Briton's Profile

Joined: Nov 03, 2015

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Overall Rating
DC Pride (2021): 2024 #1 Jun 1, 2024
Ice Cream Man #39 May 25, 2024
Shazam! (2023) #11 May 25, 2024
Something is Killing the Children #36 May 25, 2024

I really hope this isn't going to descend into "Pigeon, the Avenger".

The Sacrificers (2023) #7 May 10, 2024
Ice Cream Man #38 Mar 22, 2024
The Sacrificers (2023) #6 Feb 11, 2024
Alan Scott: The Green Lantern (2023) #4 Feb 4, 2024
Alan Scott: The Green Lantern (2023) #3 Feb 1, 2024

Whoever at DC commissioned this wretched series needs their head examining. As does the utter clown who, when reviewing this issue, gave it a perfect 10.

Alan Scott: The Green Lantern (2023) #2 Dec 23, 2023

A very average comic.

Swan Songs (2023) #5 Dec 16, 2023
X-Men Blue: Origins (2023) #1 Nov 30, 2023

DC just cannot get WW right.

Ice Cream Man #37 Nov 20, 2023
Something is Killing the Children #33 Nov 20, 2023
Something is Killing the Children #34 Nov 20, 2023
Swan Songs (2023) #3 Nov 20, 2023
Swan Songs (2023) #4 Nov 20, 2023
The Sacrificers (2023) #4 Nov 20, 2023

A typical "strong women" type offering from Marvel. It's a shame they forgot the plot, some entertainment and decent art.

Alan Scott: The Green Lantern (2023) #1 Oct 26, 2023
The Sacrificers (2023) #3 Oct 23, 2023
Power Girl (2023) #1 Oct 1, 2023
The Sacrificers (2023) #1 Sep 17, 2023
The Sacrificers (2023) #2 Sep 17, 2023

Rubbish artwork.

Good to see a comic that does not rush blindly from one action sequence to the next.

Ice Cream Man #36 Aug 26, 2023

Very poor.

When the tide turns, people will remember how DC comics backed an extreme and negative ideology.

Love Everlasting #10 Aug 12, 2023

Despite the strange artwork which makes it hard to tell what is going on, I still quite enjoy this series.

Fire and Ice (2023) #1 Aug 10, 2023

Disappointing. Despite a fairly good plot, the constant time jumps and the crap art ruined it. If there is another series, can we have a return to the happy-go-lucky Hellcat - and some decent artwork.

The delays are not helping this series.

Here we go again. There can be no progress in comics, the status quo must prevail. So another massacre provides the reset.

Why can't comics writers leave their extremist politics at home??

A pointless story with wretched artwork. Only the cover is good.

Gun Honey: Heat Seeker #1 Jul 15, 2023

It doesn't bode well for this run having a Wong filler issue so early on. I don't really give a damn about Wong or the tattooed lady.

Love Everlasting #5 Jul 8, 2023
Love Everlasting #6 Jul 8, 2023
Love Everlasting #7 Jul 8, 2023
Love Everlasting #8 Jul 8, 2023
Love Everlasting #9 Jul 8, 2023
The Last Barbarians (2023) #5 Jul 8, 2023


Ho hum

Fantastic Four (2022) #6 Jul 2, 2023
Fantastic Four (2022) #7 Jul 2, 2023
Fantastic Four (2022) #8 Jul 2, 2023

The storyline is jumping all over the place. Can we not have a few pages without a flashback?? And the hideous artwork is killing this for me.

Ice Cream Man #34 Jul 2, 2023
Ice Cream Man #35 Jul 2, 2023
Justice Society of America (2022) #3 Jul 2, 2023

A little better, but the slow slow realese schedule really is not helping matters.

The Last Barbarians (2023) #3 Jul 2, 2023
The Last Barbarians (2023) #4 Jul 2, 2023

More repusive identity politics rammed down our throats.

Yet more repulsive identity politics from DC.

Decent plot. Wretched artwork.

Black Cloak (2022) #4 May 3, 2023
Black Cloak (2022) #2 Mar 30, 2023
Black Cloak (2022) #3 Mar 30, 2023

It's unoriginal, but quite fun. And I like the artwork.

Very underwhelming. I wonder how long it will be until Clea is banished to another dimension and the usual status quo is re-established.

I wasn't expecting much after several poor Hellcat series in tghe past, but this was surprisingly good. I hope this gets a decent run, but I fear it won't. The artwork could do with an upgrade.

More sick identity politics from the increasingly woke Marvel.

Parker Girls (2022) #6 Mar 25, 2023

Not sure I can live with the art.

A bit feeble.

Fantastic Four (2022) #5 Mar 14, 2023

Too much jumping around. Just tell a story - without needlessly making it difficult to follow.

If ever a series needed a large "who's who" issue, this is it.

Parker Girls (2022) #5 Mar 14, 2023
Something is Killing the Children #29 Mar 14, 2023

It's about time Brian reclaimed "Captain Britain". This drivel with Betsy has been going on far too long - and is going nowhere.

More sick race-baiting from DC.

Something is Killing the Children #27 Feb 21, 2023
Something is Killing the Children #28 Feb 21, 2023
The Last Barbarians (2023) #1 Feb 17, 2023

If only all Marvel comics were like this. Fun. Non political. Optimistic.

Reasonable, could have been much worse, but was it really asking too much to expect the classic Huntress costume?

So Marvel can still produce old fashioned fun comics... more please.

Book of Slaughter #1 Jan 10, 2023

If you are going to set a WW1 story behind the lines in 1915, then at least do some research. I assume the absurdly multiracial group visiting the cafe were British. I can assure you that they would all have names such as Tom, Dick, Bert and Harry. Certainly not "Dane" or the other ridiculous names mentioned. It is about time the story went somewhere as it is beginning to drag. The artwork continues to impress.

The artwork is getting worse and the plot increasingly predictable. Dropped.

Good solid entertainment.

Heart Eyes #4 Jan 6, 2023
Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #4 Jan 6, 2023
Love Everlasting #3 Jan 2, 2023

An unusual start to the new series, but it was fairly entertaining.

Heart Eyes #2 Nov 20, 2022
Heart Eyes #3 Nov 20, 2022

A feeble attempt at a comic.

Better than the wretched Salem issue, but that isn't saying much.

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #17 Nov 11, 2022
Forever Forward (2022) #2 Nov 9, 2022

This series rather fizzled out.

This has been a disappointing run to me, and this is the worsyt issue to date. Dropped.

Just dreadful in every way.

I was enjoying this until we got to the completely unoriginal ending of the issue. Are there no stories left to tell? Must we endlessly repeat the same old things??

Monkey Prince (2022) #7 Oct 9, 2022
A.X.E. One-Shots: Starfox #1 Oct 7, 2022

Bring back the real LSH!

Ice Cream Man #32 Sep 28, 2022

A good start.

Love Everlasting #2 Sep 26, 2022
Fantastic Four (2018) #47 Sep 25, 2022

Another disappointing issue, mostly featuring another massive battle instead of a plot.

At last a decent issue, with the lead character absent. We have plot, dialogue & humour and, for once, there is no massive battle. If only we could go on like this.

Heart Eyes #1 Sep 4, 2022
Iron Cat (2022) #3 Sep 4, 2022
The Brother of All Men #2 Sep 4, 2022
The Lonesome Hunters #2 Sep 4, 2022

I'm enjoying this. There are plenty of ideas for a lengthy run - if this proves possible.

Great art. but the dialogue is awful. Dropped.

Parker Girls (2022) #1 Aug 21, 2022

I would have not bothered reading this series had I known it was just a 3 issue mini. It fizzled out at the end. It could have been a great series had it continued.

A very unusual and stylish comic. And the art was great.

Ice Cream Man #30 Aug 5, 2022
Ice Cream Man #31 Aug 5, 2022
New Fantastic Four (2022) #1 Aug 5, 2022
Harrow County: Lost Ones #2 Aug 2, 2022
Harrow County: Lost Ones #3 Aug 2, 2022
Something is Killing the Children #25 Jul 31, 2022

Another poor issue, comprising of yet another massive battle.

The Brother of All Men #1 Jul 31, 2022

I wish comics were still like this. Fun.

Great stuff. I hope Marvel keep MacKay on Black Cat. Maybe a new series once Iron Cat finishes?

X-Men (2021): Hellfire Gala #1 Jul 16, 2022
Monstress #41 Jul 15, 2022

I wondered from the cover if we were being treated to the return of Chung and Clicky-ba from the "Wolf of Kabul". Sadly, we're not. However this was quite good, and I liked the artwork.

It was ok. Personally I'd prefer a 'happy-go-lucky' Hellcat, with not particularly strong powers, and without the links to hell.

It looks great, but i'm not sure about that plot. Especially the one set in the modern day.

The characters run around like headless chickens. it's all rather tiresome.

West Of Sundown #3 Jul 11, 2022
The Closet #2 Jul 10, 2022

Strong and noble women help people, while stupid and childish men cause them problems. Misandrist rubbish.

She-Hulk (2022) #4 Jul 2, 2022
Grim (2022) #2 Jun 27, 2022

Oh God. Why can't this Reckoning War nonsense be over?

Nore division from Marvel. A comic apartheid is developing, encouraged by both Marvel and DC. Stop dividing people.

The Lion & The Eagle #3 Jun 21, 2022
Something is Killing the Children #23 Jun 15, 2022
Newburn #7 Jun 14, 2022

All rather disappointing, and Clea doesn't seem to be true to character.

Not a particularly strong start.

Rampant wokery and anti-white propaganda.

More division vomited forth from DC comics. We do not need seperate comics for every minority/gender. It will lead to ghettoisation. Stop dividing people.

So far, so good. No sign of the 'wokery' which ruined the last series.

Better than i thought it'd be.

I've been enjoying this run, but the "Reckoning War' storyline is a mess.

Rather unoriginal, and hardly inspiring much hope of a decent series.

That was the best Lady M series for ages.

Justice League vs. The Legion of Super-Heroes (2021) #3 May 15, 2022

This Avengers seroes is at a very low ebb.

Fantastic Four (2018) #42 Apr 19, 2022

I give up. Although the artwork is great, the story is pretentious, self-indulgent claptrap.

Little more than a diversity-fest, with little invention or depth.

Lady Mechanika: The Monster of The Ministry of Hell #3 Apr 18, 2022

Blows the authors other work "House of Slaughter" right out the water.

A really disappointing second issue. We have a long fairly pointless fight, a few pages of dialogue and then we're off preparing for another fight next issue.

An impressive old school war story. I like the large format too.

Yet another regurgigation of the same old Vampire story. I'll give it a couple more issues to make sure, but it doesn't look good.

The supporting characters are really good in this run.

Astro City (2022): That Was Then... Apr 13, 2022

I normally ignore ther tiresome Marvel formula of "kill" hero. Replace with a "diverse" character for a while. Resurect hero. That said, I'll try this for a while as I've always liked Clea and she has been neglected for too long. When the Doctor is resurrected, I hope Clea sticks around.

"Look how diverse I am. Look!"

Great art, but the rest is self indulgent pretentious claptrap.

Thank goodness, we're back on earth. The space run started well, but dragged on. Cosmic Iron Man could be interesting if it lasts a while.

I fear cosmic Iron Man will not last long unforuunately. Great artwork, and lots of Hellcat. It's a shame she wasn't like this in her infantile solo series.

Fantastic Four (2018) #40 Feb 22, 2022

More hateful divsion from Marvel. Stop seperating us by race, by gender, by sexuality. We are all one.

I am so sick of white heroes being replaced by those of other races. Marvel's position in the culture wars sickens me.

Witchblood #10 Feb 9, 2022
Fantastic Four (2018) #39 Feb 7, 2022
Monstress #36 Feb 7, 2022
Lady Mechanika: The Monster of The Ministry of Hell #2 Feb 6, 2022


Morte sickening race-baiting from Marvel. Your can guarantee that the one voice that will never be positively featured in this series is the white male.

A good series. It's a shame it couldn't have been wrapped up as part of the main run. But Marvel has to continue its cynical policy of publishing #1's.

Fantastic Four (2018) #37 Dec 28, 2021
Fantastic Four (2018) #38 Dec 28, 2021

This is a great series. And very innovative.

Finally, we're getting to see the beginnings of Lady M.

Sanctimonious twaddle. Nice cover though.

Completely unoriginal. Dropped.

Horrific artwork.

Another divisive race-baiting comic from Marvel. We're getting into activities worthy of apartheid era South Africa now, except that white people are now the enemy. There is no need for comics aimed at individual races - we should not be divided like this.

Iron Man (2020) #14 Dec 9, 2021

A pretty good ending to this series, though hardly original.

Rubbish artwork.

Sorry to see this title is ending. I do think the storyline should have wrapped up in a #11. This is completely unprofessional by Marvel. Utterly cynical.

At last we're getting back to the main story after the unnecessary de-railment.

Good artwork. The story seemed a bit rushed to me.

Something is Killing the Children #20 Nov 6, 2021

Nonsensical plot & awful art. Avoid.

I give up on this.

Fantastic Four (2018) #35 Oct 2, 2021
Fantastic Four (2018) #36 Oct 2, 2021
Compass #2 Sep 18, 2021
Something is Killing the Children #19 Sep 18, 2021

It is worry that comics can be published 'celebrating' a particular sexuality, race or gender. Stop this divisive poison.

I wish we could get the one dimensional Bernice killed off. She has become the main character for political reasons. The artwork is quite good though.

I wish we could get back to the main story.

Not as good as usual.

Still colourful.

Oh dear, what a disappointing mess. Rubbish artwork, nonsensical plot, crap lineup. What's to like?

Pretty bad.

It would have been better had the marriage happened. But the status quo must prevail.

I want to like this, but we still have Bernice (complete with ridiculous 'we can do it' headscarf), her very unlikely for the era interracial lesbian affair, and no Emmy. Drop the liberal claptrap and get back to series basics please.

Something is Killing the Children #17 Aug 6, 2021
Something is Killing the Children #18 Aug 6, 2021

It's a shame that annuals are often just 'filler' and/or pointless throw way dross. This is no exception.

I really would like to see a who-is-who issue with a picture/bio of the characters. There are so many of them it's difficult to keep track.

A bit of a throwaway issue, but it was entertaining enough and the artwork was quite good.

I couldn't really get past the strange artwork.

The Blue Flame #2 Jul 7, 2021

I'm still persisting with this. If nothing else, it is very colourful.

The comics industry continues to cut its own throat by backing identity politics. Very few people will actually buy this comic. The print run will be shipped out to schools to poison and confuse children.

Ludicrous. But quite entertaining.

Blatant propaganda-mongering from DC. This sort of drivel will kill off the comics industry.

Mercifully this is generally free of the identity politics currently bedevilling the comics world.

Ice Cream Man #24 Jun 6, 2021
Shadowman (2021) #1 Jun 6, 2021
Shadowman (2021) #2 Jun 6, 2021

Really pleased to see this series is continuing.

This was an incoherent mess of a debut. I'll give it one more issue to improve.

Well, after a decent first issue I didn't think it'd descend into generic slash horror mode in the second issue. Very disappointing. Dropped.

This series would benefit from a slower pace.

Racist crap.

Nauseating race-baiting from DC.

Dejah Thoris (2019): Winter's End #1 May 3, 2021
The Silver Coin #1 May 3, 2021
Witchblood #2 May 2, 2021

Poor stuff.

Entertaining. More Queen Cat please.

The best of Marvel's ongoing series.

Blatant propaganda, As if we're not subjected to this sort of poison at every turn.

Really enjoying this run, and let's face it. Patsy Walker is a much more interesting character than Tony Stark.


Vampirella: The Dark Powers #5 Apr 18, 2021

This doesn't look to be very original and the theme has been done a thousand times before, Saying that, I liked the artwork and the dialogue so will sick around for a few issues and see where it goes.

Geiger (2021) #1 Apr 14, 2021

Dear God. This is abysmal. Two points awarded for the artwork which is good.

Vampirella: The Dark Powers #4 Mar 20, 2021
Black Cat (2020) #1 Mar 14, 2021
Black Cat (2020) #2 Mar 14, 2021

Great stuff, it is rare to find writing and art both firing on all cylinders at the same time. The current 'event' has failed to derail the fun, unlike in many other titles. The only flaw was the rather rushed 'temptation of Felicia'. This could have been extended and perhaps could be a future storyline.

Consistently excellent.

Month in month out, this is probably one of the best comics out there.

I had hoped this title would turn around post Bendis but it is as bad as ever. DC is in big trouble when they cannot get one of the big three right.

Fire Power (2020) #9 Mar 13, 2021
Ice Cream Man #20 Mar 13, 2021

I am increasingly enjoying this unusual series. Anything which steps outside of the normal comics fare should be supported.

Nauseating race-baiting from Marvel.

Serial (2021) #2 Mar 12, 2021

I've enjoyed this series, and I hope this isn't the end of it.

Once again I like the writing, but the artwork is patchy to say the least. I particularly dislike how Vampi looks, surely this should be something they MUST get right on a Vampirella book.

Well, it looks beautiful, but unfortunately the story is very much an unoriginal 'by-the-numbers' sort of affair. I don't get the impression the author has invested much time or effort into it.

So it turns out this was the final issue. Frankly it was completely underwhelming, and I should have bailed out after the first issue.

I'm rather enjoying this run, and it would be good if Hellcat would stick around long term.

Dreadful artwork which makes it difficult to tell what is going on.

I like the writing. Abnett is always reliable. However the artwork is patchy. I don't really understand how Vampi can be so covered up but is allowed to have her backside hanging out. And don't get me started on the cynical ploy on the cover with Vampi in her classic costume...

Slightly less predicable this time.

The Wrong Earth: Night & Day #1 Feb 3, 2021

Another failed LSH reboot. Lets get back to the real LSH, without the millstone of Bendis.

I didn't really understand the ending, but this was a great series. Farewell to Gideon Falls.

The past was a better time, but you cannot go back.

I thought something terrible would happen at the end, but I suppose it was Christmas after all. This is one of the best series running at the moment.

Really excellent.

I drifted back into this after dropping the title some months ago. The story never really 'kicked on' as it should have done, and the series was ultimately disappointing. The artwork however was excellent throughout.

So having lost all the arguments and all the elections over the last five years, what does the hardcore 'remainer' do? He persists with his inability to accept democracy and clumsily writes a comic. Pathetic. The artwork isn't bad though.

Ho hum. This could be the most predictable of all comics.

Not sure about this. And it's a shame to see Vampi well covered up - typical for the new puritan era we find ourselves in.

Superman (2018) #27 Dec 18, 2020
Superman (2018) #28 Dec 18, 2020

A very average comic. Grist may be British, but he isn't a very good writer. The artwork was quite good though. I'll give it one more issue.

I'll be sorry to see the last of this series.

Hawkman (2018) #29 Nov 30, 2020
Ice Cream Man #21 Nov 30, 2020
Monstress: Talk-Stories #1 Nov 30, 2020

A fairly entertaining tale plods along its utterly predictable path.

Hopeless. Absolutely hopeless.

Generic black gangster stuff. I'm out.

Ho hum

This series is possibly beginning to run out of steam?

Decent enough, but weighed down by Archie's lack of commitment to their horror comics, long abandoned and unfinished.

Not exactly original, but good for all that.

I read this on a whim - I should have spotted who the writer was. Bendis.

This really must be one of the worst runs of Superman ever.

Unbelievably awful.

I doubt this series can get much worse.

Hawkman (2018) #28 Oct 19, 2020

Dull and unoriginal.


Olympia Collected Oct 7, 2020

Two third rate characters battle. Very poor stuff.

A good issue, the highlight being the superb 'Lawless' musical. Make sure you download the tracks and play them while reading! It really is a triumph.

Nothing original at here.

Hawkman (2018) #27 Sep 21, 2020
Something is Killing the Children #10 Sep 21, 2020

The plot is becoming ever more incoherent.

Ho hum. I'll give it another issue, but it lacks originality so far.

Bendis must fall.


Bendis must fall.

The story was ok, but rubbish artwork.

Dreadful dialogue. Artwork barely adequate.

I keep returning to 'Aquaman' in the hope it has improved. It has not. This is abysmal. Bring back Abnett.

Unoriginal, but I'll give it another issue.

Good entertaining stuff.


Something is Killing the Children #9 Aug 23, 2020

The most consistently excellent of all current comics.

I'm not impressed by the 2 year delay since the last issue, but at least we didn't start at another issue #1. The artwork and the design of this comic is magnificent. Unfortunately Ruckra's obnoxious and extremist politics are trumpeted through the editorial. Personal politics should not be taken to work, but Rukra seems to think this is acceptable. It isn't. Dropped.

Just awful.

Ragnarok: The Breaking of Helheim #6 Aug 11, 2020
White Ash #3 Aug 10, 2020
White Ash #4 Aug 10, 2020
White Ash #5 Aug 10, 2020

Another stealth cancellation from Marvel. A shame. This was an entetaining series and this was a very average issue to see it off.

Bendis must go.

It looks great, but it's just not going anywhere. Dropped.

Something is Killing the Children #8 Jul 26, 2020

There was a time when Bendis' writing seemed fresh and interesting. That was long ago, and now it is stale and excruciatingly poor. It is high time he got out of comics.

Absolute codswallop.

Poor stuff.

Crap art. Crap (latest) new costume. Marvel just cannot get SW right.

Bendis must go. He's not even trying, it's all on auto-pilot.

Hawkman (2018) #24 Jul 8, 2020
Gideon Falls #22 Jul 4, 2020
Monstress #28 Jul 4, 2020
Something is Killing the Children #7 Jul 4, 2020
The Plot #5 Jul 4, 2020
The Walking Dead: Negan Lives! #1 Jul 4, 2020

A really enjoyable series.

Black Cat (2019) #11 Jun 24, 2020

It looks great, but... Apparently pulp entertainment is all "racist, sexist, colonial, imperial nonsense" which is "hard to stomach at best" so the team present a story where virtually all the characters are women from every conceivable cultures (except the chronically underrepresented one legged eskimo of mixed heritage). The editorial is littered with extremist rubbish. All part of the war on the white male and it shows once again that the liberal has nothing new or original to offer. He has to take past glories, and twist them to his own warped mindset. Obviously I'm out. It looks great though.

Legion of Super-Heroes (2019) #6 Jun 14, 2020
Basketful of Heads #6 Jun 1, 2020

A good series.

King of Nowhere #1 May 31, 2020

Dreadful artwork.

Judge Dredd Megazine #417 Apr 4, 2020
Legion of Super-Heroes (2019) #5 Apr 4, 2020

The ridiculous make up of the astronaut team put me off from the start. This just would not happen. And the utterly crap art put the cap on it. I won't bother with the rest of this series.

Something is Killing the Children #6 Mar 29, 2020

Disappointingly average. Dropped.

Very good.

Surely it doesn't take seven months to publish a comic? If the creators show no commitment to their product, I'm damned if I will. The unprofessional comment on the last page of this issue just sums up their attitude. Dropped.

Catwoman (2018) #21 Mar 14, 2020
Harrow County: Death's Choir #4 Mar 14, 2020

Very entertaining.

Entertaining stuff.

Well, it looks great. But the story line (think Walt Disney with added sex and violence) is far from original.

Great stuff and very enjoyable, not matter what the "professional" reviewers say.

Ragnarok: The Breaking of Helheim #4 Mar 8, 2020

A second superb issue. I hope they can keep up these standards.

The artwork is really great, but the storylines lack the punch of 'The Wrong Earth'.

This series has not been the best Lady M series, and it limps to its predicable conclusion here.

Average, no more.

The first two issues were so great, but the decline has set in big time. We now have a ludicrous story which is more interested in attacking the white male than in the formerly interesting characters. Have we had a single positive white male in this tale? DC just cannot stay away from its divisive political agenda and identity politics. Dropped.

A complete shambles.

Someone sends Daisy a puzzle. The world's easiest puzzle. She solves it and that is about it. This title looks good, but I'm not sure it's going anywhere worthwhile.

This crap will never make the grade and this version of the LSH will join all the other reboots in the dustbin of history. The art is quite good though.

Gideon Falls #20 Feb 18, 2020
Gideon Falls #21 Feb 18, 2020

With so many now in the cast, it is about time there were a few pages dedicated to a 'who is who'.

Not a great deal plot of progression.

A bit of a step down with the artwork, but this remains an interesting series.

What a fantastic comic.

This series continues to be very entertaining.

Olympia #1 Feb 14, 2020

This series is excellent so far.

Tarot: Witch of the Black Rose #117 Feb 14, 2020

Very entertaining. We need more of Spellarella.

I missed the usual cast members in this issue.

Great stuff.

It would be nice if Dr Druid could stick around, but I expect he'll be killed off again soon.

Good comic. I expect they haven't bribed the professional reviewers, hence their low scores.

There is a lot to like here, but the 'King Kid' storyline has gone on far too long.

Better than the lacklustre first issue, but nowhere near good enough. Dropped.

Absolute crap. Unreadable. Dropped.

I followed the last series, terrifyingly 30 years ago. While the story her is ok, the art is rather poor. Valkyrie looks ugly - come on. She HAS to be beautiful.

Very poor and lacks any sort of originality. Awful dialogue - and it is an absolute outrage that our multi-racial band doesn't included a one-legged, transsexual of Eskimo heritage. They are grossly underrepresented in popular media. Dropped.

Very poor artwork.

Absolute rubbish. Codswallop.

Superman (2018) #19 Jan 25, 2020

Rather disapproving. I really hope we're not going to go into the almost obligatory liberal political territory. This was an interesting story, surely it can continue to be so?

Much better than the last issue.

Nothing we haven't seen a thousand times before. I'll give it another issue, but this one did not inspire me.

Total crap. Give us back the LSH.

Gideon Falls #19 Jan 5, 2020

Dreadful. DC is already on its knees, and Bendis has barely begun his reign.

A welcome return for this title. Despite Bernice's silly 'We can do it" headband.

A promising start.

This may be yet another female monster hunter series, but it is well done.

The Dollhouse Family #2 Jan 4, 2020

An entertaining issue.

It looks great, but the plodding story isn't going anywhere. Dropped.

Not exactly original, is it? We have the obligatory female led storyline and a group of freaky multi-racial kids seeking a monster hunter. It's all be done before. I'll give it one more issue in case it surprises me.

Identity politics abound, the main characters are annoying, the artwork is crap and the story is incoherent.

Well, this is everything I feared a Bendis LSH would be. Total crap. Give us back the LSH.

It's good to have HW back, but the artwork is very poor.

Not as good as the last issue.

A weak issue.

Ragnarok: The Breaking of Helheim #3 Dec 7, 2019

There wasn't enough Spellerella is this issue. Hope we see more of her.

DC need to get rid of Bendis.

An entertaining romp.

Gideon Falls #17 Nov 30, 2019

A near perfect issue.

Great stuff. More please.

The Plot #2 Nov 29, 2019

This is fizzling out. Update. It seems this was another stealth mini-series and that's it. If there is a second series, I won't be back. I am sick of these mini's that pretend to be on-going. Marked down 2 points.

Very promising.

Something is Killing the Children #2 Nov 27, 2019
Something is Killing the Children #3 Nov 27, 2019

A fairly promising story but marred by awful artwork.

Rather disappointing.

Amazing Mary Jane (2019) #2 Nov 24, 2019
Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #32 Nov 24, 2019

The constant interruption of events and crossovers is making this title incomprehensible.

The wheels have fallen off this series. Dropped.

Basketful of Heads #1 Nov 24, 2019

A disappointing issue.

I found getting through this was a bit of a slog. I'll give it one more issue.

Dragonfly & Dragonflyman #1 Nov 22, 2019

Give us back the LSH.

This isn't going anywhere I want to go Dropped.

Bendis is doing what he does. Destroy.

What a lot of pretentious gibberish.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #31 Oct 11, 2019

This series is growing on me.

Ether: The Disappearance of Violet Bell #1 Oct 9, 2019
Manor Black #3 Oct 7, 2019

A very good start.

What the hell are DC doing allowing Bendis to handle the LSH relaunch? Apart from the art, it is a complete mess. It will probably be the end of the LSH franchise.

The heroine no one asked for is rammed down our throats. The DC universe has thousands of hardly used characters. Why create another?

Still somewhat fun.

I'm clearly not the demographic this comic is aimed at, but what the hell.

Ghosted in L.A. #2 Sep 22, 2019

Well well. Her ex is gay.That explains everything. His behaviour is instantly forgiven.

Bring back Abnett.


Feeble. DC just cannot get WW right.

Manor Black #2 Sep 11, 2019

Very very average. A missed opportunity.

DC really had to get the LSH relaunch right. It cannot have too many more chances in such a crowded market. Unfortunately they have made a right mess of it, and really ought to cancel the new series before it even begins. Bendis is not the man for the job.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #28 Sep 1, 2019

I'd heard there has been an improvement over the last few issues. Wrong.

Gideon Falls #16 Aug 27, 2019

Very hard to keep up with a series that has 5 months between issues. There must be a good chance of only two issues in 2019, despite the "bi-monthly" schedule. The team really need to get their act together. That said, issue 14 was an excellent issue. This third act has been the strongest to date. It loses a full point for the ridiculous schedule.

Just get him back with Clea Marvel. Stop all of the mucking about!!

Second Coming #1 Aug 18, 2019
Second Coming #2 Aug 18, 2019

Another enjoyable issue. I hope it continues.

Better than the feeble last issue, and quite fun.

The comic absolutely no one asked for.


A thoroughly enjoyable issue.

A very poor effort.

I hope this is as good as the late lamented 'Harrow County'. The early signs are good.

Lady M is consistently excellent.

I get the feeling this is running out of steam very early in its run.

Ragnarok: The Breaking of Helheim #1 Jul 22, 2019

Has the feel of a filler issue.

Not sure why this is getting such good reviews. It's a very average comic.

Lacks any kook to bring me back for another issue.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #25 Jul 10, 2019
Black Hammer: Age of Doom #11 Jul 10, 2019

I wish books weren't dragged into second rate crossovers. I have no interest in crossovers, and even less in the West Coast Avengers.

This contains three stories. Whichever ones wins, I hope it's not the ghastly Waid entry.

I have to say that I did see this coming. The title didn't seem to have anywhere else to go without repeating itself. This was a decent ending to a great series.

Hopefully DC have lost a lot of money by publishing this extremist crap.

Avengers (2018) #20 Jun 27, 2019
Gideon Falls #14 Jun 24, 2019
The Ride: Burning Desire #1 Jun 23, 2019

Disappointing artwork, and I don't think there ought to be back-up stories in the first issue of a supposed ongoing title.

Lady Mechanika: Sangre #1 Jun 8, 2019
Shazam! (2018) #5 Jun 8, 2019

We could do with getting the current story finished, and focusing more on Billy & Mary.

For such an important death, this had almost no impact on me, unlike others in the past.

An abomination.

Heroes In Crisis #9 May 29, 2019
Black Hammer: Age of Doom #10 May 26, 2019

Worth the price of admission for the 'Lawless' story.

Monstress #19 May 25, 2019
Monstress #20 May 25, 2019
Monstress #21 May 25, 2019
Monstress #22 May 25, 2019

This is series has a lunatic pace. It needs to slow down...

The Walking Dead #191 May 8, 2019

Offensive. If this is the future of comics - where they are propaganda screeds of the extreme left - then I want no part of it.

Unusual. It's worth a look.

Absolute codswallop.

It must have been quite a difficult task. To take a classic heroine with a powerful and well established back story. And to make it so dull. So bloodless. So very average. Vey disappointing, and further evidence that DC have no idea when it comes to Aquaman and Mera.


An extraordinarily misjudged attempt at the 'Me Too' generation.

Age of Conan: Belit #1 Apr 3, 2019

This would benefit from slower pacing.

The Empty Man (2018) #5 Apr 3, 2019
The Girl In The Bay #2 Apr 3, 2019
Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #18 Apr 2, 2019
Black Hammer: Age of Doom #9 Apr 2, 2019
Oberon #1 Apr 2, 2019

I don't think this series is for me.

Shazam! (2018) #4 Apr 2, 2019

Another great issue. What isn't so great is the quarterly schedule. It's hard to keep up with a series where the issues are 3+ months apart.

Not quite as bad as recent issues, but it's still awful. The art is the highlight. I'm dropping this title until DeConnick has gone.


Gideon Falls #11 Mar 13, 2019

There was just a small hope that the first issue was a joke. Bu no. This is extreme left wing feminist propaganda, designed to divide people by gender. It really is quite shocking that it is being published.

Shazam! (2018) #3 Mar 9, 2019

A dreadful plodding plot, creeping along like a snail. I'm not sure how much longer I can take this. It's the worst run of Aquaman for years. The art is good though.

Interesting, but rushed. It would have been better to have had the story presented here over two issues rather than have it all crammed into one.

The Girl In The Bay #1 Feb 13, 2019

I don't know what the crackpot who thought this was the basis for a good comic is on, but can I have some please? Extremist propaganda masquerading as a comic or a bad joke? You decide. I gave it an extra mark for the colour and the decent art.

Not sure I understood what was actually going on in the latter part of this series, but it was magnificent. I hope we see more of the two central characters one day.

Shazam! (2018) #2 Jan 29, 2019
Gideon Falls #10 Jan 27, 2019

Aquaman has had a good run for several years, but it's going over the cliff now. This is ironic when DC has a successful film to capitalise on. Bring back Abnett.

More please.

Absolute rubbish, and none of the 'deaths' will stick.

The plot thickens.

Long Lost #3 Dec 26, 2018
Long Lost Vol.2 #4 Dec 26, 2018

This series has been my favourite for the last couple of years, and I will really miss it when it's complete. If the creators are watching, can we have another series with the 2 sisters in the future please?

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #12 Dec 25, 2018

I feel DC have dropped the ball here. After a successful film, people trying the comic for the first time will find nothing from the film. No Atlantis, no undersea action, no supporting characters. Just a usual generic superhero-who-has-lost-his memory type of story. Bring back Abnett.

Black Hammer: Cthu-Louis #1 Dec 25, 2018
Gideon Falls #9 Dec 25, 2018
High Heaven #4 Dec 25, 2018
The Walking Dead #186 Dec 25, 2018

So much for the 'slow burn'. The series rushes to its conclusion with vague promises of more one day.

Captain Ginger #2 Dec 20, 2018
Captain Ginger #3 Dec 20, 2018
High Heaven #3 Dec 20, 2018

Good, but loses a star due to the absurd price.

It's been a good run, but it's going out with a whimper.

The plot is not advancing. They are playing for time with some mostly unrelated stuff here. The art is a bit rubbish too.

Smooth Criminals #1 Dec 8, 2018
Long Lost Vol.2 #2 Nov 25, 2018
Long Lost Vol.2 #3 Nov 25, 2018

No sane person will find anything to like in this.

Cold Spots #1 Nov 20, 2018
Cold Spots #2 Nov 20, 2018

Clever and unusual.

It's good. Buy it.

Sparrowhawk #1 Nov 19, 2018

Well I gave it a chance. Two issues in and it's clear this isn't for me. We have an English victorian leading lady of mixed race (what else COULD she be?) who despises the upper classes and wicked imperialists. She does whatever she is told by an evil vampire rabbit, while spouting every liberal cliché under the sun. All this, and the crappiest art possible.

The Walking Dead #185 Nov 19, 2018

A mess. And don't get me started on the ridiculous price.

The Empty Man (2018) #1 Nov 17, 2018

Unusual comic, but I wonder if the concept has enough legs for s mini series?

A bit of a mess. And none of the deaths will stick.

I am really sick of all these crossovers, but this is a decent issue and the artwork is good too.

Stellar #4 Oct 28, 2018

Confusing story, but great artwork.

Meh. Just get me back to the farm.

I'll be amazed if this series makes double figures. Rubbish art too.

A very strong issue. There were some really interesting interviews with past editors to top it off.

I hate cross overs and refused to buy the linked titles. It doesn't seem to matter here as the story is weak, and the artwork poor.

Absolute drivel. Is Abnett really still writing this??

I want to go back to the farm.

Miserable, negative and ultra violent. Comics don't have to be like this, but it's overwhelmingly the only way the publishers will operate.

Ice Cream Man #7 Oct 2, 2018

Completely pointless. For the real Archie 1941, real the old comics from this days. This is destined to be politically correct rubbish. Oh and the art is crap too.

Very disappointing. From an interesting premise, we quickly fall into the normal patterns for a modern comic. All white people are racist and evil, all step fathers are rapists, rich people are bad, poor people are good. You know the sort of thing, it's rampant in comics, and here is no exception.

The Walking Dead #183 Sep 28, 2018

I just wish they could get this out more regularly.

Avengers (2018) #7 Sep 7, 2018
Black Hammer: Age of Doom #4 Sep 7, 2018
Modern Fantasy #3 Sep 7, 2018

I wanted to like this, I really did. Some of my favourite characters return in it. But the story is a confused mess which needed telling over several issues.

Ice Cream Man #6 Aug 26, 2018
Modern Fantasy #2 Aug 26, 2018

The world of 'The Relay' is the goal of globalists and liberals. Ultimately we will all have to submit, or die.


Stellar #3 Aug 25, 2018

Absolute codswallop. I'll be amazed if this series makes it into double figures.

I enjoyed this.

The artwork is appalling.

Overpriced and rather dull. And there are no forests on the Shetland Isles.

This is going nowhere on an absurd price. Dropped.

I don't know why this had to start again with a #1, but this is the best horror comic out there at the moment.

A little more coherent than most of this arc.

Perhaps the Rath arc has been overlong, but the series so far has been classic Aquaman. Abnett has done a marvellous job with the characters

A satisfactory end to a good series.

Disappointing. This is a rip-of of the LSH, not a tribute. And why oh why does mankind always have to be evil and oppressing the poor aliens? And of course there is the obligatory 'evil president' on earth.

The Walking Dead #182 Aug 4, 2018

The mixing of flashback and current day doesn't help matters, but this is saved by very strong artwork.

The latest in a long line of #1's is better than some, but the character has been profoundly wrecked over the last few years. The decision to change her name from Ms Marvel to Captain Marvel, The butch look, the short hair... Get her looking like a woman and get her back into the classic black and gold costume and perhaps Marvel can still save Carol Danvers.

Harrow County #31 Jul 16, 2018

This has been a great series, and it's a shame it has ended. I had hoped we'd have more tales of Emmy and the haints.

Great art and an intriguing plot. I know nothing about this character, but I'll give it a go.

This had been an entertaining series up to now, but the wheels are beginning to fall off. And of course, men are to blame for the world's problems. It seems every comic I pick up buys into divisive feminist crap,

Probably the best issue yet. Plenty of characterisation and world building in Xebel. I just hope we don't end with the obligatory massive punch-up next issue.

I loved it. Bonkers artwork and an original storyline.

Pitiful. A Judge Fear ripoff kills a load of characters no one cares about. And those who are good will soon be back again.

I don't know why I keep expecting anything significant to ever change for Marvel/DC characters. It's pathetic.

Just when you though Thor couldn't get any worse, Marvel uncover the worst artist ever.

The artwork is abysmal. Dropped.

Aquaman (2016) #36 Jun 25, 2018

Great story and artwork.

This Lucy storyline is dragging on and on. Hopefully things are about to improve.

The previously amazing artwork has fallen away badly over the last couple of issues. It is difficult knowing what is going on with the storyline. It's looking like I'll have to drop this unless it all gets back on track.

Obligatory feminist storyline. What is wrong with just telling a non-PC story? It seems that if you don't build in left wing preaching, you don't get published. On the other hand, I like the newsprint format and the artwork is ok.

Ouch. What a terrible issue.

The Walking Dead #180 Jun 17, 2018

I wish they would concentrate on the group at the farm. The Lucy story is not particularly interesting.

Fairly good, but I've deducted 1.5 points for the ludicrous price.

This is good. We journey to Xebel and see some of Mera's past, including her granny.Some much needed backstory on Xebel, and some nice characterisation.

Doctor Star and the Kingdom of Lost Tomorrows #4 Jun 10, 2018

There is very little to like in this farrago of nonsense.

Very very average.

Racist drivel and extremist liberal propaganda. Oh, and the artwork is awful too.

Dropped. I will perhaps come back when you find a half decent artist.

Welcome back.

Magnificent stuff.

Lucy Dreaming #1 May 20, 2018
Lucy Dreaming #2 May 20, 2018

This is turning into an excellent series.

I loved the first issue, and wish we could just have had a linear story developing from it. But no, we have to jump all over the place. Dropped.

The art wasn't as good as usual.

This issue was a terrible mess. Dropped.

I am so sick of writers using the editorials to bleat on about how awful Brexit will be. It will be absolutely fine. Dropped.

The Walking Dead #179 May 19, 2018

Well, the artwork is decent. The story however is incoherent and only semi-literate. There are also scenes of people defecating if that rocks your boat, along with rape and extreme violence. Avoid.

Maestros #6 May 18, 2018

It's all coming to the boil now.

It feels as though this series is approaching it's end. I hope not.

Much better than the disappointing last issue. We have some much needed characterisation.

Worth persisting with for now.

Very enjoyable. If only Marvel could produce more comics like this one.

As good as ever, though I do not see why they had to start at #1 again.

This would be good were it not for the wretched artwork.

It looks as though this could be a great series.

Somewhat disappointing. Two characters meet. They argue, and it descends into the usual punch up scenario.

A cracking issue.

The story is ok, but the art... it is dreadful.

It looked for a happy few moments as the terrible 'Princess' character was going to bite the dust. Sadly she lives on to annoy me next issue.

A great cover and price. I like the newsprint paper and wish more publishers would use it. The art was quite good but the story was rather a let down, being slow and plodding.

Great artwork.

One thing stands between this series and greatness. It lacks a letters page. How about it, eh?

Probably the best issue yet.

Rather disappointing.

Harrow County #29 Apr 8, 2018

I enjoyed this series but am fed up in that it turned out to be a 4 issue mini series. I wouldn't have bothered had I known that.

This issue felt like a filler.

The plot slowly thickens. It doesn't feel rushed - and that is a good thing.

The ultimate dream of liberal propaganda merchant must be to get people to buy their own propaganda. Here is an example. A very average story with (as usual) white people portrayed as evil racists and the liberal media lap it up. It's just not very good, but the barrage of hype surrounding the comic is such that weak minded liberals buy it.

Monstress #13 Mar 14, 2018
Monstress #14 Mar 14, 2018

Nothing out of the ordinary, though I do like Judge Lamia.

It's a shame that the Loki story was wrapped up so quickly. The follow up is just bog standard Marvel.

A decent start to this.

Kirkman has leapt onto the 'diversity' bandwagon with this one, and the artwork isn't that good. However, I will give this a few issues to see if it improves.

Steady and reliable.

Uber: Invasion #12 Mar 10, 2018

Dreadful art.

America #11 Mar 2, 2018


Snotgirl #9 Feb 28, 2018

A rather rushed end to this classic series, it should have gone on to 150.

Aquaman (2016) #33 Feb 25, 2018

Abysmal artwork.

Maestros #5 Feb 25, 2018

This started well, but part way in it became utterly predictable.

I'm not sure if we learnt much about the Black Hammer universe from this series that we didn't already know. It all seemed rather pointless.

After the wretched last issue, I was please to see a simple yet deep story. No fighting, no caped heroes, just ordinary people trying to get their lives back on track after tragedy.

After a great first issue, it was jarring to see the storyline was not continuing from it. I hope this series keeps it simple and can progress organically.

Needs a better artist.

Consistently excellent.

I love the main Empowered series, but the characters just don't work with such poor artwork.

Very entertaining.

Old school entertainment. The sort you thought Marvel would no longer do. Mind you, I'm sure they'll soon ruin it.


Hulk rip-off.

Here we go again. Yet another comic where stupid evil white people ruin America, and take it from delightful freedom loving diverse people. You just couldn't make this nauseating leftist crap up. Oh,and the artwork is rubbish too.

There is an intriguing story developing here. The artwork is growing on me too.

Minky Woodcock: The Girl Who Handcuffed Houdini #1 Jan 20, 2018

Gibberish. Dropped.

I cannot bear the new character, Princess. I hope she meets a grisly fate soon.

Absolute rubbish.

A great slow burn story with an interesting cast. The art is good too.

Doctor Strange (2015) #383 Jan 7, 2018
Maestros #3 Jan 6, 2018
Harrow County #28 Dec 31, 2017
Invincible #143 Dec 31, 2017

The last few issues have been ridiculous. Abnett can do better, I know he can.

Sickening liberal propaganda.

An ok story, but for me, ruined by the feminist propaganda screed from the creators. Although they profess to love diversity, they and their kind do not. They want everything to be as they wish, and are happy to pour hatred and scorn on anyone who opposes them. I wish we could have had the old style Witchblade back, from an age where comics were entertainment instead of an opportunity to spread an ideology.

Fighting American (2017) #1 Dec 14, 2017
Fighting American (2017) #2 Dec 14, 2017
Fighting American (2017) #3 Dec 14, 2017

Dreadful art, and a lumbering pointless story. Oh, and yet again, the evil racist baddies are white.

I'm not sure what to make of this.

Aquaman (2016) #30 Dec 10, 2017
Maestros #2 Dec 10, 2017
Sherlock Frankenstein & The Legion of Evil #2 Dec 10, 2017
Die Kitty Die! Hollywood or Bust #4 Nov 28, 2017


Eleanor and the Egret #5 Nov 26, 2017

A clumsy left-wing propaganda piece. I thought Busiek above such rubbish. Oh and it's funny how evil racists are always white, eh?

And it's all wrapped up with indecent haste. Very disappointing.

Great issue.

Bring back Pa!

It's good, but not as good as the slavering reviews would have you believe.

This series has been quite good up to now, but this issue was ridiculous. The plot was absurd.

Die Kitty Die! Hollywood or Bust #3 Nov 11, 2017

A story we've all seen a thousand times before.

Nauseatingly extreme liberal propaganda. This 'comic' sums up everything that is wrong with Marvel.

Die Kitty Die! Hollywood or Bust #2 Nov 2, 2017

An excellent and funny first issue.

Harrow County #24 Oct 31, 2017
Harrow County #25 Oct 31, 2017

Pa had better survive this storyline!

Great stuff, especially with Vulko and the lonely ghost.

Very entertaining

Dark Ark #2 Oct 29, 2017

The end of a important character but without the emotional appeal I was expecting.

Sherlock Frankenstein & The Legion of Evil #1 Oct 29, 2017

A satisfactory end to this classic run. With Marvel running empty on creativity, we are unlikely to see its like again. This was the last marvel title on my pull list, and had managed to stay fairly clear of the liberal preaching. I am unlikely to buy a Marvel title regularly until they change their ways.

Titans (2016) #15 Oct 29, 2017
Titans (2016) #16 Oct 29, 2017

Before I read this series, I never realised how useful Egrets could be.


Motor Girl #8 Oct 14, 2017

Good, but it appears that this is only a 10 issue mini series, not an ongoing. I don't think i'd have bothered with it had I known.

Rather good.

The Lost Fleet: Corsair #2 Oct 14, 2017
The Lost Fleet: Corsair #3 Oct 14, 2017

Really excellent.

Not as bad as I feared it would be.

They don't make 'em like that anymore. Oh wait... they do.

Black Magick #8 Oct 3, 2017
Dark Ark #1 Oct 3, 2017

An entertaining series comes to an end, and it didn't end quite as predictably as I had feared. We are also reminded that free speech belongs to everyone; everyone should be heard, however unpalatable their message may be. The far left political establishment that rules our entertainment industry should keep this in mind.

Great art, a compelling plot and plenty of characterisation. What more could you want?

Captain Kronos #1 Oct 1, 2017
Snotgirl #7 Sep 30, 2017

More propaganda for the most extreme of liberals only. Not quite as bad as some issues of this awful series though.

The words 'total' and 'crap' spring to mind. Avoid.

It's ok, but nowhere near the hype. Some of the "professional" reviewers can hold little credibility after their gushings in praise of the book.

While the art is magnificent, it looks like the story is running out of steam. The story become bogged down and is nowhere near as clever as the author thinks it is. With the next issue not out until February, this looks to be a good jumping off point.

Dear God... crap art. Shallow, bombastic and pointless story. Avoid.

It's a bit of a struggle to get back into this series.

This has been an entertaining comic all through its recent run. I fear though that the next issue will be predictable, and send things back to the status quo. Please prove me wrong!

Predictable and just not funny. Even the classic Archie story falls flat.

My instinct is to drop this title because of the erratic schedule. I can't. It's too good.

Astro City (2013) #45 Sep 6, 2017
Astro City (2013) #46 Sep 6, 2017

Repulsive cultural Marxism. This drivel would have been cancelled if it didn't suit Marvel's political agenda.

I've bought Savage Dragon on and off for 20 years, but this is the end. Following on from his recent tasteless and purile depiction of female genitalia, we now have an insane depiction of the current US president. I am British, and have little interest in defending him. However, I believe in democracy, and I do not believe Trump supporters are the racist lunatics depicted here. We have a rich liberal (Larsen) telling people divisive and complete lies. If right wingers issued such hate-filled propaganda, they would be (literally) lynched by the leftist media and their zealots.

Aquaman (2016) #27 Aug 21, 2017
Mister Miracle (2017) #1 Aug 21, 2017

Probably the best Silver Surfer run ever. Sorry to see it go.

Hopefully this will remain gimmick-free, unlike the 'Archie' series.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. There are far too many characters in this series.

Generic and formulaic spy action, with poor artwork. And for added horror, you get 'treated' to a regular 'feminist' lecture. Dropped.

It's getting difficult to keep up with whatever is going on. And the art is terrible in this issue.

Excellent characters and vitally, well written.

All New Fathom (2017) #6 Jul 28, 2017

Extreme liberal propaganda masquerading as a comic.

The art was great and the story is building well. I'm not sure we need to ape the X-Men with a load of mutants though.

"Quick, we need a disabled character". I'd mostly enjoyed this series, but am dropping it now.

Rather predictable.

I bought this after buying and enjoying the previous issue. I doubt I will bother again... the art was abysmal and the story utter gibberish.

Harley Quinn (2016) #23 Jul 18, 2017

Another fine issue of the series but a year after the last issue. It is time to replace Sacasa - who seems to have plenty of time for the wretched 'Riverdale' series.

The Walking Dead #169 Jul 9, 2017
Motor Girl #7 Jul 8, 2017
Seven to Eternity #7 Jul 8, 2017

I've missed this title, and am glad to see it's mysterious attraction to me remains intact.

This issue positions Mera as possibly the most powerful heroine in the DC universe. I wonder if she'll actually stick around in the JLA.

Black Hammer #10 Jul 4, 2017
Silver Surfer (2016) #12 Jul 4, 2017

This title is getting more and more disappointing. I am beginning to think there will be another reboot on Archie with the publisher wishing to chase the 'Riverdale' angle.

Die Kitty Die! Hollywood or Bust #1 Jul 3, 2017

Good but not outstanding. After the long delay in issues, I have to question if Rucka is committed to this title.

Eleanor and the Egret #3 Jul 2, 2017

I'll go so far as to say this is the best artwork I've ever seen. Added to Abnett's writing, this issue is a masterpiece.

The "professional" reviewers should be ashamed of themselves. This is total crap on all levels, yet somehow (bribery?) they give it decent reviews.

All New Fathom (2017) #5 Jun 18, 2017

Excellent stuff. I hope Murk redeems himself soon.

Hadrian's Wall #7 Jun 18, 2017
Titans (2016) #12 Jun 18, 2017

While I generally enjoy this title, the art is becoming increasingly vulgar. There is no need for it, and why Larsen thinks it a good idea is beyond me.

This contains some silly inconsequential stories and some very ropey artwork. Overpriced too.

Black Hammer #9 Jun 5, 2017
World Reader #1 May 28, 2017

I am really enjoying the writing of this series. The artwork is pretty good too.

This is not a comic. It is a political work from the twisted souls of the political far left.

This is back to its best after the disappointing last arc. Plenty of Atlantis and its supporting characters.

All rather predicable. I hope this title improves soon.

Great fun.

It looks great, but it's all too confusing for me.

Bonkers but brilliant.

Harrow County #22 May 27, 2017
Harrow County #23 May 27, 2017
Archie (2015) #19 May 17, 2017
Aquaman (2016) #22 May 7, 2017
All New Fathom (2017) #1 May 1, 2017
All New Fathom (2017) #2 May 1, 2017
All New Fathom (2017) #3 May 1, 2017
No World #1 May 1, 2017
Aquaman (2016) #21 Apr 30, 2017
Black Hammer #8 Apr 30, 2017
Ragnarok #12 Apr 30, 2017


Monstress #11 Apr 29, 2017

It's bonkers. I loved it.

Titans (2016) #10 Apr 25, 2017
Motor Girl #5 Apr 16, 2017

Very average and not a patch on its former life.

A decent enough start to what may be the Inhumans last chance. Marvel's handling of them over the last few years has been little short of disastrous.

Silver Surfer (2016) #10 Apr 16, 2017
Jughead (2015) #13 Apr 10, 2017
Jughead (2015) #14 Apr 10, 2017

Happily I ready this in a shop and didn't have to waste any money on it. This comic illustates why Marvel have got themselves into a bit of a mess. There is no interest in an exciting or interesting story, or well defined characters. There is only a desire to spew extreme liberal and feminist propaganda at the comic buying public.

Avengers (2016) #5.1 Apr 2, 2017

Superb storytelling and character work.

Pedestrian and predicatable. Very disappointing.

While the comic is solid, we are subjected to three and a bit pages of Ruckra's anti-Trump ravings in the letters page. I really wish he'd stop this lecturing... I am just not interested, and it all comes across as if he is having a mental breakdown.

Solid and consistently entertaining.

Savage Dragon (1993) #222 Apr 2, 2017

This series is firing on all cylinders again.

I have no idea what was going on as I'd not ready previous chapters, but I greatly enjoyed it.

Silver Surfer (2016) #9 Mar 22, 2017
Harley Quinn (2016) #16 Mar 21, 2017
Forever War #2 Mar 19, 2017

This continues to be an interesting series, but I wish they could get an artist and keep him for morte than a half dozen issues.

Cave Carson Has A Cybernetic Eye #6 Mar 18, 2017
Ether #5 Mar 18, 2017

A decade ago a comic about Amazons would have sold. Nowadays with the rampant feminist and liberal agenda in control, such a comic is designed to fit the agenda and not to appeal to readers. The result is this utter mess.

This series is much better than i expected it to be. The first isue was disappointing but it's getting better and better.

Aquaman (2016) #18 Mar 7, 2017
Astro City (2013) #41 Mar 7, 2017
Harley Quinn (2016) #15 Mar 7, 2017
Monstress #10 Mar 7, 2017
Motor Girl #4 Mar 5, 2017
Rat Queens (2017) #1 Mar 5, 2017

Good grief. There was absolutely no level this book succeeds at. Hamfisted politically correct drivel. The only positive is that I got it free.

Cave Carson Has A Cybernetic Eye #5 Feb 24, 2017
Empowered and the Soldier of Love #1 Feb 24, 2017
Forever War #1 Feb 24, 2017
Harley Quinn (2016) #14 Feb 24, 2017

A dull plodding story with abysmal art. Dynamite need to get back to basics.

The Forevers #3 Feb 24, 2017
The Walking Dead #164 Feb 24, 2017
Uber: Invasion #3 Feb 24, 2017


Wonder Woman (2016) #16 Feb 24, 2017

This is definitely down a notch. I hope we get past this "Warhead" bloke soon.

Consistently good.

This title continues to stumble towards it's end. We have a funeral, so there has to be the obligatory fight. Not exactly original.

Crap art, crap story, no characterisation, propaganda masquerading as entertainment. This fails at all levels. Surely it cannot get any worse?

I am really sick of comic writers lecturing me with their politics. I am not interested. If this goes on, I will drop this title.

Uber: Invasion #2 Feb 14, 2017

Another consistently good comic, with plenty of subplots bubbling away in the background. I particularly liked the fleshing out of minor characters in this issue.

Ether #3 Feb 12, 2017
Ether #4 Feb 12, 2017

This has run out of steam, and is only interested in 'shock value' to keep it going. Dropped.

Definitely back to its solid best. And Pa's return to the cast is very welcome.

It's difficult to avoid the conclusion that this series is staggering towards its finishing line. With it's current show publishing schedule, it's going to be around for years yet.

I really thought DC would have made a better effort with this. Instead it's yet another piece of liberal propaganda with the obligatory "diversity" and feminism. I would have overlooked this but for the crap art and choppy incoherent story. Sadly I am signed up for three issue, so cannot bail out yet. Woe is me.

I've said it before and I expect I'll say it again. This is a well plotted and consistently good comic. It ought to show the comics industry that constantly re-starting at issue 1 is unnecessary.

This is ... terrible. The plot is as deep as a puddle. The baddies are just totally evil, there is no attempt at giving them a motive. The moment when Bonnie was menaced by her (evil) ex-cat was when I knew this infantile tosh was not for me. Dropped.

This continues to be a great series, but not enough Mera and Murk!

Not the best issue, and I was disappointed by the lack of a classic reprint, the space was given over to a poor photo galley of the new Archie TV series.

Harrow County #18 Feb 4, 2017

After the rather disappointing last few issues, this title gets back to basics and is much the better for it.

Great stuff, please Archie... keep the creative team of Charm and North together.

I cannot understand how DC can continue to allow what should be a flagship title to be so poor. Can we get a decent writer please.

It's not exactly a light read, but it is very impressive on every front.

Very enjoyable.

I enjoyed this issue, and feel it's much better than the rather disappointing first issue.

Serenity: No Power In The 'Verse #3 Feb 4, 2017

We get 'treated' to some PC bleating this issue, but happily the character doing the bleating is swiftly killed off. Otherwise this was a good and interesting issue.

An impressive series, cut short as a series, but now appearing as a graphic novel. On the negative side, we had a foolish and very unsympathetic heroine but on the plus side, we had some of the best comic artwork I've seen in decades. The plot was unhurried and generally well researched, though the modern craze of women dressing as men would have ended with a trip to the bonfire in the Elizabethan age. If you are going to try for an authentic and historically accurate plot, modern day political correctness and feminism ought to be left out. Nevertheless, I would like to see more from Mr Fell.

Probably the best annual of the year. Even with 8 months to go!

Cave Carson Has A Cybernetic Eye #3 Jan 31, 2017
Cave Carson Has A Cybernetic Eye #4 Jan 31, 2017

This issue turned up in my 'pull' pile even though I'd cancelled it the last issue. Poor, very poor indeed. None of the characters are interesting, and God only knows what the author is thinking about. The art is abysmal, with a load of multi-coloured characters jumbled all over the page. I really hope my cancellation sticks...

Hope we don't see the Aquamarines again, but a good solid book.

Ragnarok #11 Jan 14, 2017
The Walking Dead #162 Jan 14, 2017

Great stuff. It's the first comic i turn to in my pile. I hope issue 6 doesn't take too long.

Britannia (2016) #4 Dec 26, 2016
Harley Quinn (2016) #10 Dec 26, 2016
Motor Girl #2 Dec 26, 2016

Strangely compelling.

We could perhaps do without the graphic violence, and the dialogue is painful at times but there is a certain something here keeping me reading.

This is a really enjoyable series, with a number of plot developments on the go.

I loved this as a child, but this is just an exercise in political correctness. Women are all heroic, Somali pirates noble, sharks are misunderstood and white men are gung-ho maniacs.

A good but sad end to this excellent series.

Despite the deeply suspect 'critic' reviews, this series has almost completely run out of steam. I've come to the conclusion that Mark Millar is capable of good ideas, but cannot sustain them for more than two issues.

I love this series, and this issue is an absolute and colourful delight.

A bit of a mess to be honest.

Consistently excellent.

Archie (2015) #15 Dec 24, 2016
Black Hammer #6 Dec 24, 2016

I've given this comic every chance now, and I have no idea what is going on. The story in incomprehensible and the art unclear. The end of the arc is a good jumping off point, so farewell to Horizon.

Aquaman (2016) #12 Dec 11, 2016

It was ok. I doubt this will survive many issues though.

Savage Dragon (1993) #218 Dec 11, 2016
Uber: Invasion #1 Dec 11, 2016

Great stuff.

So this uninspired series crawls to its predictable conclusion. Apart from the art, it was completely uninspired. It's as though the wtiter put it together in 10 minutes. The 'critic reviews' are deeply suspect.

A bit unusual, but I liked it and will give this series a go.

This looked good, and I'll give it a go for a few issues. I just hope it manages to avoid the predictable plot this type of comic usually has.

This is the best series in the new 'Archie-verse'. The writing is excellent and the current artwork really works. I hope the artist sticks around.

I'm still enjoying this series.

There is good world and character building going on here. It feels as though it's not to be rushed and this could end up a classic series.

Very disappointing. And ther artwork is terrible.

Completely different from the sort of comic I usually like.

Great art and a fun story. Not sure about having a dog as the narrator though.

Britannia (2016) #3 Nov 20, 2016

I wish they'd stop alternating between two stories in this title.

According to the editorial, "Each issue of Alters is read by at least six different trans consultants". If I was a cynic I'd say that they make up the bulk of the readership of the most politically correct comic ever created. As I'm not a cynic, I won't. I'll just avoid a comic created for propaganda, not entertainment.

This series is firing on all cylinders. But can we have more Murk please?

This is really good. I love the Cheryl character, and I really hope the new artist sticks around. Please Archie, make it so.

Another superb issue. Every single character leaps off the page. Poor Colonel Weird gets his sad story told in this issue.

It's strange, but I like it so far.

A sci-fi detective story which makes a good start.

Good solid fare, nothing flashy but building nicely.

A confusing shambles of a comic. One more issue to show me it's worth carrying on with, or I'm off.

The art is growing on me, but the schedule is not. Invincible seems to be limping towards its conclusion whereas I was hoping it would go out in a blaze of glory.

Not as good as the opening issue. I hope this doesn't run out of steam as quickly as 'Empress' did.

Beautiful art and an interesting story. However, the story isn't told in a sensible linear fashion, but hops around from one character to another. From past to present. This will become annoying if it persists.

Uber #12 Nov 17, 2016
Uber #13 Nov 17, 2016
Uber #14 Nov 17, 2016
Uber #15 Nov 17, 2016
Uber #16 Nov 17, 2016
Uber #17 Nov 17, 2016
Uber #18 Nov 17, 2016
Uber #19 Nov 17, 2016
Uber #20 Nov 17, 2016
Serenity: No Power In The 'Verse #1 Nov 16, 2016
Seven to Eternity #2 Nov 16, 2016
Wonder Woman (2016) #9 Nov 16, 2016

Very entertaining.

After a rather poor start to Rebirth, this title is now firing on all cylinders. The momentum of the book is well served by the bi-weekly schedule.

Hench Girl #11 Nov 5, 2016

A feeble story with very average artwork. The obligatory feminist angle is constantly reminding us that the characters are "strong independent women" with men not needed. Therefore I won't be continuing with this title, and will leave it in the hands of "strong, independent woman" and the diversity freaks.

Lake of Fire #3 Nov 5, 2016
Motor Girl #1 Nov 5, 2016
Savage Dragon (1993) #217 Nov 5, 2016

Mediocre. And crap art.

The Walking Dead #160 Nov 5, 2016
Jughead (2015) #10 Oct 30, 2016

I'm not really enjoying these stories with Emmy's "family". Let's get back to the farm and Pa.

Hadrian's Wall #2 Oct 24, 2016

This is shaping up to be an all time classic series. I have nothing negative to say except that we need to know more about Madame Dragonfly - I'm sure we'll find out more about her over the next few issues.

Infantile. Perhaps that is the point, but is could be a lot better than this.

Aquaman Vol. 1: The Trench Oct 22, 2016
Aquaman Vol. 2: The Others Oct 22, 2016
Aquaman Vol. 3: Throne Of Atlantis Oct 22, 2016
Aquaman Vol. 4: Death Of A King Oct 22, 2016
Aquaman Vol. 5: Sea Of Storms Oct 22, 2016
Aquaman Vol. 6: Maelstrom Oct 22, 2016

God, what a stinker. Both writing and art were very poor indeed.

Another great issue. Not enough Mera, but Murk gets a few cracking comments in. If only Aquaman would listen to him...

Well now. I had been about to give up on Archie when my subscription expired, but this is much much better. The new artist is great, and I hope he has a good run. The story is also much improved. I am back on board.

Cave Carson Has A Cybernetic Eye #1 Oct 22, 2016

I keep on giving Marvel another chance, but they seem incapable of producing decent comics anymore. What they need is a DC style "Rebirth". Dump all the devisive 'equality' crap, the sexuality issue, the feminist angle, the multi-part crossover events, the constant relauching of series, the massive amount of monthly books, and concentrate on getting back to the core characters, good stories, no political or cultural angle and maybe they will be worth reading again. Marvel are not listening to anyone except the diversity and equality freaks.

Disappointing. Marvel seems to be losing the plot.

Ok, I'm off. I can't take any more of this rubbish.

This comic stumbles along on its confusing way. Little explanation and messy art. If I didn't have a feeling there is a good comic somewhere in this mess I'd bail out. As it is, I'll give it a couple more issues to prove it.

A bit better than the last issue. I'm still hanging in there, but only just.

Really well written, and the pace is just right.

Absolutely magnificent.

This is really great stuff. I really like the cast of characters being assembled in Atlantis. I just hope that the Mera story doesn't reduce her appearances in the comic.

Good stuff. Shame is only a mini series.

Ragnarok #10 Oct 15, 2016

The most solid and consistent of comics.

I was very wary after the shallow 'Empress' but this may prove more interesting.

Uber #6 Oct 12, 2016
Uber #7 Oct 12, 2016
Uber #8 Oct 12, 2016
Uber #9 Oct 12, 2016
Uber #10 Oct 12, 2016

Blimey. I wasn't expecting that ending.

Not bad. The comics world could do with more of Clea.

Astro City (2013) #36 Oct 8, 2016
Astro City (2013) #37 Oct 8, 2016

Not as good as usual.

After a couple of rather sub-standard issues, we're back on track here.

The first issue was ok, but this one was a diaster. I'm dropping this title on the back of it.

Just can't get into this.

I'm really not enjoying this African story and will be glad to see the back of it.


Seven to Eternity #1 Oct 1, 2016

This is not my kind of comic at all. But somehow, I love it.

Good enough for me to add to my pull list.

Black Hammer #3 Sep 30, 2016

An excellent start to this historical horror story.

Harrow County #16 Sep 29, 2016

Well now. We have a "diverse team of creators composed of differing genders, gender identities, ethnic backgrounds and sexual orientations". So focused they are on their liberal progaganda, they forgot the contents.This is a generic superhero story with nothing to set it apart from the pack. I cannot recommend this to anyone unless they are happy to pay for propaganda. Me? I'm signed up for one more issue but unless a miracle happen, it'll be my last issue.

Great stuff. After the frenetic action of the last issue, this is a welcome break. We see Atlantis and many plot threads are revealed, ready to be knitted into future issues. I really hope Abnett stays with Aquaman for a good long run.

At last the ridicuously fast pace slows a little and we get some story. This could be a half decent comic with better writing. The art is great.

I feel there is a good story in here somewhere, but the art is so unclear that you cannot tell which character is which. There are no explanations and it's made confusing on purpose. One more issue, and if it's no better then I'm off.

Savage Dragon (1993) #216 Sep 24, 2016

I'm not sure what is going on in this issue. Can we have more logical and straightforward plotting please?

Although I really don't like the issues jumping back and forth between the past and the present day, I cannot deny that the art is magnificent and the writing is good. This is a really good issue.

The art has improved.

Jughead (2015) #9 Sep 22, 2016
Nowhere Men #11 Sep 12, 2016

The extreme violence is too much, but there is no denying this is a very good comic.

The art could be better but the story is picking up nicely.

I do think the German military would have disposed of Hitler at this stage. It's not going to end well chaps.

This alternate history concept is extremely good. There is a sense of doom hanging over its world.

I wonder if my fellow reviewer, Mr Mouser, has actually read these issues? The Germans are portrayed as evil maniacs and never in a good light. Nevertheless I was actually worried about the German battleship going up against the American version. He was just too good to be true and we ended the fight with typically over the top bloodshed.

The first misstep in this series. Athough the story is entertaining enough, it had nothing to do with the main story and is really just a generic vampire tale. It's so clumsy that I wonder if it was supposed to have been the first issue of a completly new series that Archie gave up on, and bolted onto Afterlife in order to bridge the gap until the next issue of the real story.

Another very entertaining issue. I am looking forward to what Arthur will will say to Mera when they get home after her prison break!

Well, it looks good. On the negative side, yet more characters are introduced to a series groaning under the weight of those they already have. The military scenes are laughably inept. At one point, a biplane crashes in front of a character, who leaps inside and takes off in it.

Not a great deal happens in this issue, and the letters column is given over to more extreme left wing bleating.

They're trying to pack too much into the stories at the moment, which makes it rather confusing, I hope this is sorted out...

Some of the military detail is a little sloppy, but otherwise this is an unusual subject for a comic. We start in April 1945 with Germany on the brink of total defeat, and move onto the unleasing if a Nazi secret weapon... the art is rather confusing and some of the battle scenes are way over the top but it's a good start.

Witchfinder: City of the Dead #1 Sep 10, 2016

This is getting better and I'm enjoying it.

I don't get the favourable reviews for this. It's nothing new, and the art is poor.

This is becoming an interesting title, and Mera really "kicks ass" as the Yanks would say. I do think the US government would not have reacted in such a clumsy and over the top way, but there you go.

B.P.R.D.: Hell On Earth #144 Aug 29, 2016

The same old plots you've read a hundred times before.

Absolute rubbish. A cast of thousands, but none are interesting.

The art gets worse. Only two issues to go in my subscription and that'll be it for me unless Archie finds a half decent artist.

One of those deliberately confusing issues where nothing makes sense. It feels like I missed an issue, but this is only the second one.

A strong start to this horror title send in 1220 AD. How often would you get to day that? Plently of good characters, and intesting historical backfrop, and evil alien bugs.

Monstress #6 Aug 27, 2016
Monstress Vol. 1 Aug 27, 2016

I really like the characters and the effort being put into their back stories. This has all the makings of a great series, and I hope there is a good long series planned.

Invincible #130 Aug 26, 2016

I like this. It's unusual, and I want to see where it's going.

The Revisionist #2 Aug 26, 2016
The Revisionist #3 Aug 26, 2016

Rather disappointing.

Baltimore: Empty Graves #5 Aug 17, 2016

This is a very disappointing series. If we don't get a slower pace and some characterisation soon, I'm off.

Consistently excellent.

A great series.

Seen it all before. I'm pretty sure Margo will soon be back,which is more than you can say for me.

A horrible car crash of a comic.

My catch up on this title has been a painful experience.

Drivel. Utter drivel.

Absolute codswallop.

We've seen this all before. Can we just get on with the new stories.

Hurrah! Negan is still looking for redemption and hasn't followed the expected route to power! Month after month this comic provides good solid fare.

The art is great, but the story is very slow indeed.

Not bad, but I wish this title had a better artist. And although I love the reprint material, I really dislike the modern liberal editorial cringing at attitudes as they were 50 years ago. Just present the stories and cut the PC grovelling.

Good Lord. I came across this by complete accident, and I'm glad I did. The art is weird but beautiful, every panel a minor masterpiece. The story is unusual and the characters are all interesting. They're not the usual heroes, heroines, and villains normally found in comics, but a fascinating collection of eccentics. I hope it's not too long until the next in the series.

Another good issue, and I liked the art.

Not sure about this title yet. I wonder how often the Pop's-is-being-closed-down story has been used over the years. The art however is great, B&V are beautiful again and not the scarecrows they appear as over in Archie.

This started off as an interesting character-driven tale, but ultimately fails due to a botched and rushed finale. A real shame.

This looks like it will be a good character driven story.

Rather disappointing.

Not really my cup of tea, but this title highlights the shallowness of modern youth's obsession with "social" media and themselves.

I really want to like this, but the story (surface/Atlantis tensions) has been done a million times before.The artwork has settled down a bit after a poor start.

A promising enough start. The dialogue in the bar scene was odd, and I kept wondering if I'd missed something.

This is complete crap. Marvel is in a total creative meltdown at present

Baltimore: Empty Graves #4 Jul 24, 2016

Awful art and a feeble story - and what on Earth is the Huntress wearing? I'm surprised they didn't put a bag over her head while they were at it.

A ponderous and confusing first issue, but there are hints that this could be an interesting story. It's worth sticking around for a few issues I think.

Morning Glories #50 Jul 24, 2016

Blimey. I wasn't expecting another issue this year. The main story pauses for breath and we get a stand alone issue devoted to the witches familiars. All very impressive, and even the great Rudyard Kipling makes a brief appearance.

The Revisionist #1 Jul 24, 2016

It seems most unlikely that Margo is dead, and so far this series has yet to grab me.

Ragnarok #9 Jul 20, 2016
Silver Surfer (2016) #5 Jul 20, 2016

The artwork seems to have settled down a bit, but the Aquaman Rebirth has been disappointing so far.

The section with Mera and Arthur was great, but the rest of the comic is a disjointed collection of of sub-standard other stories. DC needs to get this series to focus on one story and develop it from there. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. There are far too many characters for one comics and more are being introduced with every new issue. This is madness.

I do wish we had less jumping around the universe into different peril's all the time. Can we have some plot and character development? Art is great but the writer is just going through the motions.

All very disappointing. Nothing new plot wise, and with the left-wing creator insisting that mankind, and men in particular, are evil racists. Is this entertainment, or is it propaganda that we actually pay to receive?

It looks good, but this story has been told a thousand times before.

I really thought I'd like this series, and waited for this hardback. Unfortunately the story is pretentious, shallow crap. The art, binding and design is excellent, and deserves much better.

A great issue, but another character with potential is thrown away.

Completely unoriginal. It looks good, but the story is shallow.

The art is beautiful, but the plot goes nowhere - very slowly.

Monstress #4 Jul 6, 2016
Monstress #5 Jul 6, 2016

What a great series. The only bad thing was that it has ended! More please Dynamite.

Very average story, and I don't think much of the art.

Archie (2015) #9 Jul 3, 2016

A good start, and I was pleased to see Mera's ill-advised "Aquawoman" name and costume have been ditched. I just hope the series doesn't go banging on about the conflict between Atlantis and the surface too much. The artwork was great.

George Perez's Sirens #1 Jun 19, 2016
George Perez's Sirens #2 Jun 19, 2016
George Perez's Sirens #3 Jun 19, 2016
George Perez's Sirens #4 Jun 19, 2016
Harrow County #13 Jun 19, 2016

Sheer entertainment. Walker's art is growing on me too.

B.P.R.D.: Hell On Earth #142 Jun 18, 2016

Pretty shallow really.

Lazarus #22 Jun 18, 2016

Average, very average. Characters I do not care, about and poot art.

Lazarus Vol. 1 Deluxe Jun 12, 2016

This was better than I thought it would be and the artwork was spot on. Please DC, let this be the last rebirth/relaunch. If titles don't tell, get a better writer or artist. Don't keep rewriting characters history - just stick with it and please can an ongoing series be that. And don't get me going on the diversity fad. Just publish good stories and people will buy comics. By the way, nice to see Aquyaman and Mera are to be married. Isn't this the third time?

As with Sabrina, the delays had made me determined to drop this title. I cannot. It's just too good. Here we have Reggie, selfish and nasty, being given true character. It's possible to feel sorry for him right up to the very end of the issue. Brilliant stuff. If only it was published more frequently.

What a great series this was. Funny, sweet, relaxed. It's a real shame to see it go, and no doubt the character development will all be wasted when Rebirth starts. We need more comics like starfire.

The Walking Dead #155 Jun 7, 2016

Things are buidling to a climax. I'll really miss this series.

Astro City (2013) #35 May 29, 2016

The problem with with this book is the over large cast. DC need to concentrate on a few at a time.

This was rather better than other recent issues. There was - for once - a coherent story.

Dynamite have followed the star of political correctness to the detriment of Dejah Thoris, Vampirella and Red Sonja. This issue features a lumbering storyline and some very 'muddy' art. Dynamite need to get back to basics on all three titles and I can see yet another relaunch will be necessary soon.

With the contempt shown by Archie to their readers though massive delays between issues, I was ready to give up. However the comic is just too good to drop. It is genuinely creepy and I really hope Archie can get their act together and maintain some sort of a regular schedule.

Disappointing. Peel away the now obligatory 'diversity' and sci-fil content, and what do you have? A bounty hunter/gangster story which we've all seen a thousand times before. The artwork adds 2 points to my score and deserves a better story.

A bit of a 'ho-hum' finale, but not bad.

A stand alone issue with a different artist. Not bad, but I hope the usual artist returns soon.

I miss the usual artist, but this is a solid effort.

We all need more fun,colourful comics - like this - in our lives. It's the best Surfer series in decades.

Not sure that we needed the lesbian sex scene, but the story's pace is impressively unhurried. The artwork continues to be magnificent. Marvel would be well advised to poach this bloke as on so many books he'd blow their 'third-raters' out of the water.

Jughead (2015) #6 May 23, 2016

Once again we have a fairly entertaining story let down by poor artwork. The 1951 classic reprint shows how Archie should be done.

The Walking Dead #154 May 8, 2016
Empress #2 May 7, 2016
Will Eisner's The Spirit #10 May 7, 2016
Invincible #127 May 1, 2016

Why Dynamite think it's good business practise to get hold of an iconic charater, and then change it to another character altogether is beyond me. This is PC garbage at it's worst, even though "Vampirella" does appear in her old costume for much of the issue. If this series makes it to issue six, I will eat issue 7.

Plus Ultra #3 Apr 27, 2016

A good, fun comic.

Great stuff. I would love to see more issues about Steeljack.

While the heroine is unlikeable - and impossible in a Tudor setting - the story is well told and the artwork superb.

A bit of a mess.

I've stuck with this title despite the imminent cancellation, and this is another fun issue. Nothing much happens but so what? I hope DC don't sweep Kori's character developments away at "Rebirth" but I think it's pretty much inevitable.

The story is ok, but the art is appalling. Why are the characters drawn to be butch and ugly?

Umpteen characters have a long-winded and unnecessary battle while spouting gibberish. Very poor art too.

This is brilliant stuff.

This comic seems to just assume we all know the backstory and the characters. I don't and there isn't enough for me to make any effort to. Dropped.

The Walking Dead #153 Apr 21, 2016

The story is quite engaging, but the comic is let down by poor artwork.

Brilliant stuff. My only criticism is that the story seemed slightly rushed.

Plus Ultra #2 Apr 17, 2016

A good start.

Picked this up at random. Although I was completely lost, it was interesting enough to put on my pull list, for a while at least.

This looks like it's going to be a great series. The only thing I didn't like was the now standard "strong female character" who - bizarrely - cross-dresses. There is no way that she would have behaved like this in the 1580's. She would have conformed or have been burnt as a witch. She is also not that likeable - reacting very strangely to tragic news! However, I will stick with this title because of the magnificent artwork.

Lots of fighting and not much plot progression this time.

This comic is getting worse.

So this title goes out with a whimper. There is just no way the crew, stranded without hope of recovery on Venus, would have sat around drinking, quipping and fighting. A good idea, but poorly written.

Jughead (2015) #5 Apr 2, 2016

Interesting. I knew nothing of this title, but it looks good enough to stick around for.

Anyone looking for a horror comic to fill the 'Afterlife with Archie' void, look no further.

A pointless comic with poor art. It owes its existence to Marvel's attempts to flood the market with comics. Here we have the tired old "everyone hates mutants" theme lifted from the X-Men and applied to the Inhumans. Add lashings of political correctness, "diversity", absurd dialogue while drawing the once beautiful Crystal as a boy, and you have a typical example of Marvel's output in 2016.

Not bad, but it was sometimes difficult to wonder who was who - and what was going on. I just hope this isn't going to go off on an anti-Putin job...

I didn't intend to buy this comic with its impending cancellation looming. However the magnificent cover hooked me in. The contents are good too - good old fashioned colourful fun, and even a little 'cheesecake' that has slipped through DC's PC filter. No doubt the upcoming "Rebirth" will put paid to such things and Kori will end up with a completely new personality. Not that I'm a misery of course.

Rather disappointing. The latter half of the comic was telegraphed well in advance, and this story had been told a thousand times now.

The "Uncanny Inhumans" is a lot better than its sister title this month. The art is stronger and the dialogue somewhat more believeable. It's just a shame it's so like the X-Men... the Inhumans were always strong characters, so turning them into X-Men clones is a bit of a shame. However, the story was fairly interesting and I may try the comic again next month.

Another strong issue. I am beginning to wish that the plot would speed up a bit though, it is a very slow burn. I would also like to see more of Ellen. It seems like she and the Spirit have had little time together, which is odd considering their long separation.

The story was quite engaging but the art was rather poor. Why must everyone be drawn as a hatchet faced harridan?

Why can't all comics be as good as this.

The Walking Dead #152 Mar 5, 2016

If you are going to strip an character of its iconic costume on the alter of political correctness and replace it with something Father Christmas's chief elf's daughter might wear, at least get the writing right. This title doesn't - and it's an incoherent shambles. It's not all bad - the art is rather good. This isn't Vampi at all, and I will await her return once this wretched effort has failed.

Great stuff. Funny and entertaining. I hope the creative team stay on this title for a very long run.

Things are simmering nicely, ready for the next major plotline.

Will Eisner's The Spirit #7 Feb 28, 2016

This continues to be a great series. Action, adventure, romance, evil, humour. What more could you want from a comic? I urge people to read one issue - the chances are you'd be hooked.

Oh dear. The worst issue yet. The art continues to be infantile and the story is little better. I won't be buying any more issues, though I doubt the title will survive much longer anyway.

Almost unbelievably bad. If Marvel would stop churning out fourth rate rubbish like this in an attempt to flood the market, perhaps some of their mainstream titles would gain readers otherwise lost to dross like this.

The art has now taken a nosedive with Betty and Veronica looking like a couple of scarecrows. It's only the classic Archie which keeps me coming back. This month we have a story starring Archie's father.

Jughead (2015) #4 Feb 15, 2016

I picked this one at random, thought it looked good and bought it. I'd never heard of the title before. It's a good fun tale, nothing deep and "relevant". The art was good too. I'll probably buy the next new issues based on it - as long as DC don't cancel it of course.

Johnny Red #4 Feb 14, 2016

As soon as I buy an issue of this, I find out it's to be cancelled. Why can DC let an "ongoing" series do that? This cynical rebooting every other year, with a bunch of no. 1's for the fans will backfire one of these days. I rather like the comic itself. Not much went on, but the characters seemed to be fleshed out and the art was good. I would have put it on my pull list, but there is no point now.

I came this looking for a substitute for Afterlife with Archie. It's good. Very good. I am onboard for the next few issues.

There is a lot of fascinating plot bubbling away without it feeling over complex, while the art is superb. I am really enjoying Black Magick.

This comic is beautifully drawn, and the story has a rare depth to it. The story doesn't advance far but some background information is provided. I do feel that it's going down the route of the 'deliberately confusing' variety of comic book. There is also the lurking threat of clumsy but fashionable "diversity" hanging over the comic via its letters page. However I'm intrigued enough to stay aboard.

I don't think a professional crew of scientists and military would have time for the quips and jokes as they supposedly battle to save their habitat, and there seems little urgency to do this before their oxygen runs out. However, it's fairly entertaining and ends on a massive cliffhanger.

I used to love WW and still look in now and again to see if DC have sorted things out. Not on this evidence. The comic is an incoherent shambles. It's the worst issue of a comic I have come across in some time. See you in another 5 years Diana!

Black Magick #3 Jan 27, 2016

A difficult one to review. I quite enjoyed the story, although it's extremely lightweight. The art is abysmal and childish. The title is clearly aimed at young girls so I am not in the target audience. I always liked the character and do enjoy the references to the 60's romance series.

One of only two Marvel titles in my pull list is this series. Quirky, colourful and entertaining. It is a nice change to see such a thing nowadays. It's a far cry from the worthy but dull Surfer of the past. My only gripe is the series restarting with #1. There was no need for this. Nothing has changed from the previous volume.

I came late to this title and am now up to date. This is another reliable issue as the issue reaches the #150 milestone. There is nothing flashy here, no crossovers, no gimmicks, no big events to spoil continuity, no constant renumberings. Just a consistent team turning out good characters and a solid plot. Here is to the next 150 issues!

Probably the best comic being published at present.

Ragnarok #7 Jan 20, 2016

A good start to this series. It will be intersting to see where it goes.

Very average, and as with the last issue I preferred the 1940's reprint. It was funnier and the art was far superior.

Jughead (2015) #3 Jan 16, 2016
Will Eisner's The Spirit #6 Jan 1, 2016

A strange one this. It is seemingly aimed at girls, and nothing wrong with that. The story is quite unusual, not your normal superhero fair. What i did not like was the art. Most of the time this is presented in the now fairly standard 'cartoony' manner, but every now and then Hellcat is drawn as a weird looking toddler. Marvel would be more honest in making this a mini-series rather than an "ongoing". I will be suprised if this title makes it to 12 issues.

Noooohh... not Rosita... one of the best characters left undeveloped and unfulfilled.

Black Magick #2 Dec 25, 2015
The Walking Dead #148 Dec 25, 2015
From Under Mountains #1 Dec 23, 2015
From Under Mountains #2 Dec 23, 2015

It's difficult to know what is going on, and all the characters look the same.

Invincible #126 Dec 23, 2015

A depressing first issue which by it's very nature cannot have a long run. It relies om the gimmick of violence and shock. I wish we could get back to a more reasonable Squadron, as I used to enjoy them.

Death Vigil #7 Dec 15, 2015

A triumph. More please.

The Walking Dead #149 Dec 15, 2015

A little forward momentum is lost with this issue, but the characters are building well.


Comics don't get much better than this.

This really looks as though it is going to be a classic. The story is compelling and the artwork is magnificent. As long as the creators can steer clear of the overt politically correct zealotry favoured by some of the reviewers, I will stay on board.

Secret Wars (2015) #7 Dec 13, 2015

This looks like it's going to be a good series. (I am a bit behind)

All-New Inhumans #1 Dec 5, 2015

Same old plots recycled over and over again.

I was rather disappointed with this issue. I preferred the 1940's reprint to the modern story, and hope Archie continue to print them within their current line of comics.

The tremendous return of Johnny Red continues. An rip roaring adventure with vivid art. If you're not reading this comic, you should really give it a go. A nice touch is the backup interview with the 1970's Battle editor.

Good, but not that good. Are the reviewers giving this 10/10 really impartial?

My first issue of this comic since #105. Enjoyed it, and will keep reading.

If only Empowered was monthly. It's that good.

Ho hum.

Black Magick #1 Nov 27, 2015
Will Eisner's The Spirit #5 Nov 27, 2015

I've enjoyed this series so far, but the very short runs and subsequent temporary abandonment of the storyline for another is beginning to annoy me. Add in the deliberately confusing story where it's difficult to tell what is going on. If the series doesn't turn it around, I'll be dropping it.

A superb story with hints of far more to come, and magnificent artwork. This comic was not that hard to 'get into'. I hope it proves popular for these points rather than because of the fashionable "diversity" of its cast and creators.

What an absolute mess. After 20+ years of Thor I've had enough.

I regretted buying this as soon as I began to read it. It's the same old tired stuff which has been served up a thousand times before. No real invention. No sense of a real beginning, just another team book which will have a short run before cynically starting again with another issue #1. Some of the glowing reviews this comic has received are deeply suspect.

Great stuff. As an original Johnny Red reader in 'Battle', this revival feels right. It takes a while to set up the story, but even this is well done and intersting. We don't see much of Johhny in this this first issue, but the raw energy of the action is still there.

My first issue of this title, and I bought it knowing little of the back story. However it was intriguing enough for me to keep it on my pull list while I look for some collections of the early history of the comic.

2000AD #1956 Nov 12, 2015
Betty & Veronica #278 Nov 9, 2015

I hate reboots, but this one is unusual. It may turn out ok. In the meantime, this issue does the job well.

I'm new to all things Archie. This is a welcome change for me after giving up on Marvel and DC and it's what a comic should be - fun.

Good fun stuff. I aim to stick around for a few issues, and see how it goes.

I am really enjoying this series. Good old fashioned adventure.

Reviews for the Week of...


