Justice League #11

Writer: Bryan Hitch Artist: Neil Edwards, Daniel Henriques Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: December 21, 2016 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 9 User Reviews: 21
6.0Critic Rating
5.7User Rating

"OUTBREAK" conclusion! Beaten, battered and outnumbered, the Justice League faces utter annihilation when Amazo and a host of the team's deadliest enemies are released from prisons around the world as part of one man's revenge against the world's greatest superheroes.

  • 9.0
    Dark Knight News - Tyler Harris Dec 24, 2016

    Overall, “Outbreak” has been an interesting story with some awesome moments, but I am glad it found the place to end without running too long. I'm excited to read the JLvSS crossover (which one of my colleagues has already written a review for here) and see what direction Hitch takes these characters in both during and after this event has ended. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Dec 21, 2016

    Outbreak ends on an abrupt note, likely to allow for the Justice League vs. Suicide Squad tie-in. Justice League has a way to go to reach the Rebirth upper echelon, but this issue was a fun little slugfest and there's nothing wrong with that at all. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Sean Blumenshine Dec 21, 2016

    Overall, this is a good issue. For the most part, the issue takes complete advantage of its premise and has fun with it. The issue is engaging and exciting with great art. However, the ending is too abrupt for my taste. It still works overall. I recommend reading this issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - John White Dec 21, 2016

    Justice League #11 is in many ways a very focused issue. Unlike some earlier issues that had too many plot lines and not enough pages to go around, the story is centralized and takes place almost entirely within a three-block radius of a suburb. In narrowing down the story, Hitch is able to add greater detail to the action on the page and the characterization of the heroes and villains alike. Neil Edwards’ art is on full display and no space is wasted on the page. His art is taken to the next level by the outstanding colors provided by Adriano Lucas that makes each page pop. The combination of stellar writing, an exciting story, and artwork that is nothing if not super makes Justice League #11 a book that you will want to pick up today. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Green Lantern Corps - iggy Dec 22, 2016

    My only real problem is that this story line just ends, and that's most likely due to the next issue ties into the Justice League Vs. Suicide Squad event, but I would have like some hint of a plot point that will be brought back in 2017 but alas nothing. Justice League #11 was a balls to the walls great action oriented comic book, Neil Edwards should stay on as the main series artist ( I doubt that happens though). Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    The Batman Universe - Paul Selby Dec 23, 2016

    While this issue on its own has some entertaining moments, as the end of this story arch, is ultimately unsatisfying. Read Full Review

  • 3.5
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Dec 21, 2016

    Another Justice League story ends with a vague victory that came about in ways I didn't quite understand.  The Genie A.I. went from wish giver to villain to hacker hero and back and forth throughout.  The art was nice, but this story and book are a complete mess and is one of the biggest embarrassments of Rebirth.  It's worse than bad and that's a shame for a book that should be the flagship of the whole line. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Batman-News - Brian Warshaw Dec 21, 2016

    Despite signs of potential improvement at the end of last issue, Justice League #11 is a hasty nosedive back into the mess that this series has been for most of its run. If Yanick Paquette's variant for this one was as imaginative as his last, then you might have a reason to shell out a few bucks for this, but it's not (which is not to say it's a bad cover). Read something else this week. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    AIPT - David Brooke Dec 21, 2016

    It's hard not to see this as lazy superhero writing. The characters punch and kick their way out of a battle with very little teamwork and a very silly premise that's put them in this position. Save for some solid art and a funny moment, this issue is easily skippable. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Kitaru Dec 22, 2016

    I'm not sure what to say about this series that someone else has not already said. The characters are very awkward with each other, and can even feel less like a team and more like strangers forced together. I think this series needs a much deserved break and a new creative team to freshen things up.

  • 6.0
    kfc902 Dec 29, 2016

    Did not care about this arch, on top of that the drawings are not impressive. It seems that there is no overlaying plots developing yet and it always ends in a slug fest. This series needs to freshen up.

  • 5.0
    mrDovydas Jan 3, 2017

    This is just plain stupid. This is the worst book of DC's Rebirth. Hopefully, the next couple issues will be better (not a hard thing to achieve).

  • 5.0
    El Chapulin Colorado Dec 31, 2016

    This time there not much to say, the whole issue is a big fight which is precisely what the series needed: known villains with a clear objective, and hey, it only took Hitch 11 issues to give us that.

    But of course this being Hitch there will be negative things, in this case was the lack of Amazo which was the main attraction but only got a few panels since the story focused more on everybody trying to get their hands on the holy ipad, and the return of Jessica Cruz whose exit from the JL a few issues back now seems very inconsequential (not that I doubted she would return but because why Hitch bothered to do it to begin with)

  • 5.0
    Sav Dec 26, 2016

    There's no end. How can you just stop the story? I want my money back DC! It's like there could've been a-whole-nother issue, but they didn't want to pay for it. Yet, 25% of the issue is DEVOTED TO ADVERTISING FOR OTHER COMICS!! Ffs. No way was this the creative team's call. It's always some fucktard in management.

  • 5.0
    DizzyG Dec 22, 2016

    Uggghhhh...Bryan Hitch needs to be removed from this book ASAP!

  • 5.0
    Nightmare of Solomon Dec 21, 2016

    DC really needs to hand the book to someone else, because Hitch is just not doing it any favors. I mean, this is supposed to be the flagship team book of DC and it's just waffling between mediocre to terrible with no sight of improvement any time near.

  • 4.5
    Holyjiebus Dec 27, 2016

    Comic Book Review (4.5/10) "Bad"
    Writer: Bryan Hitch
    Penciller: Neil Edwards
    Plot: Little Lily's tablet becomes the object of desire as Psimon and the other villians that were promised millions for the destruction of the Justice League by the Genie app (an app created by the genius mind of Lily) find out that this app has the power to give them total control of the world's infrastructure. Can Batman and the rest of the Justice League destroy the tablet and the Genie app before it's too late?
    If you read the plot out loud you can hear how dumb the plot is. Instead of backtracking and making this issue about the villains, Hitch continues and makes this comic about the dangerous tablet. This is the first time I have ever more

  • 4.5
    Supes' soups Dec 21, 2016

    If Justice League has gotten this $hitty after Geoff Johns' departure, the movies that he's working on right now better be phucking brilliant. If it takes DC's best creative talent to stop Zack Snyder from screwing the pooch in the DCEU then fine I'll let a bad Justice League comic book slide but if both the Justice League comic and the Justice League movie suck harder than a porn-star with student loans to repay then I'm filing an official complaint with xerox copies of all the butt cheeks of upset fans because signatures on a petition doesn't seem to do anything these days...

  • 8.5
    PatrickF. Mar 25, 2017

  • 8.0
    eolnardo Dec 20, 2020

  • 7.0
    mikesbr42 Apr 4, 2019

  • 7.0
    Nuckster77 Dec 27, 2016

  • 6.5
    Rico Jan 6, 2017

  • 6.5
    StanielK Jan 4, 2017

  • 6.5
    sebastianorellana95 Dec 21, 2016

  • 6.0
    ed1138 Feb 3, 2023

  • 6.0
    cincyfan Nov 17, 2019

  • 6.0
    Gunnarthehuman Dec 21, 2016

  • 4.0

  • 1.5
    WhistleBlower Dec 21, 2016

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