2

May 1, 2014

Hellboy in Hell #3

May 1, 2014

A great series and this was a particularly good issue. I wish it could come out bi monthly at the very least, but if it's going to be this level quality for each issue, I'll be willing to wait.

Hellboy in Hell #4

May 1, 2014

Hellboy in Hell #5

May 1, 2014

When I first read this issue I was a bit let down because it had taken so long to come out and I expected there to be a little something else to sustain us and look forward to until the next issue came out in 6 months. I decided to read it again recently and I enjoyed it a lot more this time, maybe because I didn't have as high expectations, and maybe because I have a better understanding of how Mignola wants to handle this series. Anyway, the self contained story was interesting and set Hellboy in the background for the majority of the issue. Every page, as usual, is a work of art. I treasure every story that Mignola is able to illustrate himself.

Hellboy in Hell #6

May 14, 2014

It's funny to me that some that are giving this issue a lower grade loved #5, and when I first read #5 I thought it was a mediocre installment. It wasn't until I read it a 2nd time that I really enjoyed it. This issue seems to have given opposite impression. - - I really enjoyed the interaction and the characters ever shifting appearances as well and some of the grim descriptions and thoughts to Hellboy's surroundings and future. It's like watching someone caught in their nightmare unable to wake or understand what is happening and for what reasons. - - The art is gorgeous as usual. - - Even without a consistent story carrying this title, it still finds a way to draw you into the world and the madness surrounding the characters. I really look forward to the next arc that involves a larger story, but this issue was still an excellent addition.

Infinity #1

Aug 18, 2013

Pretty unimpressed with this first issue. I kept waiting for something that would get me interested with the story, but after a re-hash of the Infinity comic from free comic book day and some bumpy dialogue, there just wasn't anything new or interesting that makes me want to spend $4.99 an issue to keep up with only parts of the story. Marvel's going to have to try harder to get me to invest a lot of money into these types of big time crossovers.

Lazarus #7

Apr 21, 2014

If you're not reading this book right now, you're missing out. A very realistic possible future fleshed out with great art and characters as well a story that hasn't taken a breath yet.

Lazarus #10

Sep 10, 2014

Lazarus #11

Sep 10, 2014

Letter 44 #5

Apr 21, 2014

Letter 44 #8

Sep 10, 2014

Decent one shot showing back storying and giving the characters more depth.

Manifest Destiny #1  
Ms. Marvel (2014) #3

Apr 21, 2014

Almost didn't pick up this series at first, but I am extremely happy that I did. The way the story is constructed and the characters developed makes this an exciting read and something worth picking up.

Ms. Marvel (2014) #4

May 29, 2014

Simply put this series has quickly turned into one of the best comics out there. Very intriguing characters and personalities supported by some very good art and in this issue we're finally getting a glimpse of the first real villain arc that will challenge Kamala. Can't wait for the next issue.

Ms. Marvel (2014) #7

Sep 10, 2014

Good conclusion to the story with Wolverine. I really enjoyed the art/design in the one spread detailing the sewer lair system and how Kamala and Wolverine made their way back to the surface. Remains a great, fun read every month.

Nowhere Men #5  
Prophet (2012) #35

Jun 8, 2013

Prophet (2012) #36

Jun 26, 2013

Prophet (2012) #37

Jul 18, 2013

Prophet (2012) #38

Aug 18, 2013

Prophet continues to provide readers with amazing environments and alien creatures throughout the story. There's some good progress as well, seeing things develop and building to what should be a pretty big climax in the next 5-10 issues. The break in the middle of the Old and New Father Prophet was a bit jarring, and the illustration style didn't match with the rest of the issue, but it was good to finally get a little backstory about a future character. This remains my favorite science fiction series by far and continues to fascinate with every issue.

Prophet (2012) #39

Apr 21, 2014

Prophet (2012) #40

Nov 21, 2013

Best series going right now.

Prophet (2012) #42

Apr 21, 2014

Remains one of the best comics out there as far as I'm concerned. It's certainly easier to read in collected volumes, but I find the single issues to be great as well. Sad that this series is ending, but I look forward to what Graham and co. have in the works next.

Prophet (2012) #44

Jun 4, 2014

A mind blowing issue to lead up to the finale. Really sad that this series is coming to an end with only a possible mini series left, but it's been an amazing run and the use of vast scale and time as well as fantastic art makes sure that this series will finish as one of the best in some time.

Prophet (2012) #45

Aug 3, 2014

Rai #1

Apr 30, 2014

The art is beautiful and presents an interesting future society that isn't quite what it seems. Nothing earth shattering but a very good combination of art and writing. With the quality of the team that's on this book right now, it's worth checking out at least once and seeing where this goes.

Sheltered #1

Jul 10, 2013

Interesting concept and leaves you wanting more after the last page. With all of the end of the world books and movies and comics, it's nice to see one that takes a different look at the situation/idea . Art is also very good and shows facial expressions quite well.

Shutter #1

May 1, 2014

Interesting first issue. Nothing amazing but I might pick up the 2nd just to see where they go with it.

Shutter #2

May 14, 2014

Southern Bastards #1

May 2, 2014

Great first issue. I loved the back and forth sequence towards the end where the man is being beaten and Earl is chopping the tree down. Looking forward to reading this for the next 4-5 months at least.

Southern Bastards #2

May 29, 2014

Very good second issue. Art continues to be a strength and the ending makes me want to jump right into the next issue.

Sovereign #2

Apr 30, 2014

I really want to like this book because there has been a lot of effort put into the world and the backstory, but it's difficult to follow. By the time I was through half the comic I forgot many of the names already mentioned and the lack of development makes it easy to zone out sometimes. I think the art goes well with the story and is well done and the backstory has a lot of structure to it, so it has that going for it. As of now, I don't think I'll be continuing with the series and maybe I'll check out the trade eventually. It will probably be easier to read with more action in one sitting.

Spread #1

Jul 11, 2014

Great opening issue. Can't wait to see where this series leads.

Supreme: Blue Rose #1

Jul 23, 2014

Interesting first issue. It was enjoyable but it didn't have that one hook that made me want to add it to my pull list. The dialogue was cloudy at first, but cleared up and seemed more nature as the issue went on. I wasn't bothered by the art at all, in fact I quite liked it, although I'm sure it won't be for everyone. If you're curious give it a shot.

Ten Grand #4

Aug 18, 2013

I wasn't as impressed as some with the first few issues in this series, but it's really starting to hit its stride. Templesmith continues to be amazing and the writing has been improving with every issue.

The Mercenary Sea #1

May 1, 2014

The Mercenary Sea #3

Apr 21, 2014

The Mercenary Sea #4

May 21, 2014

The Sandman Overture #2  
The Superannuated Man #1

Jun 4, 2014

This is a very...interesting first issue. The premise is unique but there isn't any bigger picture provided throughout the comic, which makes it a little harder to be interested in the story. I will say that the characters use interesting language and certainly aren't cookie cutter in any way, but they still lack depth. This lack of depth, overarching plot and little information provided about the greater transformed world make it difficult to be interested in the story or excited for the next issue. It's a unique, strange story though and still worth checking out if you want something different and don't need a hook right away.

The Wake #5

Nov 21, 2013

One of the best comics right now. Can't wait to see where this goes in the 2nd half.

The Wake #8

May 7, 2014

Unfortunately, this series, like Trilium, has fizzled a bit. Since it was one of the best books going early on, that still means it's a good read, but the story hasn't been as strong in the last two issues. The art is still great and the world is exciting, but I don't feel connected to any of the characters other than Leeward. I'm hoping that this is more of a building issue that leads us into a great finale, but I've lowered my expectations going forward.

The Wake #9

Jun 4, 2014

I enjoyed this issue better than last month's, but it still feels lacking in any sort of serious story development in what is the penultimate issue in the mini series. The art is very good as usual and there is plenty of action, but the 2nd half of the story still hasn't climaxed after 4 issues. I have a bad feeling that the major developments in the story are going to feel rushed in the final issue.

The Woods #1

May 11, 2014

I really enjoyed this first issue. Good art and some of the questions created in this issue make me want to read this for at least a few more issues to get a better understanding of the story and mystery surrounding it.

Trees #1

May 29, 2014

Really intriguing first issue that sets up a bunch of different story lines to be expanded upon in the future. Very interested in this title going forward.

Trillium #8

May 1, 2014

I have to agree with others that this was an unsatisfying ending. It's particularly frustrating that it happened in this series because of how good it was and how promising the story was setting up in issues 5 and 6.

Wildfire #1

Jun 11, 2014

Good first issue. Good set up for the first arc and a conclusion that moves well into next month.

Zero #6

Apr 21, 2014

Not as great as the past few issues, but still something that should be checked out. Really starting to gain steam and looks to be leading to some big things in the next few months.

Zero #7

Apr 23, 2014

Zero #8

May 22, 2014

Zero #9

Jul 23, 2014

Always keeps your attention with great art and a concise, but powerful dialogue. Love the cover art as well.

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