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Joined: Jul 25, 2020

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Batman (2016) #95

Jul 25, 2020

I liked the chatty old man having a conversation with Joker. His part was written well. I liked Joker’s reference to the mark of zorro. I also liked seeing Bullock and liked his dialogue. The rest.. I think Jimenez’s and Morey’s work was what mostly kept my attention rather than the actual story. I hated how the reference to the man who laughs was done with Batman supposedly knowing Joker was going to be part of his life, anyone who’s read the book knows there was no long term, deep connection between the 2 recognised by him or Joker that Tynion says there was. Just bad. Punchline for once isn’t the better fighter and her personality seems better but not quite there. The issue feels like a mini prelude even though it’s titled part one. I’m holding out for Tynion to bring this up next issue with clownhunter and other events because so far the hype is not matching supposedly the last battle between the greatest rivals in comics. The overall plot of the city being overtaken by Joker and being done with Batman has been done before, so Tynion needs to be at the same level or higher than other stories which have done this with Joker and other villains.

Batman (2016) #96

Aug 5, 2020

Tynion is lucky Jimenez and Morey are putting their all on this series because the story itself so far is still lackluster. Everything feels slow and I can’t say I was surprised or excited by the end of it. On the plus side, I’m glad Harley’s back and Clownhunter seems cool.

Batman (2016) #97

Aug 19, 2020

Harley’s dialogue, clownhunter and the art are the only highlights of the issue. Mainly the art. Everything else is mediocre or less.

Batman (2016) #98

Sep 2, 2020

Finally, the fast pace that should’ve began at the start of this run. This is probably the best issue out of the average story because stuff actually happens. I liked the different perspectives Tynion gave Harley and Punchline although I’m still not sold on the character. We get she’s Joker’s biggest fan and is delusional but what is there to like about her personality? Her arrogance? Also don’t think the Harley not being a real shrink comment needed to be made. The exchange between Bruce and Alfred was okay, especially with Jimenez’s art and since Bruce never had closure in King’s run. But the fact that we had to wait for the 4th issue for things to pick up for Joker and Batman’s ‘final chapter’ is annoying.

Batman (2016) #99

Sep 15, 2020

From the start of this run I’ve been waiting for a Wow moment to happen. still waiting. This whole arc for me has been a mix of existing stories done worse(city of bane, endgame, a little batman R.I.P with hallucinations)and attempts to make Wow moments but not delivering Why does joker suddenly care so much about Gotham? Why is their rivalry based on who owns the city? That’s not what comic Joker is about, that’s Heath. You can’t change a character to fit your story without saying why they’re different and showing how they changed. The prelude before this run didn’t say why either This arc has been a let down, funny moments didn’t land, Harley foreshadowing Joker’s death wasn’t deep. Joker wearing the batsuit was enough to stop me buying this after #100 which we all know will have some fight that’s supposed to make this run good.

Batman (2016) #100

Oct 6, 2020

How can you write a big event starring the joker so badly? How can you copy so many other stories and still write so badly? So much potential wasted. Should’ve been done by someone else. The whole run aside from the art has been garbage. Not worth ANY suspense or hype. Tynion can NOT write the joker at all, his joker is unlikeable, no humour, no charisma, just political. Not the joker I know. Hopefully the eye hole isn’t permanent. You don’t need to copy the dark knight returns too,Tynion. Punchline’s still annoying, the more I see her the more Harley like she is to me, done worse, as is all things with Tynion’s batman. Delusional and in love with the joker, just like Harley. Not surprising since Tynion hasn’t brought much originality to his Batman run. After punchline’s one shot I will not be buying anything else that’s written by him. The only character written well has been Harley and the only good things about the WHOLE run is the art and nightwing. Dramatic moments are flat, funny moments are flat. I’m not even going to talk about Alfred or the whole stupid idea of joker overtaking the city just because he has tons of money and no one doing anything about it. Why did he mock tom kings city of bane in the joker war zone when his is just as bad? Whole event was a waste.

Batman (2016): The Joker War Zone #1

Sep 29, 2020

Joker once again sounding nothing like his usual self, he hates bane not for killing Alfred and that now being something he will never get to do but for killing Alfred wrong? Still waiting on an explanation for why he hates batman so much The Ivy story felt rushed, I’m really supposed to believe Ivy hates everything and everyone including her best friend because of a misunderstanding? Sure. The Lucius story was okay, it really felt like it was only there to set the new status for Luke becoming batman. The clownhunter story didn’t reveal anything shocking. The art was a little too much for me and it only confirmed he’s an antihero who has a grudge against the joker. There’s potential in clownhunter, but you don’t need to read this for him. Save your money.

Batman: Three Jokers (2020) #1

Aug 26, 2020

The mystery theme, the introduction to each Joker, each Bat member sounding like themselves, the scene with Jason at the end...speechless.

Batman: Three Jokers (2020) #2

Sep 29, 2020

Spoilers.The art and colours are on the exact same speechless level as the last issue. The writing however, I don’t know what to make of this issue and where Geoff Johns is going. So far it seems he is following the route of making Jason a Joker, which is very controversial/bold if this becomes canon. There were some great scenes, like seeing the jokerised bodies which was so disturbing and Jason’s interrogation scene. Batman’s characterisation seems to be a little off though, this is the second time he’s dismissed Jason killing someone, the first being Gaggy, and not shown any frustration about it. I also don’t like the idea of Joker being involved with Bruce’s parents death, especially being canon, there’s no need for it. There’s only one more issue left to wrap things up and I feel like the mystery of who the 3 jokers are hasn’t been solved at all. I really don’t know where this is going, and at this point it could either stand as a classic or a huge fail and waste of potential.

Batman: Three Jokers (2020) #3

Oct 27, 2020

*spoilers* WOW. What a journey. There were so many moments of doubt I had in this issue but Geoff absolutely delivered. The art and colours is it’s own review, it’s obvious to anyone that Jason and the colourist put their all in this work. I loved everything, especially how true to the Joker Geoff was. The characterisation of the last joker is perfect. He is completely obsessed with Batman and can not tolerate anyone, especially Joe Chill being higher than him. Perfect. I enjoyed the Criminal Joker so much as well, and it was a good decision to have him die, no one needs to mess up his characterisation. I loved Bruce and Joe Chill’s relationship in this issue. There is a sense of peace Batman can finally have. The only things I’m unsure of is Jason’s sudden crush on Barbara and the changes to the Killing Joke. It’s a big change to Joker’s story which I’m not sure if I like as canon. But I do like the idea of only Bruce knowing who he is.

Dark Nights: Death Metal: Legends of the Dark Knights #1

Sep 28, 2020

Everything was pretty lackluster and the writing felt rushed in some stories. Wouldn’t really recommend this for anyone unless you want to collect everything death metal based and want a summary on the batman who laughs

Detective Comics (2016) #1024

Jul 25, 2020

Detective Comics (2016) #1027

Sep 16, 2020

So far I’ve only read Fraction’s story and that’s what my current score’s based on. I loved the story, the simplistic art matches so well with the writing, and the close up panel of joker’s smile just before batman arrives as well as the ending is something else in making you feel emotions.

Detective Comics (2016) #1028

Nov 9, 2020

Detective Comics (2016) #1029

Nov 9, 2020

Tomasi is such a good writer, a nice short, nicely paced issue paving the way for future events

Punchline (2020) #1

Nov 10, 2020

This wasn’t as bad as what I thought it would be, but it still hasn’t convinced me Punchline is a character I want to read about anymore, even with all the pushing DC will be doing next year. I won’t be reading anything to do with the character and appreciate this comic for depicting her as she actually is. I recommend this to anyone who wants to get to know what the character’s about, she is not as cold or sadistic as DC made her out to be, rather she is someone who acts on emotion, kills mostly for the joker’s sake and has brainwashed herself into believing the joker is a figure who can show the world how corrupt it is, with her help. The back and forth of the past and present was ok, sometimes punchline’s podcast speeches had way too much dialogue I found myself really not caring. The highlight of the book was [spoiler] the kiss. The idea of a radicalised character sounds interesting, but her lack of a likeable personality really makes me wish they took her in another direction, maybe as a character who isn’t obsessed with the joker like his ex, since she’s supposed to be the ‘anti-harley’.

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