Detective Comics #999

Writer: Peter J. Tomasi Artist: Doug Mahnke, Jaime Mendoza Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: February 27, 2019 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 22 User Reviews: 59
7.9Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

+ Pull List

The truth behind the gauntlet Batman has been forced to run-a violent odyssey that endangered the lives of everyone who made him who he is-is revealed at last...and the mastermind working to unmake the Batman must be seen to be believed! Is there a goal here beyond destruction? Will Batman emerge stronger...or with a mortal wound at the exact moment that his most dangerous challenge yet is on the horizon in next month's DETECTIVE COMICS #1000?

  • 10
    Dark Knight News - Steve J Ray Feb 27, 2019

    Speaking to other writers on the team, some feel that the revelations in this issue were a little anti-climactic. I disagree. This story arc has proven Batman's determination, his work ethic and just how far he is prepared to push himself. To me this proves that no-one can test the Dark Knight, physically or mentally, more than he does himself. This is a man on a mission, and his training regimen makes him a soldier, a legend and a hero. It raises his story beyond courage, sacrifice and bravery; this is mythology, plain and simple. Read Full Review

  • 10
    You Don't Read Comics - Rick Lopez Mar 5, 2019

    With a home run finish, Tomasi and Mahnke deliver an absolutely spectacular lead up as readers countdown to issue #1000. Managing to create a one-off story arc to bring in newer readers and still giving it importance and mystery enough to earn its own place in the overall mythos, stands as a testament to the creators and their ability to conceive an ambitious and gripping story for all Bat-fans alike. Read Full Review

  • 10
    DC Comics News - Matthew Lloyd Mar 6, 2019

    This story arc leading up to the historic Detective Comics #1000 has been a bit of a roller coaster. However, this issue brings everything together in a satisfying and meaningful way. Tomasi manages to show Batman at his most pathological, but also at his most human all while paying tribute to the origin of the character who debuted 80 years ago. While this arc is understood when read all together, this issue is most satisfying all by itself. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    GWW - Deron Generally Feb 27, 2019

    Doug Mahnke delivers some amazing art throughout this issue and both the emotional and action-oriented parts of this issue looked beautiful. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Feb 27, 2019

    Tomasi and Mahnke prove to be a tremendous Dynamic Duo ushering in this next generation of Batman. With this first big, bold storyline, they proclaim this is going to be a thrilling ride for fans and one where they're willing to surprise and throw readers for a twist. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Batman-News - Elena Carrillo Feb 27, 2019

    The final piece of Peter J. Tomasi's "Mythology" arc may be polarizing, but it delivers on multiple levels as it brings Batman's journey full circle. Thought you knew who the "big bad" was going to be in this scenario? Guess again! But don't get too caught up in the reveal of Batman's nemesis; this is a story about becoming, about roads not taken, and about the courage to reconcile the two. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Black Nerd Problems - Mikkel Snyder Feb 27, 2019

    All in all, Detective Comics #999 did its many jobs perfectly. It closed out a difficult arc and set everything up for the milestone we'll be receiving soon. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Monkeys Fighting Robots - David DeCorte Feb 28, 2019

    Detective Comics #999 was a fantastic way to close-out this era in the character's legacy. The book encapsulates the best of Batman's 80-year history, while setting us up for what comes next. Highly recommended. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Brazen Bull - Charlie Chipman Feb 27, 2019

    Tomasi has done a fine job entertaining fans throughout this last arc all the while building and maintaining momentum, prepping readers for the one-thousandth issue ofDetective Comics. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Forces Of Geek - Lenny Schwartz Feb 27, 2019

    The good part is that the last few pages bring the issue up a bit. And it finishes nicely after that dull twist. So this is the ending of a great arc by Tomasi and Mahnke. It could have been a classic It's still worth reading though, and it made me very excited for what is to come. Read Full Review

  • 8.9
    Comic Watch - Nicholas Osborn Mar 1, 2019

    Detective Comics #999 delves into the traumatic sacrifices Bruce has made to wear the cowl, showing both his mental fortitude and unique depth of emotion. With the help of some powerful visuals, this issue is sure to entertain any fan of The Dark Knight. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Batman Universe - Tony Hammack Feb 27, 2019

    Issue #1000 is coming out on March 27. Be sure to grab a copy in celebration of such a milestone! Read Full Review

  • 8.0 - Matthew Mueller Feb 27, 2019

    While this series has had some ups and downs, the crew brings it all home in the finale, and we can't wait to see what's in store for #1000. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Hussein Wasiti Feb 27, 2019

    This was pretty wonderful. The pace and execution of this arc has been problematic but this issue was very well-executed and has me excited for the future of Tomasi's run on the character. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Lainez Mar 5, 2019

    As Detective Comics #999 came to a close Peter Tomasi was able to put over what being Batman means to Bruce Wayne. The strength of Tomasi's writing is made better thanks to the incredible artwork Doug Mahnke turned in for this issue. All of this sets Detective Comics #1000 to be a wonderful celebration of Batman's 80-year history. Read Full Review

  • 7.7
    Sequential Planet - Josh O'Farrell Mar 4, 2019

    With the milestone issue #1000 just 2 weeks away Tomasi and Mahnke's first story arc wraps up beautifully, celebrating Batman, his mythos, and how much of an impact he makes to Gotham. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Outright Geekery - Brian A. Madrid Apr 15, 2019

    Congratulations DC and many of the fine writers and artist who made the Batman a household name and a legend in the comic book world! Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    AIPT - David Brooke Feb 27, 2019

    A good issue since it finally puts to close the mystery of who is messing with Batman. Sadly though, I wanted more. The fact that this issue reveals the twist up front is somewhat troublesome too, since much of this issue you'll be waiting for the fight to stop and the meaning to emerge. That meaning is something we've seen done before with Batman, granted not in this way. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Feb 27, 2019

    After reaching the penultimate issue before Detective Comics #1000, I'm not sure if I'm relieved or frustrated. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Weird Science - Joey Casco CSW/CSS Feb 27, 2019

    The art was good and I love the panel near the end where he's looking at all of his old Batman suits. But I'm giving it an 5 for the effery.  Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Crusaders - Lucas Fashina Feb 27, 2019

    Detective Comics #999 features some revelations, but two-thirds of the book is taken up by a story that, ultimately, doesn't factor in to the broader narrative much. It's fun, well-drawn and well-written overall, but doesn't feel as vital as previous chapters. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comic Book Bin - Philip Schweier Feb 27, 2019

    As a build up, it's just not much of an appetizer. But kudos to the art team, which consists of no less than four individual inkers. One might think their individual styles would detract from the visuals, but they manage to maintain a consistency. Whether that's due to their collective efforts, or the strength of Mahnke's pencils, I am unable to say. Your mileage may vary. Read Full Review

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