bucswin611's Profile

Joined: Mar 16, 2017

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bucswin611 reviewed Wonder Woman #72 Jun 17, 2019

Disappointing. There are two artists but Diana looks like differently people literally in consecutive panels. Maybe Wilson is not being afforded top-flight art teams, but maybe she is not playing to the strengths of the artists at this point. I would love for an arc to fully come together at this point!

Wonder Woman #72

By: G. Willow Wilson, Jesus Merino
Released: Jun 12, 2019

Diana and her compatriots have crossed from our world into a shattered land where no earthly feet have fallen in eons...but that doesn't mean that everything there is dead and gone! If this is indeed the road to the lost Themyscira, Wonder Woman will face any danger to reach its end-but that doesn't mean that those she's traveling with will survive...

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The Batman Who Laughs #6

By: Scott Snyder, Jock
Released: Jun 12, 2019

True happiness begins in the heart. Our memories and emotions can play tricks on us, though, and divert one's reality into something completely different. The Batman Who Laughs has based his entire worldview on this very concept, and it is in this moment that he must finally confront the one man who stands in his way, the one man who could complete...

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bucswin611 reviewed Hawkman #13 Jun 17, 2019

Sometimes when a book starts, there is a 12-issue plan. So I was skeptical it could keep momentum after the conclusion of the first two big arcs. This is a promising start for what's ahead - and surprisingly Conrad didn't skip a beat following Hitch.

Hawkman #13

By: Robert Venditti, Will Conrad
Released: Jun 12, 2019

This issue, it's a story from the pages of Hawkman's journals! Travel back in time to when Carter Hall was reincarnated as a soldier in a cosmic army, while his people were at war! But what happens when a being known for constant reincarnation ends up coming back to life as his own enemy, fighting for the other side? Does it make him a more sympath...

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bucswin611 reviewed Event Leviathan #1 Jun 17, 2019

I am Bendis-neutral, and his strengths and weaknesses are on full display here. But it's really worth a read based on how great Maleev was in this one.

Event Leviathan #1

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev
Released: Jun 12, 2019

The groundbreaking and always-inventive team of writer Brian Michael Bendis and artist Alex Maleev (Jinxworld's SCARLET, Marvel's Daredevil) reunite on a mystery thriller that stretches across the DC Universe and touches every character from Batman to Superman to the Question to Talia al Ghul. With startling ease, a newly dangerous and aggressive L...

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bucswin611 reviewed Detective Comics #1005 Jun 17, 2019

The least-enjoyable Tomasi dialogue I have read in a long time, and some of Walker's work seems rushed (other pages look great). The arc ended with a whimper.

Detective Comics #1005

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Brad Walker
Released: Jun 12, 2019

The finale of the Arkham Knight saga arrives as the Knight's surprising cult within Arkham Asylum unleashes its full power! Will Batman be swept under by the madness? Who is the Knight, to have inspired so much loyalty? And is there any way of stopping them that won't just cause their legend to grow?

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bucswin611 reviewed Batman and the Outsiders #2 Jun 17, 2019

I can't over-state how amazing Soy was in this - and kudos for Hill for crafting a story to let him shine. But the dialogue is so off-putting that I had to take the score down. A shame.

Batman and the Outsiders #2

By: Bryan Hill, Dexter Soy
Released: Jun 12, 2019

Sofia Barrera is on the run from an enforcer for the Ark, the program that gave her powers-but in the process, she's fallen into the hands of the mystery man called Kaliber! He claims he wants to protect her...but who's paying his bill? And is Katana already questioning Black Lightning's leadership on their very first mission? Or is she just pushin...

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bucswin611 reviewed DCeased #2 Jun 5, 2019

Definitely left me wanting MORE. Taylor has so many characters' voices down. The art style serves the story, but I am also imagining an A+ talent on the book and what could have been.

DCeased #2

By: Tom Taylor, Trevor Hairsine
Released: Jun 5, 2019

Millions are dying every minute. Heroes and villains alike are falling. Can the Justice League unite to find a way to stop the spread of death? Can they save humanity from extinction? Can they even save themselves? The key to survival may hinge on the last moments of one of the World's Finest Heroes...

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Pallaki reviewed Batman #72 Jun 5, 2019

This issue is awesome. Everything that I love, maybe it is verbally showing what he was doing during all the run but he has to speed up to go Hollywood (because dc send only the worst, like... ? Geoff Johns, only save DC twice). Tom King is very good, extremely good, a titan, a new god and Fornés is as Mazzuchelli as Mazzuchelli.

Batman #72

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Jun 5, 2019

"The Fall and the Fallen" part three! Is this the end of Gotham City? Bane's army of villains is taking over the city, and Batman's back is against the wall. With all the things Bane has done to him over the last year-from breaking up his wedding to trying to assassinate Nightwing, and then invading Batman's mind to expose his most terrible fears-c...

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Afre reviewed Batman #72 Jun 5, 2019

Is it good?

Is a question that is hard to answer these days considering King's Batman issues. Some are bad, some good, some meh, and some are hard to explain. This is one of those issues.

First, yes art good, you know the drill.

Style and presentation? Well, it is just Bruce and Bane fighting with Thomas narrating Bane's plan and how King's whole Batman run has bee more

Batman #72

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Jun 5, 2019

"The Fall and the Fallen" part three! Is this the end of Gotham City? Bane's army of villains is taking over the city, and Batman's back is against the wall. With all the things Bane has done to him over the last year-from breaking up his wedding to trying to assassinate Nightwing, and then invading Batman's mind to expose his most terrible fears-c...

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Linkush reviewed Batman #72 Jun 5, 2019

"Every day. Every DAMN day. They try to end him. And every day. Every damn day. He tells them. I'm still here."
I enjoyed it but it needs to pick up the pace.

I didn't think this was bad, I actually enjoyed it and I liked how it all connects but once again we don't learn anything that is truly new, just another perspective. This issue was mostly a recap of the story so far and even more

Batman #72

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Jun 5, 2019

"The Fall and the Fallen" part three! Is this the end of Gotham City? Bane's army of villains is taking over the city, and Batman's back is against the wall. With all the things Bane has done to him over the last year-from breaking up his wedding to trying to assassinate Nightwing, and then invading Batman's mind to expose his most terrible fears-c...

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Tony reviewed Batman #72 Jun 5, 2019

I say this every issue but it is the true, the art never fails in this book, for me it is 10/10 in this issue, then you have 5/5 points for this book. King brings some answers, maybe you will like them or maybe you will hate them, but he starts to explain how every story arc has a conection with the main story. It is clear that Thomas Wayne is telling to the readers the whole story, so now we have more

Batman #72

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Jun 5, 2019

"The Fall and the Fallen" part three! Is this the end of Gotham City? Bane's army of villains is taking over the city, and Batman's back is against the wall. With all the things Bane has done to him over the last year-from breaking up his wedding to trying to assassinate Nightwing, and then invading Batman's mind to expose his most terrible fears-c...

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axdn reviewed Batman #72 Jun 5, 2019

What a great issue !

Batman #72

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Jun 5, 2019

"The Fall and the Fallen" part three! Is this the end of Gotham City? Bane's army of villains is taking over the city, and Batman's back is against the wall. With all the things Bane has done to him over the last year-from breaking up his wedding to trying to assassinate Nightwing, and then invading Batman's mind to expose his most terrible fears-c...

bucswin611 liked this:

We learned so little to anyone who was actually paying attention. I actually have more questions... but the writing was on point and this issue is so quotable.

Batman #72

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Jun 5, 2019

"The Fall and the Fallen" part three! Is this the end of Gotham City? Bane's army of villains is taking over the city, and Batman's back is against the wall. With all the things Bane has done to him over the last year-from breaking up his wedding to trying to assassinate Nightwing, and then invading Batman's mind to expose his most terrible fears-c...

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Batman Jones reviewed Batman #72 Jun 4, 2019

I'm going to be so sad when King's time on Batman (and Batman/Catwoman) is done. 50 years as a Batman fanatic and I've never loved a run better.

Batman #72

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Jun 5, 2019

"The Fall and the Fallen" part three! Is this the end of Gotham City? Bane's army of villains is taking over the city, and Batman's back is against the wall. With all the things Bane has done to him over the last year-from breaking up his wedding to trying to assassinate Nightwing, and then invading Batman's mind to expose his most terrible fears-c...

+ LikeComments (10)
Talon1load - Jun 5, 2019

That sounds like a creepy porno

Darkseid24 - Jun 5, 2019


bucswin611 reviewed Batman #72 Jun 5, 2019

All head and no heart. While poetically written, it felt mechanical to explain every detail about 6-12 months later than would have been ideal/coherent. The dual artist approach is deployed very wisely here, so credit to Janin and Fornes.

Batman #72

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Jun 5, 2019

"The Fall and the Fallen" part three! Is this the end of Gotham City? Bane's army of villains is taking over the city, and Batman's back is against the wall. With all the things Bane has done to him over the last year-from breaking up his wedding to trying to assassinate Nightwing, and then invading Batman's mind to expose his most terrible fears-c...

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bucswin611 reviewed Heroes In Crisis #9 May 30, 2019

While sometimes things are not as satisfying as we'd want, what really hurts is how much this series has missed the point regarding PTSD. The art is phenomenal. Why would Hal Jordan question what will is? I think he knows. The panels running through DCU heroes teases what could have been a better series.

Heroes In Crisis #9

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: May 29, 2019

The most-talked-about miniseries of the year reaches its stunning finale! The mystery behind the murders at Sanctuary is solved, but the mind behind it is one the heroes never expected. With their deepest secrets exposed, the Trinity has to consider how to carry on. Should the tragedy cause them to redouble their efforts to help their hurting comra...

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Br'er Lapin AKA 20-Ish Ceiln - Jun 1, 2019

I know, he is my favourite character. He has said before he just wings it.

Br'er Lapin AKA 20-Ish Ceiln - Jun 1, 2019

Well, it is more fair to say Green Lantern is my favourite series... my actual favourite GL is Guy Gardner.

bucswin611 liked this:

Everything I wanted from this series. I love that last page!

Doomsday Clock #10

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: May 29, 2019

This stunning issue of the critically acclaimed hit maxiseries reveals the secrets behind Dr. Manhattan and his connection to the DC Universe.

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MiGi reviewed Doomsday Clock #10 May 29, 2019

It's the best comicbook issue i read in a while..

Doomsday Clock #10

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: May 29, 2019

This stunning issue of the critically acclaimed hit maxiseries reveals the secrets behind Dr. Manhattan and his connection to the DC Universe.

bucswin611 liked this:

We are witnessing something very special

Doomsday Clock #10

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: May 29, 2019

This stunning issue of the critically acclaimed hit maxiseries reveals the secrets behind Dr. Manhattan and his connection to the DC Universe.

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Mohammad robin reviewed Doomsday Clock #10 May 30, 2019

How awesome it is😍!

Doomsday Clock #10

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: May 29, 2019

This stunning issue of the critically acclaimed hit maxiseries reveals the secrets behind Dr. Manhattan and his connection to the DC Universe.

bucswin611 liked this:
Another Nerd reviewed Doomsday Clock #10 May 29, 2019

There's a panel paying homage to the cover of new 52 Action #5. Damn, that put a smile on my face. Doomsday Clock gets wonderfly meta this issue.

Doomsday Clock #10

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: May 29, 2019

This stunning issue of the critically acclaimed hit maxiseries reveals the secrets behind Dr. Manhattan and his connection to the DC Universe.

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MyNameIsNotJohn - May 29, 2019

“It begins...AGAIN!!”

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aigo117 reviewed Doomsday Clock #10 May 29, 2019

What a great issue

Doomsday Clock #10

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: May 29, 2019

This stunning issue of the critically acclaimed hit maxiseries reveals the secrets behind Dr. Manhattan and his connection to the DC Universe.

bucswin611 liked this:
gusresm reviewed Doomsday Clock #10 May 29, 2019

Maybe the bes issue yet. The story is amazing. Johns is at his best here.

Doomsday Clock #10

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: May 29, 2019

This stunning issue of the critically acclaimed hit maxiseries reveals the secrets behind Dr. Manhattan and his connection to the DC Universe.

bucswin611 liked this:
Comix4fever reviewed Doomsday Clock #10 May 29, 2019

Purchase the variant cover it is superior to the main one.

Doomsday Clock #10

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: May 29, 2019

This stunning issue of the critically acclaimed hit maxiseries reveals the secrets behind Dr. Manhattan and his connection to the DC Universe.

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Doomsday Clock #10

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: May 29, 2019

This stunning issue of the critically acclaimed hit maxiseries reveals the secrets behind Dr. Manhattan and his connection to the DC Universe.

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Ken b reviewed Doomsday Clock #10 May 29, 2019

This series has been hitting on all cylinders, well worth the wait.

Doomsday Clock #10

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: May 29, 2019

This stunning issue of the critically acclaimed hit maxiseries reveals the secrets behind Dr. Manhattan and his connection to the DC Universe.

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axdn reviewed Doomsday Clock #10 May 29, 2019

This was breath-taking

Doomsday Clock #10

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: May 29, 2019

This stunning issue of the critically acclaimed hit maxiseries reveals the secrets behind Dr. Manhattan and his connection to the DC Universe.

bucswin611 liked this:
Grifter reviewed Doomsday Clock #10 May 29, 2019

Absolute masterpiece.

Doomsday Clock #10

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: May 29, 2019

This stunning issue of the critically acclaimed hit maxiseries reveals the secrets behind Dr. Manhattan and his connection to the DC Universe.

bucswin611 liked this:
Talon1load reviewed Doomsday Clock #10 May 29, 2019

That’s how a comic should be written. Loved it.

Doomsday Clock #10

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: May 29, 2019

This stunning issue of the critically acclaimed hit maxiseries reveals the secrets behind Dr. Manhattan and his connection to the DC Universe.

bucswin611 liked this:
Inknight033 reviewed Doomsday Clock #10 May 29, 2019

No words can describe how amazing this issue is!!!

Doomsday Clock #10

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: May 29, 2019

This stunning issue of the critically acclaimed hit maxiseries reveals the secrets behind Dr. Manhattan and his connection to the DC Universe.

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